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Vatiduck City

The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City is a nation led by His Quackiness Pope Quacktine on the continent of Africa. The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City's government is a Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City is the Gold Standard. At 267 days old, The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City is an old nation. The Holy Quack of Vatiduck City has a population of 6,410,785 and a land area of 51,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 123.88. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Discovering Evexis: A Nation of Resilience and Innovation

Nestled in a terrain reminiscent of the Vatican, Evexis emerges as a nation defined by its rich history, diverse landscapes, vibrant economy, formidable military capabilities, and strategic alliances. Evexis embodies resilience and innovation, leveraging its natural resources, technological prowess, and geopolitical alliances to thrive in a dynamic global landscape. This comprehensive description explores the multifaceted identity of Evexis, from its historical origins to its contemporary achievements and aspirations.

Historical Foundations

Evexis's history is rooted in ancient civilizations that flourished along its fertile coastal plains and mountainous highlands. Archaeological discoveries reveal traces of early settlements dating back millennia, where communities engaged in maritime trade, agriculture, and cultural exchange. Over centuries, Evexis evolved through periods of indigenous kingdoms, colonial influences, and struggles for independence, shaping its cultural identity and societal norms.

The nation's journey towards sovereignty culminated in the establishment of a modern state committed to democratic principles, social progress, and economic development. Evexis's historical narrative is characterized by resilience in the face of adversity, visionary leadership, and a steadfast commitment to national unity amidst diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Terrain and Natural Beauty

Evexis's diverse terrain showcases a mosaic of natural wonders, from lush rainforests and volcanic landscapes to pristine beaches and island archipelagos. Coastal plains teem with agricultural abundance, where rice paddies and coconut plantations thrive under the tropical sun. Mangrove forests line estuaries and river deltas, nurturing diverse ecosystems and supporting traditional fishing communities.

Inland, rugged mountains rise sharply from verdant valleys, their peaks often shrouded in mist and myth. Volcanic activity has sculpted the landscape, leaving behind crater lakes, thermal springs, and fertile soils that sustain agriculture and ecotourism. The mountainous highlands are home to indigenous communities practicing sustainable farming techniques and preserving cultural traditions amidst breathtaking scenery.

Offshore, Evexis's island archipelagos boast crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, attracting tourists and marine enthusiasts from around the world. These marine ecosystems support biodiversity and sustainable fishing practices, reinforcing Evexis's commitment to environmental stewardship and coastal conservation.

Economic Vitality

Evexis's economy is a testament to its strategic location, natural resources, and entrepreneurial spirit. The nation thrives on key industries such as gasoline manufacturing, oil production, agriculture, tourism, and high-tech manufacturing. Evexis's advanced refineries process crude oil into high-quality gasoline products that meet domestic demand and fuel export markets across Asia, Europe, and North America.

Agriculture remains a cornerstone of Evexis's economy, with fertile lands and favorable climate supporting crops such as rice, sugarcane, tropical fruits, and coffee. The tourism sector flourishes amid diverse landscapes and cultural attractions, offering visitors opportunities to explore ancient ruins, participate in eco-adventures, and relax on pristine beaches.

Strategic investments in technology and innovation drive Evexis's economic agenda, enhancing productivity, sustainability, and global competitiveness. The nation embraces digital transformation, cybersecurity measures, and renewable energy initiatives to secure its position as a regional hub for innovation and economic resilience.

Military Capabilities and Alliances

Evexis maintains a robust defense posture anchored by advanced aircraft and armored tanks, underscoring its commitment to national security and regional stability. The nation's air force operates modern fighter jets, bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft, supported by ground forces equipped with state-of-the-art armored vehicles. Evexis's military strategy emphasizes deterrence, rapid response capabilities, and collaborative defense efforts within alliances such as The Syndicate and The Enterprise.

Alliances with The Syndicate and The Enterprise strengthen Evexis's defense capabilities through joint exercises, intelligence sharing, and coordinated operations. These partnerships promote interoperability, collective defense, and peacekeeping initiatives across diverse geopolitical landscapes. Evexis's contributions to regional security underscore its role as a reliable ally and proactive participant in global peacekeeping efforts.

Cultural Heritage and Social Fabric

Evexis's cultural heritage is celebrated through traditional arts, music, cuisine, and festivals that reflect its multicultural society. Indigenous traditions coexist with modern lifestyles, fostering a sense of community and cultural pride. Education, healthcare, and social welfare programs prioritize inclusivity and quality of life, ensuring equitable opportunities for all citizens.

The nation's social fabric is woven with resilience, compassion, and a shared vision for sustainable development. Evexis embraces diversity, gender equality, and environmental stewardship as pillars of national identity and global citizenship. Civic engagement, civil liberties, and human rights are safeguarded under democratic governance, empowering citizens to shape the nation's future through dialogue, participation, and responsible stewardship.

