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New Tropico

The Republic of New Tropico is a nation led by El Presidente Ryan Jackson on the continent of North America. The Republic of New Tropico's government is a Dictatorship with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Republic of New Tropico favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Republic of New Tropico is the Tropican Dollar. At 43 days old, The Republic of New Tropico is an established nation. The Republic of New Tropico has a population of 1,200,126 and a land area of 12,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 96.01. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 81.7441%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: New Tropico
Leader Name: Ryan Jackson
Currency: Currency Image
Tropican Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: ### **Proclamation of Sovereignty**

**Date:** August 15, 2024
**Location:** Isla Tropica, New Tropico



In the name of freedom, self-determination, and the unyielding spirit of our people, we, the citizens of the island formerly known as Tropico, declare the establishment of our independent and sovereign nation, New Tropico. This document serves as a testament to our journey, our struggles, and our victory in the pursuit of nationhood.


### **Article I: The Birth of New Tropico**

1. **Historical Background:**
- Tropico was initially established as a micronation in 2002 by a group of idealists who sought to create a society based on principles of liberty, equality, and justice.
- For over two decades, Tropico was dismissed by the international community as a whimsical experiment, a micronation with little consequence on the global stage.
- However, the people of Tropico held onto their vision, fostering a unique culture and governance system that became a beacon of hope for those disillusioned with traditional nation-states.

2. **The Struggle for Recognition:**
- Tensions with neighboring nations and internal dissent culminated in a civil war that lasted from 2020 to 2024. This conflict pitted the loyalists of Tropico against external forces that sought to absorb the island into a larger state.
- The Tropican Civil War was marked by fierce battles, but also by the resilience of the Tropican people, who defended their homeland with unwavering determination.
- On August 1, 2024, the forces of Tropico achieved a decisive victory, securing the island’s sovereignty.

3. **Declaration of Independence:**
- On August 15, 2024, the leaders of Tropico formally declared the establishment of New Tropico, an independent and sovereign nation, recognized by its people and asserted through its victory in the civil war.
- The declaration was met with jubilation across the island, as the people of New Tropico celebrated their newfound independence.


### **Article II: Governance of New Tropico**

1. **Formation of Government:**
- New Tropico shall be governed as a democratic republic, with power vested in the people and exercised through elected representatives.
- The government shall consist of three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial, each with distinct powers and responsibilities to ensure a balance of power.

2. **The Constitution:**
- A Constitutional Assembly shall be convened within six months of this proclamation to draft the Constitution of New Tropico, which shall enshrine the rights and freedoms of its citizens, the structure of its government, and the principles of justice and equality.

3. **Leadership:**
- Until the ratification of the Constitution, an interim government shall be established, led by the President of the Republic, who shall oversee the transition to a stable and democratic governance.


### **Article III: International Relations**

1. **Recognition and Diplomacy:**
- New Tropico shall seek diplomatic recognition from the international community, and it shall enter into relations with other nations based on principles of mutual respect, non-interference, and peaceful coexistence.

2. **Alliances and Memberships:**
- New Tropico shall seek membership in international organizations that align with its values and interests, and it shall forge alliances that protect its sovereignty and promote global peace.


### **Article IV: Economic and Social Development**

1. **Economic Independence:**
- New Tropico shall develop a self-sustaining economy that leverages its natural resources, human capital, and strategic location. The government shall promote sustainable development, innovation, and entrepreneurship to ensure long-term prosperity.

2. **Social Welfare:**
- The government of New Tropico shall prioritize the well-being of its citizens, providing access to healthcare, education, and social services. Equality and inclusivity shall be the foundation of social policy.


### **Article V: Cultural Identity**

1. **Preservation of Heritage:**
- New Tropico shall preserve and promote its unique cultural heritage, which reflects the diverse influences and history of the island. The government shall support the arts, traditions, and languages of New Tropico.

2. **National Symbols:**
- The national flag, anthem, and other symbols of New Tropico shall be selected through a process of public consultation, reflecting the identity and aspirations of the nation.


