United Kingdom of Finland is a nation led by King Friedrich Karl on the continent of Europe. United Kingdom of Finland's government is a Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, United Kingdom of Finland favors moderate policies. The official currency of United Kingdom of Finland is the Mark. At 301 days old, United Kingdom of Finland is an old nation. United Kingdom of Finland has a population of 4,667,987 and a land area of 55,159.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 84.63. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Finland gained independence from Russia in 6 December 1917. Fortunately in 1918 27 January Civil war broke out In Finland between the whites and reds. The reds where supported by Soviet Russia And the whites were supported by The army of German empire. Eventually The whites won the war and the war ended in 1918 15 may. After German empire won the ww1 Monarchy was established in Finland And Finland Changed its name From Republic of Finland to Kingdom of Finland. Wilhelm II Brother-in-law Friedrich Karl was appointed as the king of Finland In 1918 27 November And he replaced the president Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg. In 1920 20 September Estonia United with Kingdom of Finland Due to Economic Problems. In 1924 Karelia was unhappy being ruled by Soviet Russia due to Food shortages and lack of freedom. In Karelia there were protests about uniting with Finland and nearly every Karelian wanted to join Finland, but Soviet Russia Denied This idea. After this riots broke up in Karelia And the people were against the government. At the same time Relations between Soviet Russia and Finland got worse because karelians were very against The government of Soviet Russia. Relations Between Karelia and Finland were Very close Because Both have similar language and culture. In 1924 1 November Finland Planned to annex Karelia with the help of German empire and Sweden because Clearly Soviet Russia Didn’t Want Them to join Finland. Kingdom of Finland Declared war on Soviet Russia in 1924 22 December. Finland had 260 000 Active troops + 30 000 Germans and 8000 swedes. Meanwhile Soviet Russia had 900 000 troops. The war lasted for 1.5 years and Surprisingly Finland Won the war due to the fact that Soviet soldiers were poorly trained and the Finns knew all the forests better. Soviet Russia Eventually Handed over Karelia to Finland in 1926 23 April. After ww2 Broke up in 1939 1 September The German empire Was planning to Go east and invade Soviet russia In 1941 And German empire leader Fredrik Wilhelm Asked Finlands Leader Friedrich Karl That They would annex The Kola Peninsula. In exchange They would Get help from Germany and Sweden and also Norway. Friedrich Karl agreed And Finland Declared war on Soviet Russia in 1941 6 september. Finland had 300 000 troops + 27 000 German troops + 6000 swedes + 2000 Norwegian troops. Finland Also surprisingly Won this war also And Soviet Russia handed out the Kola Peninsula To Finland In 1942 27 August. Eventually Germany won the ww2 and annexed areas from Russia as well annexed countries as Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine,Belarus,Netherlands,Belgium and Austria. Finland Changed it name To United Kingdom of Finland In 1946 July 10 After all the gained territory. To this Day Finland’s biggest allies are the German Empire, Sweden,Norway Denmark and Uk.
The Anthem:
Picture of King Friedrich Karl:
Map of Kingdom of Finland in 1943:
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