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The New Republic of China

Achievement Showcase


Republic of Asia The New Republic of China is a nation led by Emperor BreadBao A_Shanghainese on the continent of Asia. Republic of Asia The New Republic of China's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Republic of Asia The New Republic of China favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Asia The New Republic of China is the United Earth Credits. At 1,507 days old, Republic of Asia The New Republic of China is an ancient nation. Republic of Asia The New Republic of China has a population of 2,700,295 and a land area of 44,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 61.37. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.



Imperial Family: 

King: Imsu Shang (Shanghainese)

Queen: Ievna Shang (Celestial)

Princess: Arsinde Shang (Eflame)

Prince: Aziru Shang (Blossom)

Parliament Government

President: Shanghainese

Vice President: Katharine al-Din Musa

Military Commander: Nezamysl Hnaung

Second in Command: Albereda Arceneaux

Province Government:

Administrative: Quán Cendan

Upper North Sibern: Teodor Tufa

Sapporo Islands: Xuan Gon

Bayside Shang: Augusta Eusebia

Pensla Korean Circle: Iñiguez Find

Eastern Heights: Oicles Sophia

Downtown HangZhong: Itzquauhtzin Naw

Roses Embassy:  Xin Muzaka

City Government:

Beij: Meng Pyo

Shanghai: Eikō Messalin

Shenzhen: Jeanne Naituku

Hangzhou: José Trémaux

Xi'an: Estelle Azéma

Wuhan: Eugène Tourneur

Guanzhou: Mélissa Pierrat

Wuxi: Marie-Laure Charrier

Summer Palace: Luo Xiuying

JIn Palace: Zhou Cheng

Jinan: Meng Liuxian

Chonqing: Éloi Pierlot

Suzhou & Hohhot: Chun Hwa-Young

Heifei: P'aeng Yoon-Mi

Xiamen: Ryuk Kwan

Shenyang: Kuk Sang-Hun
Seoul: Airoyu
 Dailan: Ziaul-Haq Al Madini
Ürümqi: Futoio
Busan: Nianfu Li

Linyi: Don Younjae

Alliance: Rose






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