Achievement Showcase
The Kingdom of Halenia is a nation led by King Edward Van Lynch on the continent of Europe. The Kingdom of Halenia's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Halenia favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Halenia is the Gold Standard. At 1,500 days old, The Kingdom of Halenia is an ancient nation. The Kingdom of Halenia has a population of 7,194,818 and a land area of 60,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 119.91. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
04/30 06:25 pm | You unlocked an achievement: 'Lunar Wars' (Build the Moon Landing National Project) and received $10,000,000. |
The Nation of Halenia has become the 73rd nation to complete a successful moon landing. 4/30/2024
01/23 01:44 pm | You unlocked an achievement: Back In My Day (Have a nation at least one year old) |
The Nation of Halenia has become ranked on the leaderboard for Missiles at 91st place. 6/25/2021
The Nation of Halenia has become ranked on the leaderboard for Nuclear weapons at 97th place. 9/14/2021
Halenia is currently ranked 19th place on the leaderboard for Missiles. 9/6/2023
Halenia is currently ranked 68th place on the leaderboard for Nuclear Weapons. 9/6/2023
Halenia grew to 2,000,000+ people living in there nation. 7/23/2021
Halenia grew to 3,000,000+ people living in the nation. 8/16/2021
Halenia grew to 4,000,000+ people living in the nation. 11/4/2021
Halenia grew to 5,000,000+ people living in the nation. 7/13/2022
Halenia grew to 6,000,000+ people living in the nation. 8/7/2024
Halenia grew to 7,000,000+ people living in the nation. 1/26/2025
Halenia has reached a score of 2000+ for the first time. 7/28/2021
Halenia has reached a score of 3000+ for the first time. 9/12/2021
Halenia has reached a score of 4000+ for the first time. 7/21/2022
Halenia has reached a score of 5000+ for the first time. 8/18/2024
Halenia has become 100% crime free Nationwide. 7/31/2021
Halenia has become nuclear capable. 9/1/2021
Halenia has reached a stockpile of 100 missiles for the first time. 9/18/2021
Map of Halenia:
First official Map of the Nation of Halenia was Issued on 7/5/2021.
First official Flag of the Nation of Halenia was Adopted on 7/5/2021.
Flag updated on 7/22/2021.
Map updated on 7/19/2022.
First Great Reset Holliday Flag Adopted on 8/2/2021.
Maps of Halenia:
White is the City Province Border
Red is the Subway system
Purple is the under the sea subway line to connect the Island to the mainland
Another more detailed map of each province is in the making.
National Flag of Halenia:
Flag description:
A blue star located in the reed bar, the red bar being the first of a 3 bar flag. The star is in the upper half of the flag. This is to represent the nation of Halenia being and Island nation, which is in the northern hemisphere. The red being the blood sacrifice the armed forces have paid for our nation to be.
The second bar is the color of Black. In the middle of the flag is the word “Halenia” in the color of yellow. This is to represent the nations high Infrastructure and its vast productions of goods like steel and munitions. This being the heart of the nation's economy. The currency being gold in Halenia is why its yellow on the flag.
Lastly, we have the final bar of the flag being the color white. The white is simply to represent the bright future for the nation. Thus why it is the last color of the flag. If you were reading the flag color by color top to bottom much like a 3 paged book, the last page would still be the unwritten future our destiny as a nation yet holds.
Holliday Flags of Halenia:
Halenia Recognizes the Queen of Marcellus, Dawn Van Lynch, as the wife to Edward Van Lynch. 7/11/2021
04/20 06:54 pm | You unlocked an achievement: 'The Final Frontier' (Build the Space Program National Project). |
National Holliday's
12/15 09:10 pm | You unlocked an achievement: 'Touch Grass' (Log In for a Year Consecutively) and received $50,000,000. |
There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.