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The Black Hills of Udun is a nation led by Dark Lord Ashdurbagu Burzum on the continent of North America. The Black Hills of Udun's government is a Theocratic Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Black Hills of Udun favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Black Hills of Udun is the Burznazg. At 673 days old, The Black Hills of Udun is an ancient nation. The Black Hills of Udun has a population of 768,403 and a land area of 38,669.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 19.87. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

After the great volcanic eruptions of August 2102, the Mountainian government was couped by Ašdurbagu Burzum. He established a dark dictatorship in its place.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Udun
Leader Name: Ashdurbagu Burzum
Nation ID: 536062
Founded: 04/07/2023 (673 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 5 hours ago
Discord Username:meefysonofmofey#0
Unique ID: 6e5aa2224240070aafe5329d7
International Relations
Alliance: The High Table Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:76 days
Color Trade Bloc: Liberty Red
Commendations: 58
Denouncements: 14
Nation Page Visits: 9,377
Population: 768,403
Infrastructure: 5,687.67
Land Area: 38,669 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 19.87 people/sq. mi
GDP: $958,564,598.00
GDP per Capita: $1,247.47
GNI: $-237,285,770.00
Economic Policies: Right
Currency: Currency Image Burznazg
Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Authoritarian
State Religion: Udunic Cult Udunic Cult
National Animal: National Animal ImageNone
Approval Rating: 0% (-305.56)
Pollution Index: 204 points
Radiation Index: 357.65 R (Global: 379.07 R)
OBL Team: Bozo Breakers
Nation Rank: #2,969 of 11,192 Nations (26.53%)
Nation Score: More Information 2,495.19
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 61,250.41
Infrastructure Lost: 52,510.00
Money Looted: $175,926,377.97
Wars Won: 58
Wars Lost: 35

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

20 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/06 08:37 pm - Udun had war declared by Scotland89 for the reason of "Nice nation, it would be a shame if...".
02/06 05:08 am - Udun declared war on United Nation of E-Vans for the reason of "Your flag colors clash with our aesthetic. This means war!".
02/06 05:06 am - Udun declared war on Ponyreich for the reason of "money".
02/05 11:22 pm - Udun changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
02/05 06:16 pm - Rageproject changed the alliance position of Ashdurbagu Burzum from Contractor to Asset.
02/02 11:33 pm - Udun has publicly denounced the nation of Hikos led by Tadeusz The Great.
02/02 09:07 am - Constantine II of The Apostolic Empire has publicly commended the nation of Udun.
02/01 08:45 pm - F33GS95 of F33GS Nation has publicly denounced the nation of Udun.
02/01 05:12 pm - Udun had war declared by Kingdom of Delaurel for the reason of "Alliance War".
01/31 08:58 pm - Udun has publicly denounced the nation of F33GS Nation led by F33GS95.
01/29 11:19 pm - Udun changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
01/28 12:25 am - Udun has publicly denounced the nation of ArmenianArmedForces led by Riverstan.
01/27 10:12 am - Riverstan of ArmenianArmedForces has publicly denounced the nation of Udun.
01/19 11:08 pm - Udun had war declared by Zhonghua Minguo for the reason of "AVOID us.".
01/19 07:06 pm - Udun declared war on Greater Finnic Realm for the reason of "I like destroying your stuff".
01/19 03:36 am - Udun was embargoed by Erydia.
01/19 03:35 am - Azok Kruschev of Erydia has publicly denounced the nation of Udun.
01/18 08:58 pm - Udun had war declared by Aeorzea for the reason of "If war is over please pm for peace".
01/18 04:10 pm - Udun had war declared by Vesperia for the reason of "NOOT NOOT!".
01/17 10:54 pm - Udun changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
01/08 03:53 pm - Udun changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
01/08 02:55 pm - Udun had war declared by Catlovenia for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!".
01/08 01:19 am - Takirumi of Sakura Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Udun.
01/07 05:36 pm - Udun declared war on Sakura Empire for the reason of "Your country is a total mess. Sad! Time to go to war, and we'll win like never before.".
01/06 11:20 am - Udun had war declared by ArmenianArmedForces for the reason of "Your actions are illogical. War is the only reasonable response.".
01/05 06:22 am - JOHN CHRISTOPHER V of BLACKSTOKES COMPANY has publicly commended the nation of Udun.
12/28 03:51 am - Udun had war declared by Philippines Greater Empire for the reason of "Engr Blitz!!!".
12/28 02:14 am - Udun had war declared by Republique helvetique for the reason of "You denounced me? War. Like, who even does that?!".
12/26 05:41 pm - Udun had war declared by Aeorzea for the reason of "Nuke me, baby! You’re still in a trash AA. ".
12/26 05:34 am - Sayyedyavarali of Sayyedistan has publicly denounced the nation of Udun.
Udun's Military

it's about time I updated this

Mountainian Military Actions


The Republic of Mountainia: Military Information

tech bulletin coming soon

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
8 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Advanced Urban Planning
Advanced Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $100,000,000.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Nuclear Research Facility
Nuclear Research Facility is a national project that allows you to build Nuclear Weapons.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.
Vital Defense System
Vital Defense System is a national project that gives you a 25% chance of thwarting enemy nuclear attacks and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed.