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Foj Gum

The Republic of Foj Gum is a nation led by Gouverneur Jacquis Bophades on the continent of North America. The Republic of Foj Gum's government is a Socialist Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Republic of Foj Gum favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Republic of Foj Gum is the CoxeyCash. At 551 days old, The Republic of Foj Gum is an ancient nation. The Republic of Foj Gum has a population of 3,533,140 and a land area of 44,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 80.12. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Foj Gum
Leader Name: Jacquis Bophades
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image

7,000 years ago, scientists believe that space whales from the Fajjagamma galaxy migrated into the solar system to eat gasses from jupiter. While in the solar system, the space whales stopped above Mt. Chum and excreted a floating substance. Around 1,500 years ago, settlers from a region known as
Duloc settled the basin of Mt. Chum. Mt. Chum's volcanic ash made the soil rich and the population quickly grew, Lapis Lazuli was also found in abdunance and traded extensively bringing vast riches to the region. Around 700 AD a warrior known as Vasto Gum (Supreme Chum) rose to prominence. Vasto Gum was a genius inventor who built libraries, invented belly boxing and figured out how to travel to the islands above Mt. Chum. Vasto Gum also invented a shovel that would be able to move the material of the sky islands and named it Chove ka Booja (Booger The Shovel). Vasto Gum was murdered by a man nicknamed Fanti Gum (Skinny Chum) and the populous responded by throwing him into the volcano, they also accidentally throw Chove ka Booa in their as well, and when CKB reacted with the lava the volcano erupted. Many died and the old civilization was wiped clean from the map, and the few hundred who survived would flee to the sky islands. The people of the sky islands would farm wheat and potatos and harvest trees on the islands to build wooden shacks from themselves. Eventually, Vasto Gum's 2nd cousin would step up and claim the throne, he originally went by Vasto Gum Retas (Supreme Chum II) but after a while he proved to be terrible leader who would sit around and eat the food surplus so the civilians gave him the name Foj Gum (Fat Chum). The Foj Gum dynasty would rule for the next thousand years.


Around 40 years ago however, everything would change. Former NFL Quarterback and US senator Jacquis Orlin Bophades aka Ol' Jacquis was appointed to lead an expedition to reach Foj Gum. The US wanted to use FG as a floating aircraft carrier. He was appointed for his degree in Foj Gumian language. Jacquis flew up on his personal jet, the Sky Trident and made contact with the locals. Jacquis would quickly organize a force to turn the island of wooden shacks into a functioning city. The Kekesh Aq (translated to Kiki Shack) was the first building built, initially to house Fat Chum. Jacquis would deny building a aircraft carrier because it was too small. Jacquis established Foj Gum University as a door to door english program 2 years after arriving. Jaquis would become FG's ambassador to literally every country as well as the custodial coordinator and the head coach of the Foj Gum University Chums. The Fat Chum would continue to rule until 2086. In 2086 the population revolted, tired of Fat Chum LXIX eating half the food and getting the only nice house in the city. The Chum Gum war soon followed and after Jacquis lended his plane the Sky Trident to the rebels led by Luther Battington and Carson Dinkley. The Fat Chum loyalists were defeated and Fat Chum LXIX was forced to sign the FG constitution, written entirely by Luther Battington's son, Luther Cattington.


Luther Battington would assume the role of Gouverneur, the Council of Chancelors and the Chamber of Commerce would serve as the two branches of advisory legislature with 3 Chancelors and 4 members of the Chamber. These members of the COC's are usually appointed by the person resigning or elected if the person leaving office so chooses. The COC's bigger purpose is to select a Gouverneur through the conclave every three months which includes the COC's and 2 former Gouverneurs who aren't running. If the Conclave agree to cast 6 votes to one candidate, than the Conclavection Computer is activated and it picks a Gouverneur based on a complex AI devised by Battington.