### **Article VI: Commitment to Peace**

1. **Demilitarization:**
- In recognition of the devastating effects of war, New Tropico commits to a policy of demilitarization, maintaining only a small defense force for the protection of its sovereignty and the safety of its citizens.

2. **Promotion of Global Peace:**
- New Tropico shall advocate for peace and conflict resolution on the global stage, offering its support and experience in peaceful nation-building.



We, the people of New Tropico, hereby proclaim our nation’s sovereignty and commit ourselves to building a just, prosperous, and peaceful society. We extend our hands in friendship to the world and declare that New Tropico shall be a nation of hope and opportunity for all who dwell within its borders.

**New Tropican Presidente Ryan Jackson**
**Date:** August 15, 2024
Continent: North America
Land Area: 20,116.75 sq. km

### **New Tropico: Terrain Overview**

New Tropico is an island nation blessed with an extensive and varied coastline. The shores are characterized by pristine white-sand beaches that stretch along the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. Palm trees line these idyllic beaches, providing shade and contributing to the island’s picturesque appearance. Rocky cliffs and hidden coves are interspersed with the beaches, offering secluded spots and breathtaking views of the ocean. Coral reefs surround much of the island, creating a natural barrier and nurturing a vibrant underwater ecosystem.

**Inland Plains:**
Moving inland, the terrain transitions into fertile plains that are ideal for agriculture. These plains are dotted with small farms and plantations, where tropical fruits, sugarcane, and coffee are cultivated. The soil is rich and volcanic in origin, contributing to the lush vegetation and the island’s agricultural productivity. The plains are also home to rivers and streams that wind their way toward the coast, providing vital water sources for both people and wildlife.

**Mountainous Highlands:**
The central region of New Tropico is dominated by a range of low mountains and rolling hills. The highest peak, Mount Solano, stands at about 1,200 meters (3,937 feet) and is a significant landmark of the island. These highlands are covered in dense forests, with mist often hanging over the peaks, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere. The mountains provide a cooler climate compared to the coastal regions and are a popular destination for hiking and exploration.

**Tropical Rainforests:**
The island’s heart is enveloped by thick, tropical rainforests, which are teeming with biodiversity. These jungles are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the island. Towering trees, dense underbrush, and vibrant flowers define the landscape, while waterfalls and streams add to the natural beauty. The rainforest is a crucial part of New Tropico’s ecosystem, providing both resources and protection for the island’s inhabitants.

**Wetlands and Mangroves:**
In some coastal areas, especially where rivers meet the sea, wetlands and mangrove forests can be found. These areas are rich in wildlife, serving as important breeding grounds for fish and birds. The mangroves play a crucial role in protecting the coastline from erosion and storm surges, and they are a key element in maintaining the island’s ecological balance.


This varied and lush terrain not only defines the natural beauty of New Tropico but also supports a wide range of activities and lifestyles, from agriculture and fishing to tourism and conservation. The island’s geography is a vital aspect of its identity, contributing to both its cultural heritage and its future as a thriving, independent nation.
Highest Peak: Mount Solano, 1 meters
Lowest Valley: El Valle Verde, 50 meters
Climate: ### **New Tropico: Climate Overview**

**Primary Island (Caribbean):**

New Tropico enjoys a tropical maritime climate, typical of Caribbean islands. This climate is characterized by warm temperatures, high humidity, and distinct wet and dry seasons.

- **Temperature:**
- Average temperatures on the island range between 25°C (77°F) and 30°C (86°F) throughout the year, with only slight variations between seasons. The coastal areas experience cooling sea breezes, which moderate the heat, especially during the day.

- **Seasons:**
- **Dry Season:** From November to April, the island experiences its dry season. During this period, the weather is mostly sunny with lower humidity, making it the peak time for tourism. Rainfall is minimal, and the skies are usually clear.
- **Wet Season:** From May to October, New Tropico enters its wet season. This period is characterized by frequent rain showers, often in the form of afternoon thunderstorms. The humidity levels are higher, and the island occasionally faces tropical storms or hurricanes, particularly between August and October.

