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Chittagong state
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People's Republic of Chittagong state is a nation led by President Bruhsam on the continent of Asia. People's Republic of Chittagong state's government is a Communist Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, People's Republic of Chittagong state favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of People's Republic of Chittagong state is the Rupee. At 1,383 days old, People's Republic of Chittagong state is an ancient nation. People's Republic of Chittagong state has a population of 7,183,119 and a land area of 100,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 71.83. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 91.9531%.


Welcome to East India! We are a south Asian region that ranges from the duars of Bengal to the Karen Hills, and from the Himalayas to the Malaya. This is the home page of our nation and we are happy to welcome you!

Alongside this, we are a proud member of the Union of India.

East India government GazetteMost requested PortalsActivities and initiatives
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Know your anthem: Understanding the East Indian Regional Anthem
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Who was Rabindranath Tagore?
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Celebrating the Incredible East! thirteen festivals in twelve months!


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Chittagong state
Leader Name: Bruhsam
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Please wait for an update.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 160,934.00 sq. km
Terrain: The terrain of region is diverse. It ranges from the Plains of Bengal, the Deltas of Sundarbans to the Arakan-Yoma Mountains to the Karen hills in the far-east. The Himalayas lie to the north, while the Indian ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman sea lies to the south.
Highest Peak: Gangkhar Puensem, 7,570 meters
Lowest Valley: Andaman Sea, -3,000 meters
Climate: The climate of this state is Tropical. Most of the times it is hot and humid and breezes cold air during winter. It rains heavily during June to October due to south west monsoon winds and little in November and December due to north east monsoon winds. In the Himalayan and mountainous regions though, it snows in winter and has a cool climate in the summer.
People & Society
Population: 7,183,119 people
Demonym: East Indian
Demonym Plural: East Indians
Ethnic Groups: Bengali - 46.0%
Bamar - 15.0%
Assamese - 14.0%
Languages: Bangla - 47.0%
Burmese - 16.0%
Assamese - 14.0%
Religions: Islam - 34.0%
Hinduism - 33.0%
Buddhism - 30.0%
Life Expectancy: 81 years
Obesity: 1%
Alcohol Users: 0.2%
Tobacco Users: 0.1%
Cannabis Users: 7%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The country runs on the basis of planned economy. Most of the economy is dominated by Services and Industries.
Average Yearly Income: $138.49
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $11,412,098,637.00
GDP per Capita: $1,588.74
Gross National Income (GNI): $5,548,497,130.00
Industries: The largest industry is of Oil refining, followed by sizeable steel-making.
History: The Armed forces consist of:

300k Soldiers
400k Reserves
1 Million Paramilitary forces
5000 Armored Cars
1000 Tanks
2500 Artillery

2500 Frigates
300 Submarines
80 Destroyers
2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers

1400 Fighter Jets
300 Payload Jets
1000 Surface-to air missile launchers
5-10 Nuclear Bombs
Soldiers: 337,062
Tanks: 28,935
Aircraft: 1,860
Ships: 360
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 2
Last Updated: 03/14/2024 08:59 am