Achievement Showcase
The Khanate of Moristan is a nation led by Supreme Khan Memento Mori on the continent of North America. The Khanate of Moristan's government is a Dictatorship with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Khanate of Moristan favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Khanate of Moristan is the Dong. At 915 days old, The Khanate of Moristan is an ancient nation. The Khanate of Moristan has a population of 2,804,466 and a land area of 108,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 25.85. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
Counterers - If you send me a notice I will likely cease and desist in a raid.
Alliance History:
Castle Camelot (Member): September 15 - November 26, 2022. (61 days)
Camelot (Member): November 26, 2022 - present
Wars fought in:
‘Infinity War’: 1.43 billion dealt, 752 million net
Cam vs Micros: 18th net damage in Camelot proper, 670m dealt, net 153m
Cam vs Coal: 5th net damage in Camelot proper, 762m dealt, net 599m
'New Year Nuke Me': 354m net *
Our enemies know us as ruthless warriors, and our allies know us as "those barbarians with the bozo sword thingies".
Founded from the chaos of the 2020s, we provide turbulence to an otherwise calm and prosperous world. Our space forces defeated a threat long after they killed more than half of our population, a feat never dreamed of before. The Civil War following the Great War, started by our current leader and Supreme Khan, was the deadliest war by percentage of combatants dead in human history, an amazing feat for a country where personal firearms are banned. And now, we rise up again to claim what has always been ours.
We are Moristan. One million blades, one million warriors.
-- Supreme Khan of the Moristanian Empire, Protector of the Realms of Former Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, and Central America, Overseer of the Former Russian North American Colonies, Doenetskraya of the Military, Doenetskraya of Military Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Concerned Moristanians for Moristanian Supremacy, Supervisor of the Committee on Sciences and Technology and the Advancement of Moristanian Applications, Doenetskraya of the Board on Spreading Moristanian Ideals, Grand Arbiter of the System of Punishments and Reprisals, Head Ambassador between Doenetskrayas of the Moristanian Empire, Censor of all Information Pertinent to Moristan, the Holiest of the Grand MORI, the Avatar of Ra the Egyptian Sun God, Head of the Committee on Ohio Suppression Techniques, Doenetskraya of Combat Training, Supervisor of the Doeneburo of Foreign Affairs, Thrice Receiver of the High Medal of Moristan, Twice Receiver of the Just Medal of Moristan, Memento Mori.
AKA Moria, Moristanian Empire, Morian Empire, Second Moristanian Khanate, Second Moristanian Empire, etc. (I think you get the idea)
Important posts:
*Certain stats left out for 'clarity' (ahem ahem)
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | Moristan |
Leader Name: | Memento Mori |
Currency: |
![]() Dong |
National Animal: |
![]() Walrus |
History: | The history of Moristan can be first started with the United States in the turbulent 2020s. Shortly after annexing the rest of North America and basically hegemonizing the rest of the world, humans became aware of an extraterrestrial threat. In normal human fashion, the first thing an American did was to take a gun, and shoot and the sky. Of course it was a miss, and thus started the Great War. The population of North America was reduced to only one hundred million, but was saved by the invention of a sword that coud automatically detect and deflect weapons fired at it. After this, Supreme Khan Memento Mori took advantage of the weakened state and in the Civil War (costing another 98 million lives) assumed control of the country. |
Geography | |
Continent: | North America |
Land Area: | 174,613.39 sq. km |
Terrain: | Everything. Literally everything. |
Highest Peak: | Denali, 0 meters |
Lowest Valley: | I refuse to use meters., 0 meters |
Climate: | It is really hot in some places, and cold in others. You know, that's kind of what the universe is. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 2,804,466 people |
Demonym: | Moristanian, Morian |
Demonym Plural: | Moristanians, Morians |
Ethnic Groups: | High social credit - 10.0% Medium social credit - 80.0% Low social credit - 10.0% |
Languages: | Moristanian - 100.0% Morian - 0.0% English - 10.0% |
Religions: | Ra the Egyptian Sun God - 96.0% Pastafarianism - 3.0% The Grand MORI - 1.0% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 4 years |
Obesity: | 0% |
Alcohol Users: | 0% |
Tobacco Users: | 0% |
Cannabis Users: | 0% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0% |
Economy | |
Description: | We have a barter economy. |
Average Yearly Income: | $81.54 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $1,188,383,120.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $423.75 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $-259,440,905.00 |
Industries: | Piracy. Just piracy. |
Military | |
History: | During the Great War, Moristan significantly increased its space power, as well as its armed forces. Moristan now sports one of the strongest fleets in the known universe. Both vessels and soldiers use blades as combat tools. While blades can easily deflect projectiles due to the computing power invested into them during the Great War, most Moristanians really don't know what to do with them when they get to the enemy. But that's a matter for a different time... |
Soldiers: | 0 |
Tanks: | 0 |
Aircraft: | 0 |
Ships: | 0 |
Missiles: | 0 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Last Updated: 11/08/2022 04:25 pm |