- **Humidity:**
- The island has high humidity levels, particularly during the wet season, when it can reach up to 90%. During the dry season, humidity decreases slightly, making the weather more comfortable.

- **Winds:**
- Trade winds blow consistently from the northeast, providing a cooling effect year-round. During the wet season, these winds can become stronger, especially when associated with tropical storms.

**Tropican Military Base (West Pacific):**


The recently conquered colony island in the West Pacific has a slightly different climate due to its location, though it shares some similarities with the main island.

- **Temperature:**
- The West Pacific island also has a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging between 27°C (81°F) and 32°C (90°F) year-round. The island tends to be slightly warmer than New Tropico’s primary island.

- **Seasons:**
- **Dry Season:** The dry season on the Pacific island occurs from December to March, similar to New Tropico’s main island, with warm and sunny days and lower humidity.
- **Wet Season:** The wet season runs from April to November, with heavy rains and thunderstorms. The island is more prone to tropical cyclones (typhoons) during this period, especially from July to October.

- **Humidity:**
- The West Pacific island experiences very high humidity, often above 85% throughout the year, peaking during the wet season.

- **Winds:**
- The island is affected by the monsoon winds, which bring significant rainfall during the wet season. Additionally, the island can experience strong typhoon winds, which can cause severe weather conditions.

### **Overall Climate Impact:**
Both islands, while separated by a vast ocean, share the challenges and benefits of a tropical climate. Their climates support rich biodiversity, lush vegetation, and a strong agricultural sector, but also expose them to the risks of tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons. The climate plays a crucial role in shaping the lifestyle, economy, and cultural practices of New Tropico and its newly acquired Pacific territory.
People & Society
Population: 1,200,126 people
Demonym: Tropicano
Demonym Plural: Tropicanos
Ethnic Groups: Mestizo - 50.0%
Indigenous Tropicanos - 25.0%
African, Asian and Pure European - 25.0%
Languages: Spanish - 85.0%
Creole - 40.0%
English - 98.0%
Religions: Roman Catholicism - 60.0%
Santería - 20.0%
Traditional Animism/Indigenous Spiritual - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 76 years
Obesity: 28%
Alcohol Users: 70%
Tobacco Users: 35%
Cannabis Users: 12%
Hard Drug Users: 8%
Description: New Tropico’s economy is diverse and multifaceted, driven by a mix of traditional industries and emerging sectors. Here’s an overview:

### **Economic Sectors:**

1. **Agriculture:**
- **Tobacco:** The tobacco industry is a cornerstone of the economy. New Tropico is renowned for its high-quality cigars, which are a major export product. Tobacco farming supports a significant portion of the rural population and contributes substantially to the nation’s GDP.
- **Rum Production:** The rum industry is another key economic driver. New Tropico’s rum is celebrated internationally, and the industry is closely tied to the island’s sugarcane plantations. Rum production supports both agriculture and tourism.
- **Other Crops:** The island also grows tropical fruits (such as bananas, pineapples, and mangoes), vegetables, and coffee. Agriculture remains an important sector, providing food security and contributing to exports.

2. **Tourism:**
- **Beaches and Resorts:** Tourism is a major industry, with visitors drawn to New Tropico’s beautiful beaches, warm climate, and luxury resorts. The island's natural beauty, including coral reefs and rainforests, attracts eco-tourists and adventure seekers.
- **Cultural Tourism:** The island’s rich cultural heritage, including traditional festivals, music, and dance, also plays a significant role in attracting tourists.

3. **Manufacturing:**
- **Cigar Production:** Beyond agriculture, the manufacturing of cigars is a significant industry. Factories in New Tropico produce premium cigars for export, contributing to the nation’s economic growth.
- **Rum Bottling:** The bottling and branding of rum are crucial manufacturing processes that add value to the raw product before export.

