View Nation

ManBuster is a nation led by Supreme Leader MathRManresa on the continent of North America. ManBuster's government is a People's Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, ManBuster favors left wing policies. The official currency of ManBuster is the Krona. At 505 days old, ManBuster is an ancient nation. ManBuster has a population of 5,465,281 and a land area of 41,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 133.30. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

raiding is my life


therefore no more life

Alliance History

Templar Squirrel of KT (10/10/23 - 01/07/24)

Squirrel Adjutant (IA Staff) of KT (02/07/24 - 01/07/24)

Templar Guardian of KT (01/07/24 - xx/xx/xx)

Templar Adjutant (IA Staff) of KT (01/07/24 - xx/xx/xx)

Wars Fought

War ||| Ctowned // Locutus ||| City Count

Singular Hostility ||| $863.4M Net, 63rd // $741.2M Net, 64th ||| c11

Blue Balled ||| $127.8M Net, 184th // $3.3B Net, 24th ||| c11-c7

Casino Royale ||| $10.2B Net, 8th // $6.0B Net, 17th ||| c11-c22

Knight-on-Knight Violence ||| $379.9M Net, 6th // $378.3M Net, 6th  ||| c21-c22

Espresso ||| $2.2B Net, 38th // $4.7B Net, 17th ||| c20


Reached $3B cash looted - Day 98 

Beiged an active c30 as a c7 - Day 107

Looted an offshore/bank for $921M in value - Day 127

Reached $4B cash looted - Day 133

Reached $5B cash looted - Day 170

Reached $6B cash looted - Day 202

Reached $7B cash looted - Day 227

Reached $8B cash looted - Day 239

Reached $9B cash looted - Day 261

Reached $10B cash looted - Day 282

Reached $11B cash looted - Day 297

Reached $12B cash looted - Day 317

Reached $13B cash looted - Day 358

Reached $14B cash looted - Day 412

Reached $15B cash looted - Day 444


Off doing better things... 
All grown up... 
Gone forever...

There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.