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The Federal Republic of Andbia is a nation led by President Vern Mathews on the continent of North America. The Federal Republic of Andbia's government is a Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of Andbia favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of Andbia is the Andbian Dollar. At 615 days old, The Federal Republic of Andbia is an ancient nation. The Federal Republic of Andbia has a population of 5,446,608 and a land area of 46,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 118.40. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 75.6633%.
The Andbian State is a growing nation, which with its small but mighty economy and military will continue growing. With over 4,000,000 Citizens that number will continue growing along with job opportunities and education
The nation has 4 area codes used by 4,682,000+ mobile phones and 95,000+ home phone systems.
The Andbian State has a steady growth rate, which has sped up in recent years under the current president, Vern Mathews.
Currently the electoral college/parliament has 400 seats with an Anti-Radicalism majority (35.5%), Liberal 2nd Place (33.5%) and Conservative 3rd (31%)
The next election is currently scheduled for 2110, where as of now Vern Mathews will be the incumbent.
The Liberal House Boss is Bembe Alwani, Conservative is Joseph King.
The current president, Vern Mathews is in his 3rd term and is scheduled to serve until 2110 in his current term. As of now he is eligible for re-election. He represents the anti-radicalism party and is the successor to Liberal Politician and former president Jesus Perez.
He served justice in Andbia as a lawyer before being called to parliament in 2099 at the age of 35, joining the presidential race for the first time in 2100 before going on to win. He is currently 45 years old. (2109)
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | Andbia |
Leader Name: | Vern Mathews |
Currency: |
![]() Andbian Dollar |
National Animal: |
![]() Golden eagle |
History: | |
Geography | |
Continent: | North America |
Land Area: | 74,029.64 sq. km |
Terrain: | Andbia is made up of a mid-sized island archipelago known by the name Inagua. The islands are rocky and humid with large beaches of which cities are built on |
Highest Peak: | Mt. Andbia, 3,986 meters |
Lowest Valley: | Valley of Knights, -78 meters |
Climate: | Andbia is a warm tropical island of beaches and palms. It is a moderate temperature year round but may face heavy wind storms and hurricane in the later summer months. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 5,446,608 people |
Demonym: | Andbian |
Demonym Plural: | Andbians |
Ethnic Groups: | Andbian Native - 41.3% Inaguan - 19.7% Other (e.g Euro. Asi. Afr.) - 60.0% |
Languages: | English - 72.1% Andbian - 7.9% German - 20.0% |
Religions: | Atheism - 50.3% Christianity - 45.7% Inaguan Orthodox - 4.6% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 81 years |
Obesity: | 3.1% |
Alcohol Users: | 9.4% |
Tobacco Users: | 3.1% |
Cannabis Users: | 2.3% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0.1% |
Economy | |
Description: | Andbia has a Free Market Economy, in which citizens are allowed to spend their wages however they'd like within reason of the law. Any illegal purchases and/or trades including unauthorized weapons and drugs may result in a fine depending on the severity, much more severe punishments for minors attempting to purchase cannabis or alcohol. All weapons or cannabis must be purchased with ID at registered gun shops or pharmacies. |
Average Yearly Income: | $142.13 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $3,997,478,580.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $733.94 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $1,376,428,870.00 |
Industries: | Andbias economy is built off of farming, in which it controls over 50 farms. Minimum wage for workers has yet to be set but will be calculated within the coming months. |
Military | |
History: | In 2089, the Andbian Military was formed on the island to protect the new nation, and while small at the start it would amass a size of 190,000 personnel and a score of over 0.95 |
Soldiers: | 300,000 |
Tanks: | 25,000 |
Aircraft: | 1,500 |
Ships: | 300 |
Missiles: | 20 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 1 |
Last Updated: 08/09/2024 02:24 am |