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Russian Provisional State

Achievement Showcase


The Russian Provisional State is a nation led by Provisional Gov on the continent of Asia. The Russian Provisional State's government is a Democratic Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Russian Provisional State favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Russian Provisional State is the Ruble. At 649 days old, The Russian Provisional State is an ancient nation. The Russian Provisional State has a population of 2,672,695 and a land area of 32,900.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 81.24. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Current Vozhd:

Vozhd Yaroslav Zademov


Minister of Defense/Minister of War:

Ivanov Tukachev


Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Mikhail Bogatyrov





Friendly/stable relations.               Enemies

1.Blue states                                      None.


3.Gamma Dynasty 

4.P.R Bengal

5.All WC members

6.Soviet Federation

7.New Zukesa

8.Johor Darrul Takzim 

9. Heppinguon Dynasty 



The Russian Provisional State/Provisional State of Russia 

Truly Founded: December 14, 2095snowman.png

Ideology: Unitarianism

System: Collective Authority 

Anthem: Anthem of Free Russia 

Stance on Monarchy: Neutral

Stance on Democracy: Pro Democratic 

Stance on Liberalism: Anti Liberalism

Politics: Nationalism

Economics: Mixed Economy

Philosophy: Stoicism

Activism: Revolutionary

Stance on war: Conditional

Aims: None



Materiel Designers 

Tank Designers

Aircraft Designers

Naval Designers

Industrial Concerns 


Armed Forces of Provisional Russia 


Field Marshals 

General Staff 


Russian Provisional Navy

Admiralty Staff

Navy insignias: 



Russian Air Service (F.E.A.S)

Air Commodores











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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Russian Provisional State
Leader Name: Provisional Gov
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Far Eastern State was found in 05/31/2023.
Before the country was recognized there was a dutchy that ruled. But then it was ravaged by nomadic tribes and forced to cease land and move East.
Years later the nationalist party tried to modernize the dutchy. Even though the Duke agreed, the nobles were not found of it and assassinated the Duke.
After this there was a civil war that only took 2 years. The nobles were executed and then the nationalist party took power under the leadership of Dictator Yodza.
The New nation is diverse. Every child has to learn every language in the country. Even though it was difficult it actually worked out. The nation was modernizing and developing very rapidly.
The army are still trying to find victory.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 52,947.29 sq. km
Terrain: The terrain is very flat mostly comprised of beaches and small islands, Sometimes Rocky.
The waters are vast in our standards
Our waters provide food like fish and home to our national animal the tuna.
Were serious.

Highest Peak: Green Hills, 50 meters
Lowest Valley: New Poland, 10 meters
Climate: The climate of the far Eastern State is very wild
Summer is 56 degrees Celcius,
Meanwhile winter is -70 degrees Celcius, in Spring the temprature is stable about 38 degrees Celcius
People & Society
Population: 2,672,695 people
Demonym: Far Easterner
Demonym Plural: Easterners
Ethnic Groups: Russian, Hokkaidonese, American, British - 78.4%
Czech, Slovak, Chinese. - 14.5%
Mongol - 7.1%
Languages: Russian - 34.5%
English, Mandarin - 58.4%
Czech/Slovak, Jap.(Hokkaidon), Mongol - 7.1%
Religions: Orthodox, Catholic - 78.4%
Islam, Bhuddism, Taoism. - 20.5%
Mongol Paganism - 1.1%
Life Expectancy: 90 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Average Yearly Income: $62.39
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,635,159,898.00
GDP per Capita: $985.96
Gross National Income (GNI): $820,063,385.00
Industries: Major industries include: Tourism, weapons industries, And an exportation of Uranium and Oil.
History: The Far Eastern Armed forces were established in 05/32/2023 when Emmeria attacked. Luckily this ended in peace.
Soldiers: 29,828
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 9
Ships: 175
Missiles: 39
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/16/2023 02:44 pm