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Sergio clones Empire

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Sergio clones Empire is a nation led by Clones Emperor Professor Sergio on the continent of North America. Sergio clones Empire's government is a Communist Theocracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Sergio clones Empire favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Sergio clones Empire is the Mexican Peso. At 3,245 days old, Sergio clones Empire is an ancient nation. Sergio clones Empire has a population of 4,209,260 and a land area of 90,200.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 46.67. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

the clones of the Professor Sergio under the professor live in the Empire "Clones are Always loyal to the professor" the sergio clones empire is a clones paradise, the clones control the means of production and worship their creator, the clones like peace but if allies and the nation are at risk they will sacrifice their souls for the cause,

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Sergio clones Empire
Leader Name: Professor Sergio
Currency: Currency Image
Mexican Peso
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: the professor sergio created a city of clones and led them for the independence, after that the clones made their creator their leader who is the professor
great wars the nation participed:
NPO first time as member of Storm Division 17/06/16 victory
silent war as member of cornerstone Sept. 10, 2016 victory
papers please cornerstone 26/12/16 victory
the trail of tiers 13/04/17 defeat
ayyslamic crusade 18/03/18 victory
Continent: North America
Land Area: 145,162.47 sq. km
Terrain: the nation has some mountains and rivers around the cities
Highest Peak: mt.honor, 5,070 meters
Lowest Valley: Serland plain, 0 meters
Climate: Template
People & Society
Population: 4,209,260 people
Demonym: Serlander
Demonym Plural: Serlanders
Ethnic Groups: Professor Sergio Clones - 99.9%
Mexican - 0.1%
Languages: spanish - 100.0%
english - 100.0%
French - 100.0%
Religions: catholic Cristianism - 100.0%
Creator cult - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 1000 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: this nation is a comunist theocracy where everyone works for a better nation and everyone is equal
Average Yearly Income: $55.81
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $5,868,317,474.00
GDP per Capita: $1,394.14
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,438,539,450.00
Industries: Steel production and uranium explotation, nuclear, agriculture, weapons, naval, areonautics, banking and comerce
History: the imperial Clone army is ready to protect the motherland and the creator
nuclear weapons researched since 16/02/17
04/12/18 the war with Rose:
1st day
Histenia Front:President haydentoo of histenia declared war upon the Sergio clones Empire. justification for the war was, "Into the oblivion", the clones prepared forces for the inminent attack 2 air clashes occurred 72 and 75 jets where lost in the outskirts of slashville, a second attack cost the enemy 69 aircraft, a naval offensive then was made by the ICN,naval bombarding calaad 4 ships were destroyed while trying to break the blockade in histenia
2nd day: the ocean and aerial battles continued with 12 ships lost, in the afternoon the battle of reichstag comenced with casualities of 9242 enemies fallen in two assaults while we lost 10445 clone soldiers and 54 tanks
Provincia Front: the provinican air ofensive in slashvile made moderate city damage but brougth to an end the capabilities of the air force with 155 planes lost destroying 124 provincian pilots trying to bomb slashville, permision by the emperor was optained to detonate a nuclear warhead in the city of burlingtong destroying the entire city, a ground showdown was made in the outskirts of slashville, 16,797 soldiers and 314 tanks destroyed our 20,201 soldiers and 351 tanks defending the city
2nd day: minor raids between the navy and air force in cities where made destroying infrastructure
Hotel Front: overwhelming strikes by air and ground forces caused the collapse of the air force and army still defending slashville, 505 pilots, 32,064 soldiers and 6591 tanks during after this battle the army was devastated so a second warhead was launched destroying sunset motel, the final blow of the offensive destroyed the only remaining operative forces, the imperial clone navy 22 ships destroye the second day
The war ended after the surrender of histenia forces and defeat of the resistance of the clone army rebuilding has comeced
Soldiers: 345,000
Tanks: 28,500
Aircraft: 1,650
Ships: 83
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 3
Last Updated: 05/31/2018 12:08 am