Luther Battington was the Gouvernuer from 2086 to 2087 when he was tragically killed in an industrial accident. Luther Cattington was selected as the next Gouvernuer by a unaminous COC vote, and he would serve from 2087 until 2089. In 2087, Foj Gum starting expanding to the ground below and many social reforms were made leading to the current economic system. In November of 2089, Pablo Rosario became the first immigrant to take the title of Gouvernuer and under Rosario FG would experience its "Rosarian Revival" era. During the revival, business expanded drastically while the government vastly improved its social programs, the capital city would soon become a bustling center for business and culture. Rosario was assassinated during a NYE party and he was declared dead the following day. During the emergency conclave, Mortimer Higgins was selected as temporary Gouvernuer, he would give most power to the Conclave and would spend more time writing his novel than taking care of his country. In Feburary 2090 two rival gangs, the Jazzy Mice and Quiet Coyotes would uprise, but the rebellions settled by the end of Feburary thanks to General Carson Dinkley. Mortimer Higgins would loose an intense 4 way conclave to Quandarius Gooch. Gooch would continue Rosarian policies and he would expand N'Yidistani rights as he was the first N'Yidistani gouv. The New Yidistanis were refugees from the war-torn Yidistan who settled in FG. Gooch would also organize the Rec Basketball League, a staple of FG entertainment and culture to this day. Gooch would be replaced in the Feburary 2091 conclave with Linda Orangina, the first female gouv. Orangina would work on expanding public transportation and would help the cities on the ground grow. In the most recent conclave, noone ran so Jaquis Bophades entered last minute and won by default. Bophades is a career ambassador and strategist and a hardcore Rosarian with 40 years of history in FG. He is also a chronic polygamist and has 63 children with 52 different women.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 70,971.89 sq. km
Terrain: The capital city of Foj Gum are islands in the sky, these originated above Mt. Chum around 7,000 years ago. Many scientists claim these sky islands are the results of space whales taking a dump in the sky. This substance has been added to the supports of every island. Mt. Chum started constantly erupting around 800 AD and would erupt for around 50 years, during this time the Fat Chums would flee to the sky islands and would only come down to get food. The region surrounding Mt. Chum would eventually become a flourishing forest with swamp and a grand river flowing throughout.
Highest Peak: Foj Gum, 10,000 meters
Lowest Valley: Larget Valley, -231 meters
Climate: The capital cities climate is nearly always winter with it being so high in the sky. The winds in the city of foj gum are wild to say the least. Outside of the sky city, however, the climate is rather temperate comparable to that of northern wisconsin. Foj Gum has 4 seasons including a sweltering summer, crispy autumn, blizzard filled winters and rainy spring.
People & Society
Population: 3,533,140 people
Demonym: Foj Gumian
Demonym Plural: Foj Gum
Ethnic Groups: Fat Chum - 73.0%
Yidistani - 22.0%
Krustobas - 3.0%
Languages: English - 82.0%
Yidistani - 10.0%
Ancient Fat Chum - 4.0%
Religions: Shronkism - 94.0%
Anvalianism - 3.0%
Catholicism - 2.0%
Life Expectancy: 68 years
Obesity: 70%
Alcohol Users: 55%
Tobacco Users: 5%
Cannabis Users: 40%
Hard Drug Users: 5%
Description: This nation has a free but well regulated market, with high taxes on the rich. The government provides free housing, free food, free healthcare, free education and free drinking water, although many people buy their own houses, food, schooling and healthcare. Plenty of businesses thrive here in FG thanks to high worker morale. Ramos Manufacturing, Fat Chum Belly Boxing League, OJ Tower Mutual Fund, and Foj Gum Chewing Gum are all huge businesses headquartered in FG. Foj Gum has a huge sports craze, with Belly Boxing being a cultural staple with the Foj Gum Recreational Basketball League receiving large attention from locals. Other spectator sports include college football with the FGU Chums, pro football with the Foj Gum Neighbors, pro baseball with the Foj Gum Joeys and pro guttersmack with the Foj Gum Frogs.
Average Yearly Income: $57.65
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,867,360,932.00
GDP per Capita: $811.56
Gross National Income (GNI): $3,497,065.00
Industries: Foj Gum has a variety of industries that contribute to it's diverse economy. Sports are a huge part of the culture, and stadiums have created thousands of jobs in the nation while also providing entertainment. Foj Gum Aerotek provides cheap and easy helicopter rides to the sky island. Foj Gum is considered the belly boxing capital of the world, and mukbanging is extremely popular among the locals who hope to participate in the grand Obeaseter tournament. Many cruise ship lines are headquarted in Foj Gum, as during times of peace (99% of the time) the Foj Gum Government lends its cruisers to be used as cruise ships. Barely Afloat Inc. and JM Cruiselines are the biggest of these brands and control about 80% of the FG Cruise industry. Foj Gum Chewing Gum was one of the first factories built in Foj Gum, before even the Chum Gum War, and it has consistently been a big employer in the capital city. Foj Gum has a large music festival in june called Conviction Zone, it is called this because more often then not riots occur and people get convicted. The Shronkist religion runs a brewery known as Foj Brew, as in Shronkist theology drinking is considered a sacred activity. Many media organizations have their headquarters in Foj Gum, FGTV broadcasting every notable event in the country while also doing the occasional rerun of a canadian sitcom or two, Foj Podge is also a notable media organization known for it's innovative writing and humour on contemporary Foj Gum, many find issue with their inconsistent release schedule however. Ramos Manufacturing is a very large manufacturer of Janitor equipment and general cleaning supplies. Some well known local businesses include, Florence's Flowers, Coxey's Casseroles, Chicken Fried Rice, Bing Chilling, Doofenscmirtz Evil Incorporated, Coopies Cuts, Kruss Queen Elementary School the Roscoe Corporation, Gruber Law Offices and Watergate Waterpark.

