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Javanese Land

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Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land is a nation led by Sri Sultan Kanaka on the continent of Asia. Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land favors left wing policies. The official currency of Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land is the Rupiah. At 76 days old, Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land is an established nation. Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land has a population of 3,222,104 and a land area of 26,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 123.93. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.


Javanese Land is a member of The Eternity whose protected by Camelot, Joining since 10th of July 2024 and becoming the Internal Affairs (Enlightened) of The Eternity not long after joining The Eternity. On the 9th of September 2024, Javanese Land was promoted to Head of the Internal Affairs. There is still no alliance war that Javanese Land participating on to.


The Eternity

10th of July 2024 Joined

27th of July 2024 Promoted to Internal Affairs Staff

9th of September 2024 Promoted to Head of Internal Affairs


Kesultanan Agung Javanese Land is led by a great and kind king by named Sri Sultan Kanaka, the Javanese Land is based on the Asia continent and rich of cultures and resources. The Javanese Land is a non-block kingdom, that means the Javanese Land doesn't took a place in any war of ideology and always looking for peace by an agreement or cultural diplomacy. The Javanese Land first built in 1005 by the first king, Sri Sultan Setyo The Great.

The Sultan of Javanese Land, Sri Sultan Kanaka

The Javanese Land is based on the javanese culture that has influenced by the former kingdom "Hindia Raj Kingdom", the Sultanate have a majority in islamic faith since the early of 1000s. On the late 1700s, the Javanese Land was colonized by the Dutch and the timeline was one of the most brutal and violent in the world. The treasures of the Sultanate was brought there and being sold for their riches, the people of the Javanese Land was suffered and desperate because of the colonizations. But in the year of 1901, the Javanese Land claimed back their sovereignity and their claims of their lands and the kingdoms was restored like they used to be.

The Javanese Land also is one of the most and fastest developed nations in the world, the greatness from the leader makes the Javanese Land be a great kingdoms that respected throughout the world. The Javanese Land is known for its historical timeline and the historical heritage that being preserved until the modern time, the historical heritage is one of the most attractive places for tourism and already known around the world for its beauty and the historical values.


Dutchies, Naira City, Javanese Land.


The Royal Palace of Javanese Land, Naira City, Javanese Land.



Oppenheimer & Einstein in Naira University (1941).

The Javanese Land also have a great military technology because of the technology exchange from their alliance "The Eternity", the Javanese Land have a lot of talented engineer and scientist. In a small amount of time, the heroes of this nations successfully create a weapons, warplanes, ships, etc. Knowing the needs of the kingdom and the threat from the neighbourhood nations, the Javanese Land Sultan, Sultan Kanaka spent a huge amount of money to sent the students abroad to study about technology and science. The technology and science development also had the help from J. Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein, both of those great names were teaching and also help the military development research in 1940-1943.



PT-35 of Tentara Udara Javanese Land


JLS Setyo of Tentara Laut Javanese Land


The Army of Tentara Darat Javanese Land


Entot 69 Tank of Tentara Darat Javanese Land

The National Anthem

Thank you for reading this, spread happiness and peace.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Javanese Land
Leader Name: Kanaka
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Komodo Dragon
History: The history of the Javanese Land Sultanate starts in the year of 942, when the first king of the former kingdom "Hindia Raj Kingdom" tooking places. Hindia Raj was a small kingdom in the Asia continent, and being influenced by the indian and the hindu's culture. Hindia Raj was then crumbled in the early 1000s when the influenced of Islam took the places in the heart of the citizens.
In the year of 1005, The local mufti by named Setyo swarming the palace with 10,000 revolutionary army dethrone the last king of Hindia Raj and built the Javanese Land Sultanate. The first king name was Setyo and being known as Sultan Setyo The Great of the Javanese Land Sultanate.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 41,842.84 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt. Boobies, 6,666 meters
Lowest Valley: Kawah Kawah, -666 meters
People & Society
Population: 3,222,104 people
Demonym: Javanese
Demonym Plural: Javans
Ethnic Groups: Javanese - 50.0%
Mutant - 30.0%
Angels - 20.0%
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia - 70.0%
Javanese - 20.0%
English - 10.0%
Religions: Islam - 90.0%
Atheist - 5.0%
Satanism - 5.0%
Life Expectancy: 70 years
Obesity: 2%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 64.3%
Cannabis Users: 2%
Hard Drug Users: 10%
Description: This nation has the Iqta's Economic Policy
Average Yearly Income: $187.01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $5,136,398,036.00
GDP per Capita: $1,594.11
Gross National Income (GNI): $3,860,149,480.00
Industries: The major industries in this nation is food industry, prostitution tourism, and film industry.
History: The forces first established in 942, when the first king of the former kingdom taking places and announce the built of the kingdom.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 6,500
Aircraft: 975
Ships: 0
Missiles: 5
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/14/2024 01:11 pm