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United Kingdom's of Katarem is a nation led by First Speaker Nazem Hadad on the continent of Africa. United Kingdom's of Katarem's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, United Kingdom's of Katarem favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of United Kingdom's of Katarem is the Krataren Credit. At 16 days old, United Kingdom's of Katarem is a young nation. United Kingdom's of Katarem has a population of 570,777 and a land area of 6,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 95.13. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 80.4950%.

"We use to have a home. A planet all to ourselves. Now, here we are, on Orbis, forced to start again. It's bleak, I know, but we rose from the ashes once, we will do it again, not as different nations, but as one singular nation, named after the planet we once called home." 

- First Speaker Nazem Hadad during the Decleration of Settlement after the founding of New Nova City

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Katarem
Leader Name: Nazem Hadad
Currency: Currency Image
Krataren Credit
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: From an outsiders perspective, there isent much known about the Kratarens. They seemingly showed up and settled down on the coast of Egypt. Many speculate there demotion hoppers. Others speculate there aliens. Only the Kratarens know for sure.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 9,656.04 sq. km
Terrain: Tropical forest, mostly, surrounded by desert.
Highest Peak: Mt Hope, 12,570 meters
Lowest Valley: Crater Valley, -263 meters
Climate: Climate Ranges from subtropical to desert, depending on the location.
People & Society
Population: 570,777 people
Demonym: Krataren
Demonym Plural: Kratarens
Ethnic Groups: Anthro - 63.7%
Human - 23.1%
Other - 12.6%
Languages: Krataren B'adlo - 73.4%
English - 24.2%
Unknown - 2.4%
Religions: Old Kemetic - 52.3%
Old Greek - 24.6%
Old Norse - 23.1%
Life Expectancy: 134 years
Obesity: 1.2%
Alcohol Users: 11.6%
Tobacco Users: 16.8%
Cannabis Users: 69.4%
Hard Drug Users: 4.9%
Description: The nation had a thriving digital currency industry, but after settling down, they introduced simple coins to subsidize when access to digital currency was not avalable.
Average Yearly Income: $47.30
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $714,041,888.00
GDP per Capita: $1,251.00
Gross National Income (GNI): $106,621,245.00
Industries: Mostly reliant on tourism and media, the company focuses on a complete trade economy, useing there income to bring in goods.
History: Although they have an ability to hold an army, many of there nation refuse to hold a full army to focus on tech advancement, only putting enough money in to support there defensive army.
Soldiers: 85,014
Tanks: 3,182
Aircraft: 247
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/03/2024 07:29 pm