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Lakland is a nation led by Vozhd Ianola on the continent of Europe. Lakland's government is a Communist Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Lakland favors right wing policies. The official currency of Lakland is the Ruble. At 38 days old, Lakland is an established nation. Lakland has a population of 366,552 and a land area of 3,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 122.18. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Лакланд, возникший в результате революции, представляет собой коммунистическую диктатуру. Официальная валюта – российский рубль. Многие граждане предпочитают это правительство старому королевству. Лакланд навсегда!


Лакцы известны своей преданностью уничтожению более слабых наций, чем великая нация Лакланд. Они обладают огромной военной мощью по сравнению со всеми другими странами их уровня.


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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)09/12/2024 04:13 am Eamonian EmpireLaklandEamonian Empire$3,514,
2)09/12/2024 04:12 am Terran FederationLaklandTerran Federation$1,647,548.000.0094.002.00122.000.0093.
3)09/12/2024 04:11 am Confederation of GermanyLaklandConfederation of Germany$2,216,389.000.00161.003.001.00217.0066.
4)09/12/2024 04:10 am Democratic republic of earthLaklandDemocratic republic of earth$396,143.000.00380.000.000.00430.00339.000.000.0039.0012.000.00
5)09/12/2024 04:08 am AlemanhaLaklandAlemanha$3,743,358.000.0018.000.001.0098.00128.000.008.00159.0034.004.00
6)09/07/2024 04:48 am LaklandEclipse BankLakland$36,000,000.000.00433.00520.
7)09/07/2024 04:45 am FUNGLaklandFUNG$965,706.001,
8)09/07/2024 04:45 am SimNationLaklandSimNation$2,972,357.000.001.0087.0097.000.003.0073.0070.002.002.0080.00
9)09/07/2024 04:44 am New BlackwaterLaklandNew Blackwater$1,116,174.000.00432.0049.000.007.0049.0021.0042.0024.0096.00106.00
10)09/07/2024 04:44 am DeccanistanLaklandDeccanistan$40,
11)09/07/2024 04:43 am KaliariaLaklandKaliaria$3,524,798.00328.000.000.00135.000.0042.002.0010.0014.0029.0044.00
12)09/04/2024 03:54 am LaklandEclipse BankLakland$40,000,
13)08/28/2024 07:31 am Shuba10KM BankLaklandFox Land$46,000,
14)08/26/2024 03:15 am LaklandEclipse BankLakland$4,000,000.000.00293.001,
15)08/25/2024 10:47 am LaklandEclipse BankLakland$27,000,

Showing 0-15 of 43 Records