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The Based Knight Order of Chadland is a nation led by High Chad Chadius II on the continent of North America. The Based Knight Order of Chadland's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Based Knight Order of Chadland favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Based Knight Order of Chadland is the Chadcoin. At 980 days old, The Based Knight Order of Chadland is an ancient nation. The Based Knight Order of Chadland has a population of 6,360,029 and a land area of 52,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 121.14. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
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National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | Knight Order of Chadland |
Leader Name: | Chadius II |
Currency: |
![]() Chadcoin |
National Animal: |
![]() Red Panda |
History: | The Knight Order of Chadland was founded by the famed warrior Kule Chadius I and a band of soldiers loyal to him, after they were banished from the Princedom of Patagonia out of fear they would coup the government. After leaving the nation, Chadius and his followers crossed the colossal Southern Andes, and founded a city and nation on the western side of the mountains, on a fertile plain by the sea. After word of Chadius' banishment, and the creation of the Knight Order, spread, many people who idolized him, and especially those seeking to be warriors, travelled to the land and settled, allowing the knight order to grow rapidly. The economy of the nation boomed soon after its creation, due to heavy investment in commerce, as well as much money gained from funding pirates near other nations. The knight order did very well, besides a few poor raiding decisions, until soon after it passed 1 million population, when a sudden massive volcanic eruption in the nearby area caused an emergency evacuation onto a large fleet of passenger ships. The knight Order's High Chad, now Chadius I's son, decided to move the nation to the large island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, where he has heard there was great farmland and plenty of space, as well as jungles. The nation was re-created on the island and was able to spring back from the disaster, re-building its cities and infrastructure. It is now a prosperous naval-based nation, semi-peaceful and economically oriented around steel exportation. |
Geography | |
Continent: | North America |
Land Area: | 84,490.35 sq. km |
Terrain: | When the nation was located west of the andes, the nation was in a small plain surrounded by ocean to the west, and mountains to the east, as well a a large island to the south, which the Knight Order of Chadland claimed and populated. In Hispaniola, the terrain is mostly hilly with lots of forest and jungle, with occasional mountains and plains. The order controls almost the entire island save for a few harder to reach areas. |
Highest Peak: | Pico Duarte (Hispaniola), 10,174 meters |
Lowest Valley: | Lago Enriquillo, -46 meters |
Climate: | Tropical semi-hilly. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 6,360,029 people |
Demonym: | Basedian |
Demonym Plural: | Basedi |
Ethnic Groups: | Chadic - 97.8% Normalian - 2.1% Virginic - 0.1% |
Languages: | Chadi - 97.8% English - 2.2% Trolled! - 0.0% |
Religions: | Basedism - 97.8% Normalist - 2.1% Betanity - 0.1% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 83 years |
Obesity: | 4.2% |
Alcohol Users: | 0.7% |
Tobacco Users: | 1% |
Cannabis Users: | 0.6% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0% |
Economy | |
Description: | Since its creation, the economy of the Knight Order has flourished from trade and commerce. Recently, the king has invested greatly into Steel manufacturing, making it the largest industry in the nation. |
Average Yearly Income: | $156.04 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $10,977,914,397.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $1,726.08 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $5,298,963,055.00 |
Industries: | The Knight Order is a trade hub for all sorts of goods, including ones it obtains from conquests & raiding, but recently the largest exports have been in Steel and Correct Opinions. |
Military | |
History: | The Knight Order, as the name suggests, is a nation founded from military expertise, and because of that, a strong army is a core requirement for the nation to thrive. The government conscripts every male in the nation aged 19-35, and a special branch of the military was made for female military volunteers, though the division is small. The soldiers of the Knight Order are expertly trained by some of the best, most experienced generals in the world, and that makes the armed forces extremely effective in combat, defensive or offensive. In addition to infantry, the Knight Order buys large amount of military equipment, including over 9000 tanks (The Knight Order used to maintain almost 20,000 tanks, but recently cut back on tank spending to save money for other investments), 1500 combat-ready aircraft, 100 warships, and 20 emergency long-range missiles. The Knight Order also maintains an extensive spy network. |
Soldiers: | 0 |
Tanks: | 12,000 |
Aircraft: | 1,800 |
Ships: | 0 |
Missiles: | 20 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 10 |
Last Updated: 03/26/2024 03:06 am |