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Free Territory of Severoslavia is a nation led by Main delegate Nestor Kacov on the continent of Europe. Free Territory of Severoslavia's government is a Anarchy with very anarchist social policies. Economically, Free Territory of Severoslavia favors left wing policies. The official currency of Free Territory of Severoslavia is the Zloty. At 1,060 days old, Free Territory of Severoslavia is an ancient nation. Free Territory of Severoslavia has a population of 8,264,327 and a land area of 60,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 137.51. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 44.3768%.
Nothing very interesting. First was people's republic, then republic and now anarchy. Polesie joined TAP didn't get into any conflict except raids. Then civil war broke out, global conflicts came and now another civil war.
Civil war
-Free territory of Republika Poleska(anarchists),
-Party of Neko Supremacists of Republika Poleska(fascists),
-Socialist Republic of Polesie(socialists),
-Confederation of Polesie(militarists).
-Free territory of Republika Poleska wins the civil war,
-leaders of PNSRP escaped, probably they escaped to Cilgwri.
Second civil war
-Free Territory of Polesie(anarchists),
-Soviet Socialist Republic of Polesie(communists),
-National Union of Polesie(the fascists from the previous civil war),
-People's Republic of Polesie(social-democrats),
-Defence Council of Polesie(military junta),
-Kingdom of Polesie(monarchists),
-Ukrainian Polesie(ukrainians),
-Polesie Vanguard Council(anarchists that went vanguard mode and furries. Yes, furries. Don't ask why).
-PVC and DCP have won the civil war.
Because two fractions won the civil war, it was time for deciding who will rule the country. Dmitry Lisov from PVC have won and he declared Furry Anarchy of Polesie.
After another big war, nation has fallen into anarchy, again. This time it went so hard, it collapsed into third civil war. It was eventually won by anarcho-syndicalists, which proclaimed Communal Federation of Severoslavia.
In February of 2105, CFS moved from TAP to TFP.
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