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The Republic of Prethia is a nation led by President Pinball on the continent of North America. The Republic of Prethia's government is a Communist Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Republic of Prethia favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Republic of Prethia is the Gold Standard. At 76 days old, The Republic of Prethia is an established nation. The Republic of Prethia has a population of 905,170 and a land area of 12,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 75.43. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Branches of Government of the Prethian Republic

Speaker of The Grand Council (legislative): Jorlan Thorne

Chief Justice of The High Court (Judicial): Elida Vox, The chief Justice is responsible for sentencing people due to the extreme actions of citizens that might occur and is also responsible for creating lesser courts

President of The Republic of Prethia (Executive): Pinball, The President is responsible for enforcing laws and administration of the government and leading the military in times of war, finally the president is also able to choose his cabinet 

The Minister of Secret Intelligence and Surveillance (Forth Branch): Korrin Vale

Code of Laws 

The Grand council has the power to make laws and pass them if there are more votes for the bill than against it (263 legislators will be appointed)

The high court has the power to decide people’s sentences due to the extreme actions of the individual or individuals that might occur in the nation

The President of The Republic of Prethia has the power to make decisions about war and to advise laws to The Grand Council

The President is also able to pick the people who is serving with him or her (Secretary, Senate, etc.)

The Secret intelligence and Surveillance works with the military in gathering information from enemy states

Voting Procedures

One: The President of Prethia will remain in office until he or she is deceased or voted out of office by the people in the nation

For the previous to be executed properly the people will either vote for the president to stay in office or to get excommunicated from office 

If there is more citizens that vote for the president stay then the president stays and if there’s more citizens that vote for the removal then the president is removed from office and then there will be two candidates running against each other after that.

Voting procedure 1 can only take effect every 12 years.

Two: Voting in the cities will take place every month to vote on resolutions to solve an issue in that city 

Members of the city councils will have 29 days to come up with resolutions on how to resolve an issue in that city 

If there are no issues in whichever city then members in the city council will have 29 days to come up with resolutions on how to make the city or nation better

In the rare case of cities having little issues members of the city councils will have the opportunity to write a resolution on a national issue and suggest it to the Legislative branch

Three: Voting on economic issues is a national issue where the members of the legislative branch will have to vote on the resolutions for the economic issues 

Four: International Issues: Voting on international matters will cause a vote to take place within the executive branch 

Policies: Policies are allowed to be ammended by the president and the legislative branch 

Rules of voting: Citizens are allowed to abstain from voting, not allowed to destroy ballots; destroying ballots will result in 5 years jail time



Basic Information
Nation Name: Prethia
Leader Name: Pinball
Nation ID: 631562
Founded: 11/27/2024 (76 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 02/04/2025
Discord Username:ben894
Unique ID: 2928463ba3173b87a13bd13ed
International Relations
Alliance: The Knights Radiant Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:45 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 8
Denouncements: 1
Nation Page Visits: 1,331
Population: 905,170
Infrastructure: 8,467.04
Land Area: 12,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 75.43 people/sq. mi
GDP: $329,342,287.00
GDP per Capita: $363.85
GNI: $28,616,730.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Gold Standard
Government Type: Communist Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Authoritarian
State Religion: Christianity Christianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageGolden eagle
Approval Rating: 0% (-27.82)
Pollution Index: 132 points
Radiation Index: 364.51 R (Global: 383.15 R)
Nation Rank: #4,589 of 11,258 Nations (40.76%)
Nation Score: More Information 741.68
War Policy: Help Guardian Guardian Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 3,102.48
Infrastructure Lost: 5,045.00
Money Looted: $128,505,031.11
Wars Won: 29
Wars Lost: 19

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

6 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/09 12:05 pm - Prethia had war declared by The Molar Republic for the reason of "Get off my plane.".
02/02 12:23 am - Prethia had war declared by Guam for the reason of "Ooga Booga".
02/01 06:10 pm - Prethia had war declared by Etivac for the reason of "Economic inequality thrives under your rule. We declare war for the oppressed.".
02/01 08:02 am - Prethia had war declared by Wocunara for the reason of "Tag, you're it. ".
01/24 12:51 pm - Prethia had war declared by Etheirys for the reason of "Your nation has too many goats. We demand balance in the universe.".
01/24 09:12 am - Prethia had war declared by Chlamidyaland for the reason of "We saw your soldiers doing the Macarena. This can't go unpunished.".
01/24 04:17 am - Prethia changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Orange.
01/23 11:19 am - Prethia had war declared by Hill of Crosses for the reason of "15m for peace message for offers".
01/15 05:34 pm - Prethia had war declared by Rhenna for the reason of "Long Live The Revolution!".
01/15 09:48 am - Ronald I of Allmenia has publicly commended the nation of Prethia.
01/15 09:31 am - Prethia had war declared by Walmart for the reason of "inactive pupp!".
01/15 06:00 am - Prethia had war declared by Stormcrest Prime for the reason of "Veni, vidi, vici. Now, we shall conquer your lands as we did before.".
01/11 04:49 am - Prethia had war declared by Falcon Car Warsh for the reason of "Accept the trade and ask for peace cuzzo or I'll put you in the microwave like in 45".
01/06 10:56 pm - Sharon of Autistan has publicly commended the nation of Prethia.
12/28 10:47 pm - Prethia declared war on Russian Peoples Union for the reason of "Nice nation, it would be a shame if...".
12/28 10:46 pm - Prethia declared war on Refugee Camp for the reason of "Your leader's fashion sense is an international crisis".
12/28 10:45 pm - Prethia declared war on United Roman Republic for the reason of "Our spies found out you prefer pineapple on pizza. This is unacceptable.".
12/28 06:47 pm - Edwin of Kingdom of Aldovia has publicly commended the nation of Prethia.
12/28 05:15 am - Prethia applied to join the alliance The Knights Radiant.
12/28 05:09 am - Prethia has publicly commended the nation of Warlords of Valor led by VaderR.
12/28 05:03 am - VaderR of Warlords of Valor has publicly commended the nation of Prethia.
12/28 03:58 am - Prethia had war declared by Mithila for the reason of "Raid war.".
12/28 03:26 am - Prethia changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Orange.
12/28 12:56 am - Prethia left the alliance Rose.
12/28 12:52 am - Prethia declared war on Heavy Metal Diplomats for the reason of "OMG, your country is like, sooo basic. Time for a glow-up, war style.".
12/28 12:52 am - Prethia declared war on Kingdom of Aldovia for the reason of "We saw your soldiers doing the Macarena. This can't go unpunished.".
12/28 12:51 am - Prethia declared war on New Elysius for the reason of "War is inevitable.".
12/28 12:50 am - Prethia has publicly commended the nation of snow empire led by SN0W.
12/24 03:22 am - Prethia had war declared by Mauryan Empire for the reason of "Glory to TKR!".
12/24 01:11 am - Prethia had war declared by Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach for the reason of "Blood for the Blood God!".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.