4. **Services:**
- **Financial Services:** There is a growing financial sector, with banking and insurance services expanding to support both local needs and international business. New Tropico is working to become a regional financial hub.
- **Retail and Hospitality:** The retail and hospitality sectors are expanding, driven by both local demand and tourist influx. Shopping, dining, and entertainment are increasingly important components of the economy.

5. **Fishing and Marine Resources:**
- **Commercial Fishing:** Fishing is a traditional industry, providing food and employment for coastal communities. Sustainable practices are being promoted to protect marine ecosystems and ensure long-term viability.

6. **Emerging Sectors:**
- **Technology and Innovation:** New Tropico is investing in technology and innovation to diversify its economy. Start-ups and tech hubs are emerging, focusing on digital services, e-commerce, and sustainable technologies.
- **Renewable Energy:** The government is exploring renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce dependence on imported fuels and promote environmental sustainability.

### **Economic Challenges and Opportunities:**

- **Challenges:**
- **Dependency on Traditional Industries:** The economy’s heavy reliance on tobacco and rum poses risks, including fluctuations in global markets and changing regulations.
- **Income Inequality:** There are disparities between urban and rural areas, with economic opportunities often concentrated in cities.

- **Opportunities:**
- **Diversification:** Expanding into new sectors, such as technology and renewable energy, presents opportunities for growth and economic resilience.
- **Sustainable Tourism:** Emphasizing eco-tourism and sustainable practices can enhance the island’s appeal while preserving its natural resources.

Overall, New Tropico’s economy is characterized by a blend of traditional industries and emerging opportunities, with a focus on leveraging its natural resources and cultural assets to drive growth and development.
Average Yearly Income: $240.57
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,336,043,745.00
GDP per Capita: $1,113.25
Gross National Income (GNI): $802,295,550.00
Industries: Based on the information I have, here are the key industries in New Tropico:

### **Key Industries in New Tropico**

1. **Tobacco Industry:**
- **Description:** The tobacco industry is a major economic driver in New Tropico. The island is renowned for its high-quality cigars, which are a significant export product. Tobacco farming supports a substantial part of the rural population, and the industry is integral to both the local economy and national identity.

2. **Rum Industry:**
- **Description:** The rum industry is another cornerstone of New Tropico’s economy. The island’s rum is well-regarded internationally for its quality. Rum production is closely tied to the sugarcane plantations, and the industry supports a range of activities from farming to bottling and branding. This sector also plays a crucial role in tourism, with rum-related experiences and products being popular among visitors.

3. **Agriculture:**
- **Description:** Besides tobacco and sugarcane, New Tropico produces a variety of other crops, including tropical fruits (such as bananas, pineapples, and mangoes), vegetables, and coffee. Agriculture remains vital for both domestic consumption and export, contributing to the island’s food security and economic stability.

4. **Tourism:**
- **Description:** Tourism is a significant sector, driven by the island’s natural beauty, including its beaches, coral reefs, and rainforests. The industry includes luxury resorts, eco-tourism, and cultural tourism, all of which contribute to the island’s economic growth. The tourism sector benefits from the island's attractive climate and rich cultural heritage.

5. **Manufacturing:**
- **Description:** The manufacturing sector includes the production of cigars and rum, with factories involved in both processing raw materials and creating final products for export. This sector adds value to agricultural products and plays a crucial role in the economy.

6. **Fishing and Marine Resources:**
- **Description:** Fishing is a traditional industry that provides both food and employment for coastal communities. The industry focuses on sustainable practices to protect marine ecosystems and ensure long-term viability.

7. **Financial Services:**
- **Description:** The financial sector is expanding, with growing services in banking, insurance, and financial management. New Tropico is working to establish itself as a regional financial hub.

8. **Technology and Innovation:**
- **Description:** Emerging technology and innovation sectors are gaining traction, with start-ups and tech hubs focusing on digital services, e-commerce, and sustainable technologies. The government is investing in these areas to diversify the economy.

