Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre is a nation led by Saint Tsarina Lydia HurleOmbre on the continent of Europe. Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre's government is a Theocracy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre favors moderate policies. The official currency of Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre is the Franc. At 1,243 days old, Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre is an ancient nation. Tsarinavar of HurleOmbre has a population of 9,506,019 and a land area of 113,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 84.12. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
The HurleOmbre Horde was founded in the 750 years in Eastern Europe by a group of Nomadic Tribe, this horde pillaged and raided the region trough the whole middle age, in the ~900 years, the HurleOmbre Horde settled in Spain and founded the Iberivan Kingdom, becoming a major player in Europe and then falling to many Dynastic Conflict and Civil War in the 1200 periods… The HurleOmbre Kingdom would be founded later on and survive the middle age weakened, but still holding around the Pyrenean Mountain, the nation would still take part in some continental war but not as a main participant anymore.
The 1400 years would see a rapid comeback with the conquest of Southern France and the formation of the HurleOmbre Empire in 1485, founded by the Conquerror Empress Méphitis HurleOmbre. Trough most of her rules she would try to take conquer Spain, half successfull at first, her campagn would endebt the nation and break its economy, the Spanish Conquest will end with her death in the siege of Loskor, the Royal Capital. Her brother Tel'Moth HurleOmbre would take the Crown and try to avenge her, at first he would successfully push the enemy away from the HurleOmbre Homeland and will even push deeper into Iberia, at some point he tought he could try to finish his sister wish of uniting the region, however, as he walked deeper into the Léon,Castillan and Andalusian region, the conflict would get more intense, with constant revolt and uprising in the land he conquered, after long years of war, his Army would end up to weakened to continue, his military campagn would end in terrible disaster with the near-total massacre of its Army and his own death in the Asturian mountain not long after, this mark the end of the short reign of the Second HurleOmbre Emperor.
The years of 1492 mark the death of Tel'Moth, the Empire will then pass by a long time of tyrannic ruler and disastrous war, the Army will be greatly improved and the Empire will manage some successfull conquest, but sadly end in 1530 with the formation of a Christian Coalitions against the Heretics HurleOmbre Empire, the brutal massacre of christian by the HurleOmbre were not accepted anymore… The HurleOmbre Empire will be fragmented and conquered by its neightbourg, the only remaining territory were a seated in fortified position around the Alpine Mountain, wich were to costly to take for the Christian Coalitions. This low-populated frontier region, far-away from the HurleOmbre homeland, would become the new center of the HurleOmbre civilisation, the peoples of the region, now calling themself the Ombrian peoples, would keep their dreams of reconquering and reforming their large Empire, but of course, lacking the ability to, from the 1500 up to the current days, the nation will mostly try to stay isolationist, still, war would always come at its door either regional conflict,internal Religious War,Indendance movement,Revolutionnary War and many others conflict would arise within the borders of the now small HurleOmbre Empire, keeping their titles Imperial Titles even tought the Nation would be barely more than a large region of Sheep-Herder with barely one large city… Still, thanks to the lack of interest of its neightbourg and its strong defensive capacity, the Ombrian peoples managed to survive.
Today, the HurleOmbre Empire is developping more rapidly, mainly due to having joined an International Coalitions, said Coalition wich help them develop, but also request the nation military assistance in war, this led to renewed opportunity of expansion and economic developpement, but also with the threat of war, HurleOmbre having a pretty low population, those war could end up being to heavy or worst, it could lead to the nation complete destruction...
Currently, the HurleOmbre Empire of the Alp is co-ruled by the Empress Lydia HurleOmbre together with the assistance of the Ombrian Military, the modern HurleOmbre Empire having dropped its Monarchic administration for a Military one. The current Capital is Lisadryne City, where the HurleOmbre Family Manor,Ombrian Senate,the HurleOmbre Military Headquarter and as numerous Ombrian Religious Institutions are located. However, Lisadryne City hold an extremly weak roles in the nation, in terms of demographics size and economic importance, it is the RavagerFury City who hold all importance, this city is so important that many could say that the HurleOmbre Empire is actually a City-State, nearly half of the whole nation GDP are in or related to the RavagerFury City, as for population, around 15% of the whole nation population live in RavagerFury, the second largest city being Loskor at less than half RavagerFury size, Lisadryne and Port-Gorcus come far behind, being simple medium-sized city.
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | HurleOmbre |
Leader Name: | Lydia HurleOmbre |
Currency: |
![]() Franc |
National Animal: |
![]() Bat |
History: | |
Geography | |
Continent: | Europe |
Land Area: | 181,855.42 sq. km |
Terrain: | The region is heavily mountainous and forested, most of the population live in valley or on the coastline |
Highest Peak: | Mount Thorn, 6,270 meters |
Lowest Valley: | Keldria Lowland, -87 meters |
Climate: | Temperate on the coast / snowy and cold in the mountainous inland |
People & Society | |
Population: | 9,506,019 people |
Demonym: | Ombrian |
Demonym Plural: | Ombrians |
Ethnic Groups: | Lycan - 39.0% Atéranos - 27.0% Némek - 21.0% |
Languages: | French - 82.0% Italian - 16.0% German - 2.0% |
Religions: | Lyrock of Loskor - 17.0% Cult of Iris - 52.0% Tribal Religion - 31.0% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 61 years |
Obesity: | 3% |
Alcohol Users: | 24% |
Tobacco Users: | 5% |
Cannabis Users: | 0% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0% |
Economy | |
Description: | The economy is ressources based and Agrarian, the nation is extremly rich in mineral wich it export internationally trough its main shipyard of Port-Gorcus. The Agrarian Economy is mostly based on Animal Herding, notably the Sheep from who the famous Ombrian Cheese is made, Agriculture exist only on the coast, the Governement massively import its Cereals to feed its population, while Minerals,Wood,Meat,Cheese and others Animal product are exported. |
Average Yearly Income: | $249.98 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $11,890,765,832.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $1,250.87 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $5,576,544,095.00 |
Industries: | The HurleOmbre Industry is extremly weak, the nation is mainly an exporter of mineral and have a few Military Industry in its capital of Loskor, some Butchery,Cheese and Car-Making civilians industry exist, but in low number and in the capital only. |
Military | |
History: | The HurleOmbre Army is at the center of the Nation History, as the HurleOmbre Horde, the first HurleOmbre medieval state, was created as a Military Coalitions of Lycan Tribe, at this time the HurleOmbre were famously known for their raid and pillage trough Europe, wich would only stop in the late middle age with the Horde settling in Iberia and founding their first Kingdom, however as Dynastic conflict led to the fragmentation of the Nation in the ~1400 years, to recover his ancient Kingdom, Sol'This FourcheSoleil created one of the first professional army of Europe, the HurleOmbre Army... Up until today, this Army was always extremly professional and famously known as one of the best Army of the continent, a third of the Governement economy fall into the Armed Force while the Army recruit massively, sometimes by force its young rural population, the HurleOmbre Army is extremly liked by the population even when the Governement is disliked. Even tought the Army is loved and Patriotism is extremly high in the nation, the Army is also feared for its repeated Coup d'Etat, harsh treatment of Protestator and mass murder usage in time of war. |
Soldiers: | 540,000 |
Tanks: | 36,750 |
Aircraft: | 2,700 |
Ships: | 15 |
Missiles: | 3 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 6 |
Last Updated: 09/12/2021 01:57 am |