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Greater Nordic Republic

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Greater Nordic Republic is a nation led by President Phoenix Hayes on the continent of North America. Greater Nordic Republic's government is a Constitutional Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, Greater Nordic Republic favors right wing policies. The official currency of Greater Nordic Republic is the Australian Dollar. At 477 days old, Greater Nordic Republic is an ancient nation. Greater Nordic Republic has a population of 191,895 and a land area of 9,840.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 19.50. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


The Greater Nordic Republic controls Greenland, Iceland, Sweden, Colombia, Morocco, West Bengal, Svalbard, and Norway. With an overall population of 335 million and a GDP of 7.9 trillion USD, the GNR is a rising power in Orbis and is the #1 firearms manufacturer in the world. Some of our primary exports are firearms, oil, steel, coal, various grains, natural gas, textiles, and seafood.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Greater Nordic Republic
Leader Name: Phoenix Hayes
Currency: Currency Image
Australian Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: When the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan failed, the US government launched an investigation, soon finding out that several high ranking members of the CIA and federal government, together known as the Inner Circle, were behind the attack. The plan was for the Vice President, who was working with the IC (Inner Circle) to take power after Reagan was killed, and instate a new left wing totalitarian government. Reagan was made aware and quickly prepared his forces for war. Almost the entire armed population of the US was on his side, but the Inner Circle had influence. Multiple generals and military commanders were on their side, meaning that their military had over 500,000 men. The West Coast was quickly taken over by the IC, becoming the WCA or West Coast Alliance. Meanwhile, the rest of the United States was split. The East Coast was controlled by Reagan and his supports, while the Midwest were controlled by various micro nations and rising settlements. Although the war ended in a victory for the US, it left them crippled, and the Inner Circle still had control of the West Coast. The US was renamed The Atlas, and reorganized into a very conservative government under Reagan. It remains so today, 40 years later, as it builds up military power and raids the various smaller nations in the Midwest for their resources and land. Washington DC remains a battleground, ruined by missile strikes and bombardments. WCA insurgent groups control various parts of the city and Atlas military forces struggle to combat them. As of right now, the civilian populace of Washington DC lives in the "safe zone" a very small part of the city which has been walled off and remains heavily guarded 24/7. The president of the WCA, which was originally founded by the Inner Circle and ran by Reagan's ex-vice president, has claimed that Atlas has no right to "The American Throne" and has vowed to annihilate the country and unite America under a new banner, that of an authoritarian socialist regime. The Atlas has previously stated that they will continue to uphold democracy and truth no matter the cost, and in time will liberate the citizens of the WCA.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 15,835.91 sq. km
Terrain: Mostly grassy, with plenty of forests. Basically just America.
Highest Peak: Mt. Liberty, 1,776 meters
Lowest Valley: Eminem Valley, -420 meters
Climate: Standard American climate.
People & Society
Population: 191,895 people
Demonym: American
Demonym Plural: Americans
Ethnic Groups: White - 75.9%
Black - 16.4%
Mexican - 7.5%
Languages: English - 71.1%
Latin - 24.3%
Spanish - 4.2%
Religions: Roman Catholic - 70.7%
Protestant - 14.5%
Jewish - 3.2%
Life Expectancy: 82 years
Obesity: 14.2%
Alcohol Users: 60.3%
Tobacco Users: 32.1%
Cannabis Users: 2.3%
Hard Drug Users: 1.1%
Description: The nation has a capitalist free market economy.
Average Yearly Income: $112.37
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $182,283,840.00
GDP per Capita: $949.91
Gross National Income (GNI): $108,931,330.00
Industries: The Atlas is a massive exporter of coal, and plans to expand into the global arms market in time.
History: The US Army, now the Imperial Guard, the US Navy, now the Sea Dragons, and the US Air Force, now the Valkyries. 1,000,000 soldiers, 58 ships, and 1,408 planes.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 12/17/2023 05:46 pm