Foj Gum had no military in it's ancient history, pre sky civilization it was a nation of master diplomats and they could just pay anyone who wanted to fight them. During the sky civilization era no nation could tangilibly attack Foj Gum. When Jacquis arrived in 2051 he would hope to turn the islands into floating aircraft carriers but after the islands proved too small FG would not have any military involvement. In 2071 Carson Dinkley established the Dinkley Scouts, FG's version of Boy Scouts. The Dinkley Scouts and Dinkley in general would become important in 2086 after Fat Chum XLIX declared national rations and an outlaw of domestic belly boxing matches in order to increase food surplus to sell for his own personal profit. This outraged citizens who had finally had enough of the millenium of poverty and wooden shacks, Dinkley and his men would raid the KiKi shack in what started the Chum Gum War. Fat Chum promised increased rations to those loyal to him so many joined the Milar tyu Foj Gum (Fat Chum Army), with his personal finances Fat Chum was able to buy adequate weapons for his army and were able to defeat the Dinkley Scouts (now called Dinkley Corps) at the battle of the beneath. Dinkley led his army into the woods to regroup. Around this time, Jacquis learned of the conflict in Foj Gum and had the Sky Trident equipped with a turret. Jacquis gave Fat Chum an ultimatum to resign and Fat Chum said no. Jacquis then traveled back to Foj Gum with the Dinkley Corps and after an estimated 7 minutes and 42 seconds of fighting the Milar tyu Foj Gum had all surrendered. Philopsopher and politician Luther Battington wrote a constitution and forced Fat Chum to sign it. After this, Foj Gum enjoyed relative peace, the Dinkley Corps continued to train but the Sky Trident was soon retired to the Foj Gum airport. In December of 2089, violence increases around Foj Gum thanks to serial killer s known as Denim Demon, Grampy Big Pants, The Singing Suspects and Trump Demon. The Dinkley Corps and The First Responders (FG Police) were unable to capture the criminals so Rosario hired two superheroes for the city. Melon Man and Cactus Guy were able to defeat them, and Melon Man permanently moved into the city. In Feburary of 2090, The Quiet Coyotes and Jazzy Mice fought in a brief gang war that also involved a Nikocado fan club starting a movement called the diet riots. The Dinkley Corps were able to make peace without much skirmishing, but encampments of these gangs and constant rioting were noticeable throughout the city. Since, Foj Gum has endured long peace.


Slowly, tensions would rise between the nations of Krustobia and Foj Gum.
Soldiers: 277,844
Tanks: 22,944
Aircraft: 1,380
Ships: 270
Missiles: 14
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/19/2023 07:40 pm