9. **Renewable Energy:**
- **Description:** The government is exploring renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce dependence on imported fuels and promote environmental sustainability.

10. **Piracy**
**Description:** Since there are no restrictions in terms of war, or piracy, this country does not condemn piracy.

These industries together create a diverse economic landscape for New Tropico, balancing traditional strengths with emerging opportunities for growth and development.
History: ### **History of the Armed Forces of New Tropico**

**1. **Early Beginnings (Pre-Independence Era)**

- **Colonial Military Presence:**
- During the colonial period under Spanish rule, the island of New Tropico was primarily defended by Spanish colonial forces. These forces were stationed to protect the colony from external threats and to maintain order within the territory.

- **Micronation Era:**
- When New Tropico was still a micronation, the island’s military capabilities were minimal. The defense was largely informal, consisting of volunteer militias and local guards. The micronation’s small size and limited resources meant that its military presence was more symbolic than functional.

**2. **Formation and Expansion (Post-Independence Era)**

- **Civil War and Militarization:**
- After the civil war that led to the formation of the modern state of New Tropico, the new government undertook a significant expansion and reorganization of its armed forces. The conflict highlighted the need for a more robust and organized military to ensure the nation’s security and sovereignty.

- **Early Years of the New Nation:**
- In the early years following independence, the armed forces of New Tropico were focused on establishing a stable military infrastructure. This period saw the creation of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, with a focus on internal security and territorial defense.

**3. **Modernization and Professionalization (Late 20th Century to Early 21st Century)**

- **Modernization Efforts:**
- In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, New Tropico invested in modernizing its armed forces. This included upgrading equipment, enhancing training programs, and improving military infrastructure. The government sought to create a more professional and capable military to address both internal and external threats.

- **Peacekeeping and Regional Engagement:**
- During this period, New Tropico’s armed forces also became involved in regional peacekeeping missions. The country participated in several international operations aimed at maintaining stability and supporting humanitarian efforts in neighboring regions.

**4. **Recent Developments (21st Century)**

- **Expansion and Modernization:**
- In recent years, New Tropico has continued to expand and modernize its military capabilities. The armed forces have undergone significant reforms, including the acquisition of advanced technology, the establishment of specialized units, and increased focus on cyber warfare and intelligence.

- **Defense of New Territories:**
- With the recent conquest of a colony island in the West Pacific, New Tropico’s armed forces have expanded their operational scope. The new territory has required additional resources and strategic planning to integrate it into the national defense framework. This has included establishing military bases, conducting joint operations, and enhancing naval capabilities to protect the expanded borders.

- **Focus on National Security:**
- The current focus of New Tropico’s armed forces is on ensuring national security, maintaining territorial integrity, and participating in regional security initiatives. The military continues to play a crucial role in safeguarding the nation’s interests and responding to emerging threats.

### **Branches of the Armed Forces:**

- **Army:**
The Army is responsible for land-based operations, including territorial defense, internal security, and peacekeeping missions. It has undergone significant modernization to enhance its effectiveness and capabilities.

- **Navy:**
The Navy is crucial for protecting New Tropico’s maritime interests, especially with the recent acquisition of new territories. The Navy conducts patrols, protects shipping lanes, and engages in naval exercises.

- **Air Force:**
The Air Force provides air superiority, surveillance, and support for ground and naval operations. It has invested in advanced aircraft and technology to enhance its operational capabilities.

### **Current Role and Future Outlook:**

- **National Defense:**
The armed forces of New Tropico play a critical role in national defense, including safeguarding the country’s borders and responding to potential threats.

- **Regional Influence:**
The military also contributes to the country’s regional influence, participating in joint exercises and collaborative defense initiatives with neighboring states.

- **Future Goals:**
Looking ahead, New Tropico aims to continue modernizing its armed forces, improving its technological capabilities, and expanding its strategic reach to address evolving security challenges and opportunities.
Soldiers: 61,182
Tanks: 2,792
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 21
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/31/2024 05:20 pm