View Alliance
The Eternity



Discord Server: Here | Embassy Discord: Here 



The Eternity is one of the fastest-developing alliances in Politics & War. However, The Eternity is more than just an alliance. It is a brotherhood a dedicated, long-standing community of people from all walks of life. - but also serve a higher purpose by contributing value and meaning to the game around them. Thus, The Eternity is an alliance guided and held together by the core values of a true community

Above all, we pride ourselves in striving towards our limits - be it technological, economic, military, or political. We stand ready to sacrifice everything for each other and our home.


Low Taxes | We're offering Grants! (The tax varies)


We're offering very own Cadets Academy™ Program - where you'll receive the best training in the game. However, you're expected to listen and carry your own weight.


Active Discord Server, In which we will conduct many Events and If you are a gamer just join us!


Executive Emeritus:

Head of Internal Affairs: Zidon and Kanaka
 Responsible for internal alliance affairs, including member relations, and alliance cohesion.

Head of Econ Affairs: Zidon

 Manages economic strategies and resources within the alliance, fostering growth and financial stability.

Head of Foreign Affairs: Zidon and Strange

 Oversees diplomatic relations and external alliances, representing alliance's interests on the global stage.

Head of Military Assistance: Lucifer69 and Jjuweng


IA Staff: Zidon

IA Staff: Kanaka




Protectorate treaty with Dark Brotherhood


The Eternity is protected by the DARK BROTHERHOOD, any raid/attack on the member or application of our alliance will be countered. Depending on the attack range other members of the alliance will be attacked for the Counter.


To apply, join The Eternity Discord Server and create an application in #application channel. You will then be able to start our mandatory interview process, which can be completed in as little as a maximum of 30 minutes. Please be patient.


We hope to see you in our member chats soon!


We are Hiring Gov members. Those who wish to join may contact us via discord or in-game DMs.


For Diplomatic Inquiries, you can Join our FA Server









Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Eternity (T€)
PresidentZ: Admiral Trinity
Founded: 06/18/2024 (241 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: SolREDarity
Members: 2
Alliance Rank: #239 of 498 (47.99%)
Score: 1,810.13
Avg Score: 905.07
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 7 (77.78%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 2 (100%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 73
Total Infrastructure: 66,002.07
Total Land: 107,850.00
Total Population: 8,045,728
Total GDP: $6,994,801,213
Total Soldiers: 0
Total Tanks: 0
Total Aircraft: 0
Total Ships: 114
Total Spies: 125
Total Missiles: 0
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 171
Wars Lost: 179
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Protectorate North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationN/A