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The Ascended Nation of Alteria is a nation led by Queen Oma Desala on the continent of Europe. The Ascended Nation of Alteria's government is a Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Ascended Nation of Alteria favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Ascended Nation of Alteria is the Alters. At 757 days old, The Ascended Nation of Alteria is an ancient nation. The Ascended Nation of Alteria has a population of 7,141,843 and a land area of 87,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 81.62. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


We came here from the Pegasus Galaxy to start a new breed of human evolution 

Alterans are a race of advanced human beings who founded the fabled empire of Atlantis. 

The Journey from Pegasus

The Alterans, a race of enlightened beings, embarked on an intergalactic voyage from the Pegasus Galaxy, seeking to sow the seeds of a new evolutionary path for humanity. Their arrival on Earth marked the beginning of a profound transformation, one that would intertwine their destiny with the planet’s future.

The Empire of Atlantis 

Atlantis, the crowning achievement of the Alteran civilization, stood as a testament to their ingenuity and spirit. The empire’s history stretches back over a hundred millennia, with its denizens enjoying lifespans that defy human comprehension. The venerable Oma Desala, the current queen, has witnessed the passage of more than six thousand years, her wisdom shaping the course of Alteran society.

Technological Marvels

The Alterans’ technological prowess is unparalleled, eclipsing even the most advanced human inventions. Their mastery of flight, achieved eons before humanity’s first forays into the skies, is but one example of their superior capabilities. The Leviathan, a behemoth of engineering, and the awe-inspiring Flying City of Atlantis are enduring symbols of their might. Yet, the origins of their technological ascendancy remain shrouded in mystery, concealed from humanity to safeguard their secrets.

A Culture Flowing Like Water

Water, the essence of life, holds a place of honor within Alteran culture. The grand waterways of Atlantis mirror the fluid elegance of their language, which itself is a reflection of water’s perpetual motion. This reverence for water is deeply ingrained in their society, influencing their art, architecture, and daily rituals.

The Power of Crystals

Each Alteran is entrusted with a small, luminous blue crystal, a shard of the Great Power Source that fuels their technological wonders. These crystals, beyond their utilitarian purpose, possess curative properties, mending wounds with a touch. The Great Power Source, a colossal crystal radiating a brilliant azure hue, is the lifeblood of Atlantis. Known as the Heart of Atlantis, it is accessible only to those of royal lineage and is integral to the city’s survival.

The Crystal’s Choice

In times of dire need, the Great Power Source may select a royal host to become its guardian. This symbiotic bond ensures the protection of Atlantis and its people. However, should the crystal be removed, the consequences would be catastrophic, stripping the Alterans of their vitality and leading to their eventual demise. The queen’s crystal, a fragment of this majestic source, holds immense significance, symbolizing the sovereignty and continuity of the Alteran legacy.


Ascension: The Apex of Alteran Ambition

Ascension represents the zenith of Alteran achievement, a transcendent state where consciousness is liberated from the corporeal constraints, allowing one to exist as a being of pure energy. This ethereal transformation is the culmination of their pursuit of knowledge and understanding, a process that elevates them to a higher plane of existence.

The Path to Enlightenment

For the Alterans, Ascension is the ultimate expression of enlightenment, a goal that all strive to attain. It is a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the mastery of the physical universe. Through Ascension, an Alteran achieves a form of immortality, their essence enduring beyond the physical realm.

Cultural Imperative

The drive towards Ascension is deeply embedded in Alteran culture. It is considered the most noble of pursuits, reflecting their deep-seated values of wisdom, harmony, and progress. The Alterans believe that through Ascension, they can reach a state of perfect understanding and peace.

Guardianship of Knowledge

Ascension also serves a practical purpose for the Alterans. It allows them to safeguard their vast accumulation of knowledge and experience, ensuring that it transcends time and space. Those who ascend become custodians of Alteran history and guardians of their future.

A Society United by Destiny

The collective aspiration for Ascension unites Alteran society, providing a shared vision that guides their civilization. It is a testament to their advanced evolution and a beacon that lights the way for all Alterans, inspiring each generation to continue the legacy of their ancestors.


Basically, don't fight these guys, they will win, with technology that is thousands of years ahead. 


