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Grand Republic

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Grand Republic is a nation led by President Bia Ashley on the continent of North America. Grand Republic's government is a Federal Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, Grand Republic favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Grand Republic is the Dollar. At 686 days old, Grand Republic is an ancient nation. Grand Republic has a population of 4,438,713 and a land area of 32,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 138.71. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

I often change the theme of this nation, ranging from fictional countries such as Osea from Ace Combat to the Autobots from Transformers, so don’t be surprised if my nation looks different the next time you look at it.

I am a proud member of the alliance known as Rose and have been since April 21, 2023.


‘Til all are one!

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Grand Republic
Leader Name: Bia Ashley
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Cascadia was formed following the Calamity, a catastrophic event in 1925 inside of the Ring of Fire in the Pacific that caused major ramifications in the tectonic plates due to detonation of a previously undiscovered mineral known as cordium that was beneath the earth’s crust, with more and more cordium deposits igniting in a cascading domino effect. Entire continents were shifted, tearing countries apart and decimating a large portion of the human population. The survivors were all scattered, having to endure a situation similar to a nuclear winter as volcanic ash blotted out the sun, creating the “Long Cold”. During this time, various small nations and factions set up in the former countries of the world, including in the land that would go on to be called Cascadia. With various wars in this region, it was soon united under the banner of the Republic of Cascadia. Around this time, time started to be tracked again under the After Calamity measurement system. Cordium started to be properly studied, leading to it becoming quite valuable despite its radioactive and highly-explosive properties. Cascadia continued to grow and grow, being the nation with the largest deposits of cordium and selling it to the other Periphery nations such as the Atlantic Union and Great Lakes Confederation. In 382, Cascadia joined the Pacific Federation, a growing alliance of nations located in Asia and the Ring of Fire, as an associate member. This allowed Cascadia to grow even more, modernizing their military more and enhancing the other industries of the country. However, Cascadian cordium was used by the Federation in its expansionist wars throughout the years following, leading to a slowly-but-surely growing independence movement in Cascadia. Coming to a head just 50 years after Cascadia joined the Federation, variously pro-independence political factions revolted in January of AC 432, causing a massive civil war between the Cascadian Independence Force and the Fed-aligned Cascadian National Guard. The CIF employed the help of mercenary corporations, leading to their victory thanks to highly-skilled ace pilots. This freedom, however, came at a cost, as the Pacific Federation unleashed cordium cruise missiles on the city of Prospero, leading to a domino effect where more cordium exclusion zones were created in the Ring of Fire and leading to the thousands of deaths in the cordium detonations. This action emboldened the Cascadians, who continued to push the Federation out of their land and recaptured their capital city of Presidia and forcing a ceasefire. However, a rogue pilot launched another cordium missile attack on the city, causing the Federation to become more infamous as they were blamed for the attack. In return, much of the Periphery has gone to war with the Federation, and Cascadia is not done yet either.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 51,498.88 sq. km
Terrain: Cascadia’s terrain varies highly, ranging from snowy forests and mountains in Alaska to the sand dunes of the Aitor Desert.
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: Cascadia’s climate is also quite varied. The north is quite cold, with tundras, subarctic areas, and even some ice caps. Much of the country, in the central regions at least, are continental forests. The south and east is a bit of a mix of these forests and more arid regions. The areas close to exclusion zones tend to be much hotter and overall have less plant life due to the radioactivity of the cordium.
People & Society
Population: 4,438,713 people
Demonym: Cascadian
Demonym Plural: Cascadians
Ethnic Groups: Cascadian - 83.4%
Dustlander - 11.6%
Magadane - 5.0%
Languages: English - 94.0%
Diné - 5.0%
Magadane - 1.0%
Religions: Church of the Dust Mother - 54.6%
Life Expectancy: 82 years
Obesity: 21.4%
Alcohol Users: 75.9%
Tobacco Users: 52.4%
Cannabis Users: 26.9%
Hard Drug Users: 8.6%
Description: Cascadia’s economy is majorly capitalistic, dominated by the military industrial complex and cordium energy industry thanks to Cascadia’s large military and massive cordium deposits and exclusion zones.
Average Yearly Income: $149.08
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $6,334,643,655.00
GDP per Capita: $1,427.13
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,822,491,690.00
Industries: Much of Cascadia’s wealth comes from their cordium mining and energy industries with countries around the world buying the cordium that they cannot get themselves or from the Pacific Federation. With the nation’s recent revolt against the Federation, they no longer have to adhere to their guidelines either, meaning they can charge whatever the hell they want for cordium.
History: The Cascadian National Guard’s roots go all the way back to the country’s early days in the Long Cold where it fought against other political factions to unite the country, becoming the Republic of Cascadia. For the next few hundred years, the Cascadian National Guard continued to evolve, with the development of the M1 rifle (Shortened BAR) and M45 (M1911). Once they joined the Pacific Federation, however, it was clear that they needed to step things up, creating the M2 (M14) and adopting their first official camouflage pattern known as ERDL in the late A.C. 380s. This rifle, however, overstayed its welcome, and was replaced with the M3 (AR-10) by A.C. 417, just in time for the Oceanian War. The camo patterns were also replaced, with the Cascadian National Guard adopting the M81 and 6 Color Desert Pattern uniforms just in time to aid Pacific Federation forces in its invasion of Oceania. These would remain standard issue even after the occupation of Oceania ended, with the M3 just receiving some updated variants up to the M3A2, and stayed until the tail end of the Cascadian Civil War, with its successor being the M7 (XM7). The same is true for the M81 and Chocolate Chip camouflage uniforms, which started being replaced with the M32 (US4CES) pattern thanks to Cascadia’s rather quick advancements. However, these still remain in limited use as the Cascadian Independence Force did not utilize these, thus only 25% of the military use the new rifle and uniforms after the country’s reunification following the Pacific Federation’s cordium cruise missile attack on Prospero and Presidia. The Cascadian Air National Guard and Cascadian Foreign Legions have started adopting the ACG-01 Chimera 5th generation fighter in order to counter the Pacific Federation’s PW-Mk.1s. However, F/C-16s (F-16Cs) and F/C-15s (F-15Cs) still make up the majority of fighter aircraft.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 6,285
Aircraft: 1,200
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/17/2025 08:02 pm