Future Prospects and Global Engagement

Looking ahead, Evexis is poised to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in a rapidly changing world. Strategic investments in infrastructure, education, and technology will drive sustainable growth, innovation, and prosperity. Evexis's commitment to environmental sustainability, renewable energy, and global partnerships underscores its role as a responsible global citizen and proactive contributor to international peace, security, and development.

In conclusion, Evexis emerges as a nation of resilience and innovation, where natural beauty, economic vitality, military capabilities, cultural heritage, and global engagement converge. As Evexis continues to evolve and shape its destiny, the nation stands ready to embrace the future with confidence, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to excellence in all endeavors.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Vatiduck City VIP
Leader Name: Pope Quacktine
Nation ID: 577598
Founded: 11/02/2023 (267 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 26 minutes ago
Discord Username:_evexis
Unique ID: 5d04398659e72b652b39ae207
International Relations
Alliance: The Enterprise Alliance Flag
Junior Associates
Alliance Seniority:266 days
Color Trade Bloc: $ublime
Commendations: 20
Denouncements: 2
Nation Page Visits: 2,626
Recent Visitors: VIP Only 1 nations from 1 alliances in past 24 hours
Population: 6,410,785
Infrastructure: 51,750.00
Land Area: 51,750 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 123.88 people/sq. mi
GDP: $9,246,298,312.00
GDP per Capita: $1,442.30
GNI: $5,296,624,865.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Gold Standard
Government Type: Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: Quacktolic Quacktolic
National Animal: National Animal ImageQuacktican Duck
Approval Rating: 100% (646.82)
Pollution Index: 747 points
Radiation Index: 103.76 R (Global: 79.15 R)
Nation Rank: #1,971 of 12,612 Nations (15.63%)
Nation Score: More Information 4,733.50
War Policy: Help Tactician Tactician Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 162,511.90
Infrastructure Lost: 6,371.00
Money Looted: $4,475,134,547.72
Wars Won: 620
Wars Lost: 0

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

23 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
07/26 12:15 am - Vatiduck City declared war on The Overthere for the reason of "T$ Counter".
07/19 03:52 am - Pope Quacktine built a new project: Vital Defense System
07/19 03:45 am - Vatiduck City founded a new city, Vatiduck Archives.
07/09 12:14 am - Pope Quacktine built a new project: Iron Dome
07/08 11:23 pm - Vatiduck City founded a new city, Quastantinople.
07/07 09:47 am - Vatiduck City has publicly commended the nation of Orakei led by Gus the cat dog dawg.
07/07 08:57 am - Gus the cat dog dawg of Orakei has publicly commended the nation of Vatiduck City.
07/07 08:07 am - Evexis has changed its nation name to Vatiduck City.
07/07 08:07 am - Evexis changed leaders. Pope Quacktine is the new leader, replacing the former leader, Eve.
07/07 07:59 am - Evexis changed location from Asia to Africa.
07/03 12:04 am - Evexis has publicly commended the nation of Freedom Land led by Patriotism.
07/02 09:25 am - Evexis declared war on PolarLand for the reason of "Pokimans Counter".
06/28 11:39 pm - Eve built a new project: Emergency Gasoline Reserve
06/28 11:38 pm - Eve destroyed a National Project: Activity Center
06/28 11:31 pm - Eve built a new project: International Trade Center
06/28 11:30 pm - Eve built a new project: Metropolitan Planning
06/28 11:23 pm - Evexis founded a new city, eve 21.
06/28 11:18 pm - Eve built a new project: Missile Launch Pad
06/28 11:10 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 20.
06/28 11:08 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 19.
06/28 11:08 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 18.
06/28 11:08 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 17.
06/28 11:08 pm - Eve built a new project: Advanced Urban Planning
06/28 11:02 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 16.
06/28 11:02 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 15.
06/28 11:02 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 14.
06/28 11:01 pm - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 13.
06/28 01:43 am - Eve built a new project: Government Support Agency
06/28 01:23 am - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 12.
06/28 01:23 am - Evexis founded a new city, Eve 11.
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
14 National Projects
Advanced Urban Planning
Advanced Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $100,000,000.
Advanced Pirate Economy
Advanced Pirate Economy is a national project that enables the nation to use an additional offensive war slot, provides a 5% bonus to loot from ground attacks, and a 10% bonus to loot from a defeated nation and its alliance bank.
Emergency Gasoline Reserve
Emergency Gasoline Reserve is a national project that boosts Oil Refineries' production by 100% nationwide.
Government Support Agency
Government Support Agency adds a +50% effect modifier to the nation's selected Domestic Policy.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115%.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Metropolitan Planning
Metropolitan Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $150,000,000.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Pirate Economy
Pirate Economy is a national project that unlocks an additional offensive war slot and a bonus to loot from ground attacks.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.