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South Germany

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The Federal Republic of South Germany is a nation led by Federal Chancellor Rahim Duke on the continent of Europe. The Federal Republic of South Germany's government is a Parliamentary Democracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Federal Republic of South Germany favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Federal Republic of South Germany is the Euro. At 655 days old, The Federal Republic of South Germany is an ancient nation. The Federal Republic of South Germany has a population of 7,686,989 and a land area of 64,650.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 118.90. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 62.2096%.

Federal Republic of South Germany (Uwistan)

founded on 28th December 2080

The Federal Republic of South Germany (inofficially Uwistan) is a free, independent and democratic state in central europe

[National Information - Discord-Server]


National Assembly (Lower House):

National Assembly has 370 seats

Needed votes to pass to parliament: 3%

Result of last Elections 2099:

Conservative Democratic Union of South Germany (Conservatism) - 40.8% (156 seats)

Social Democratic Party of South Germany (Social Democracy) - 20.1% (77 seats)

National People's Party of South Germany (Nationalconservatism) - 14.3% (55 seats)

Free South German Party (Economic Liberalism) - 8.3% (32 seats)

National Conservative Party of South Germany (Nationalconservatism) - 5.6% (21 seats)

Party of South German Libertarians (Libertarianism) - 4.5% (17 seats)

Progressive Green Alliance (Green Policies) - 3.0% (12 seats)

Left Party of South Germany (Democratic Socialism) - 1.2% (0 seats)

National Renewal Party of South Germany (Conservatism with modern society) - 1.0% (0 seats)

Democratic Worker Party ((Democratic) Socialism) - 0.6% (0 seats)

Independent Palatinates (Regionalism) - 0.6% (0 seats)


Next federal elections: 2103

Next state elections: 2101 (Orbis Date)

Governing coalition: Conservative Democratic Union of South Germany and National People's Party of South Germany
(total of 211 seats)

National Assembly:

South German Cabinet:

Federal Chancellery, Federal Chancellor: Rahim Duke (KDU)

Vice-Chancellor's Office, Vice-Chancellor: Michael Berger (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Economics, Minister: Michael Berger (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Finance, Minister: Lukas Weber (KDU)

Federal Ministry of the Interior, Minister: Timo Schwarz (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister: Nicole Keller (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Justice, Minister of Justice: Julia Richter (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Minister: Sarah Meier (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Defence, Minister: Florian Braun (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Minister: Jonas Wagner (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Youth, Minister: Lisa Vogel (NVS)

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and Senior Citizens, Minister: Anna Fischer (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Health, Minister: David Schmitz (NVS)

Federal Ministry of Education, Minister: Sophia Klein (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Research, Minister: Nadine Becker (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Housing and Building, Minister: Maximilian Schmitt (KDU)

Federal Ministry of Transport, Minister: Lena Müller (KDU)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Minister: Laura Stein (NVS)

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Minister: Simon Neumann (NVS)


National Anthem:

Text on German:                                                                                                                                                             Text on English:

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit                                                                                                       Unity and Justice and Freedom
für das Süddeutsche Vaterland!                                                                                                   For the South German fatherland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben                                                                                                             Towards these let us all strive
brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!                                                                                                           Brotherly with heart and hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit                                                                                                       Unity and Justice and Freedom
sind des Glückes Unterpfand;                                                                                                       Are the foundation of Happiness;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,                                                                                      Flourish in the radiance of this hapiness;
blühe, Süddeutsches Vaterland!                                                                                               Flourish, South German Fatherland!
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,                                                                                      Flourish in the radiance of this hapiness;
blühe, Süddeutsches Vaterland!                                                                                               Flourish, South German Fatherland!

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Show rows starting at

Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
06:17 pm
Coal 234Sell 910,260
(3,890 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:38 pm
2)United Canarie Islands
Knights Templar
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
02:23 pm
Food 100,836Sell 11,797,812
(117 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:06 pm
3)Kins town
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
05:41 pm
Uranium 1,000Sell 3,129,000
(3,129 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:05 pm
4)Free States of America
Bear Caldwell
The Republic of Libertas
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
03:40 pm
Coal 811Sell 3,201,017
(3,947 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:46 pm
DtC Justice
The Hand of Fate
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
09:43 pm
Food 60,000Sell 7,140,000
(119 ea)
Accepted Accepted
03:46 pm
Grumpy Old Bastards
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
06:45 am
Uranium 3,000Sell 10,311,000
(3,437 ea)
Accepted Accepted
01:37 pm
The Derby Tracks
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
12:06 pm
Coal 317Sell 1,235,983
(3,899 ea)
Accepted Accepted
12:36 pm
South Germany
Rahim Duke
The Foundation
01:13 pm
Uranium 2,000Sell 6,648,000
(3,324 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:07 pm

Showing 0-15 of 8 Offers