Joined The Mortals Alliance - 16th August 2022

First War Won - 18th August 2022

100 Wars Won - 29th September 2022

Graduated to The Immortals Alliance - 19th October 2022

City 10 - 19th October 2022

First Nuke Eaten - 25th October 2022

First Missile Launched - 12th November 2022

First Global War Won - 3rd January 2023

First War Lost - 28th April 2023

City 20 - 14th July 2023

City 30 WHALE STATUS - 26th February 2024


Relevant War History:

Arrgh Raids on TI - 24/10/22 to 31/10/22 WON

Bifröst Blitz Global War 26 (Midgard side)- 11/11/22 to 03/01/23 WON

Ragnarök The Great Divorce (Midgard side) - 25/04/23 to 08/05/23 PEACED

Blitz on Aurora - 31/01/24 to 02/02/24 PEACED

Casino Royal Global War 29 (House side) - 18/05/24 to 21/06/24 DEFEAT


Bifröst Blitz War info: Click Here
Ragnarök War Info: Click Here




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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Alteria
Leader Name: Oma Desala
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Pegasus Horse
History: Alterans are a race of advanced human beings who founded the fabled empire of Atlantis. Their history dates back at least one hundred thousand years; they can live to great ages (thanks to the crystals they each one carries) that may seem inhuman to outsiders, with the oldest known Atlantean being the current queen, Oma Desala.

The technology of the Alterans is highly advanced; it could easily outdo a combustion engine. The Alterans also mastered the power of flight millennia before the rest of humanity did. They can create great machines with their skills, an example being the Leviathan and the Flying City of Atlantis. How the Alterans gained such advanced technology is not not known or elaborated upon, as they came from another Galaxy, they hide quite a bit of their advancements from the rest of Humanity.

The culture appears to stress the importance of water; there are many flowing waterways located in their great city and even their language (which also appears to be important in Alteran society) is modelled after the flowing form of water.

Each Alteran gains a small, blue crystal, which they use to power the technology they frequently use. It can also be used to heal small wounds. All of these crystals are smaller parts of the Alterans Great Power Source: a Giant Crystal that shines bright blue and can only be touched by those of Royal Blood. Because Atlantis cannot function without it, it has been called the Heart of Atlantis.

The Crystal may choose a host of Royal Blood when Atlantis is in great peril. However, if the crystal is removed, the Alterans lose their power and will eventually die. The Queens crystal piece appears to have some sort of value and importance amongst the Alterans.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 140,817.25 sq. km
Terrain: Alteria has a vast number of different terrains, from the water city Atlantis in the west to the Sparring Mt Olympus in the north and cantered by the amazing flat plains on Celestas.
Highest Peak: Mt. Olympus, 8,839 meters
Lowest Valley: Celestas Plains, 0 meters
Climate: Climate is the average European climate, mild with good heat in the summer and mild cold in the winter.
People & Society
Population: 7,141,843 people
Demonym: Alteran
Demonym Plural: Alterans
Ethnic Groups: White - 58.0%
Black - 22.0%
Alien - 20.0%
Languages: English - 90.0%
Ancient - 9.0%
Spanish - 1.0%
Religions: Ascention - 99.0%
Death End - 0.5%
Imperialistic Cult - 0.5%
Life Expectancy: 5000 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 40%
Tobacco Users: 20%
Cannabis Users: 90%
Hard Drug Users: 10%
Description: The nation has a capitalist economy but makes sure to provide via subsidies a living wage for anyone who cant work. Everyone in the nation is well cared for and the economy has never gone into recession because of it.
Average Yearly Income: $155.13
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $9,605,672,537.00
GDP per Capita: $1,344.98
Gross National Income (GNI): $5,720,690,990.00
Industries: Major Industries include Space Dock Building, Space Ship Building, Energy Weapon Parts Manufacturing and Timeline Altering.
History: Armed Forces were established 1.2 million years ago in the Pegasus galaxy. However when leaving it was left behind with the other Alterans, in the Orbis year 2079 Atlantis landed in the ocean, whereby it then started to establish a new military presence.
Soldiers: 90,000
Tanks: 22,500
Aircraft: 2,220
Ships: 33
Missiles: 47
Nuclear Weapons: 6
Last Updated: 10/18/2022 12:59 pm