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Empire of the Romans




”No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy”


Welcome fellow traveler to the great city of Rome! We hope you enjoy your visit with us. 

Rome offers many great benefits to its citizens, great community and roleplay. 

Feel free to join our discord if you have any questions or want to join. 

This is a oligarchic centralized Republic existing within the framework of the Principate system of Magistrates.

(Alliance founded in 2018 by Rome’s First Emperor, Justinian Magnus Caesar)

Note to Applicants: Joining our discord and applying for citizenship within 12 hours of applying in game is a requirement and those after the mark will be removed off the list. If you cannot keep your cool, follow basic 3rd grade instructions or put in basic effort to play the game actively, don't even bother applying to join Rome.

Translation assistance offered:







Imperator Augustus of Rome: Tiberius Aurion Caesar

Legatus Diplomaticus (High Gov FA): Bloxeus Severus

Praetorian Legatus Augusti (High Gov IA): Azerath Neretzes

Magistrate of the Aerarium Ministorium (High Gov Econ): Lucilla Inepta

Titus Caeso

Legatus Augusti (High Gov MA): Boom Abbas


Chief Justice of Rome: Vulpes Inculta

Magistrate of Roman Culture and Harmony: Marcus Domitius

Quaestor (Econ 2ic):

Daxxus DeMarco

Praetorian Prefect (High Gov IA 2ic): Cailus Romanus


Tribunus Laticlavius (MA 2ic): Kazium Titanicus


Magistrate (High Gov without portfolio):

Paulus Norbanus

Procurator Augusti (Econ Low Gov):


Vexillarius (FA Low Gov):

Praetorian Guard (IA Low Gov): 
Harambe Dio
Junius Clanaticus
Victorius Saturnus

Tribunus Militum (MA Low Gov):

Postumius Bull
Seleukos Nikator
Henerich Pullo



Former Emperors of Rome



Rome has all sorts of amenities to offer to all types of people. We have a executive branch led by the Imperial family and Imperial representatives organizing the executive branch. 



We have the organization for a elected Imperial Senate organized and led by two Consuls elected by a vote of the People. 

Citizens can vote for or against bills, run for public office, and serve in any executive department. 


The Empire of the Romans goal is to create a vibrant community with regular Consular and Senate elections to give all citizens a say in the future of Rome. 




This is a multi ethnic Empire with people from all over the world with many different religions and beliefs. We welcome all and everyone no matter their age, gender, game experience, or race is welcome here. We do not tolerate discrimination or those seeking to violate the rules whether they be Alex or Discord or your local laws. No forms of Neo-Nazism or Anti Hindu is tolerated. 

Imperial Senate

Consuls of Rome: Lucilla Inepta & Titus Caeso 

Senators of Rome: 

Maximus D Meridius
Sigi Lucianus
Flavius Julianus
Postumius Bull
Bobbius Auralius

Tribunes of the People:

Quintus Maximus



We hope to see you join the Republic and help us expand the light of Rome. 


What Rome can offer

We do provide grants and loans to citizens who meet the requirements for them. 

The Roman grain dole provides free food (untracked) to all Roman citizens, uranium is provided as well. 

Noob training program

Roman banking

Warchest reimbursement program for raids

Alliance supplied Warchest for Globals & Alliance approved conflicts

Special Whale Tax Rate

Evolution of the Roman Legions






Rome Counters all hits on our Citizens and applicants; if your defensives are filled we will slot someone else in your alliance.  

Rome is at peace


For FA reach out to Bloxeus Severus in the FA server.

For those who are friends of Rome; you can be granted diplomat access to the Roman server. DM the FA Head of Rome with your nation and alliance link proving you are gov and Rome will issue you Diplomat perms if you are approved


Discord Server




Basic Information
Alliance Name: Empire of the Romans (SPQR)
Imperator Augustus of Rome: Tiberius Aurion
Magistrate (High Government): Lucilla , Expert Dust , Donald MacNeil , Azerath , Eddy , Bloxman , Marcus Domitius , Cailus Romanus , Jayden Kennedy , Daxxus DeMarco , Kazato
Procurator Augusti (Econ Banker): Hades-
Propraetor (low Government): Georgi The Great , Basileios II , Sir Nathan thy First , Omar Bin Laden
Roman Patrician Class: Thomas , Cjfly , Jarek Nowtriwski , BSR von Hohenzollern , Biggus Dickus , Maximus D Meridius , Saturnus Hasvoius I , Severus Snape , Harambe The Third , Friedrich Wilhelm IV , Areus Agiad , Muzan , Gran Consiglio , Sigitlite , Fallix , Niccolo Machiavelli , Tydweiliog , Valkorian , Robb Stark , Komnenos Palaiologos , Maximus , Theseus Arcita
Founded: 02/01/2023 (785 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Purple Hue
Members: 59
Alliance Rank: #19 of 492 (3.86%)
Score: 317,144.99
Avg Score: 5,375.34
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 9 (13.24%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 3 (5.08%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 1,525
Total Infrastructure: 3,282,888.50
Total Land: 4,508,520.99
Total GDP: $451,999,407,576
Total GNI: $617,949,910
Total Soldiers: 19,642,610
Total Tanks: 1,647,907
Total Aircraft: 108,648
Total Ships: 19,789
Total Spies: 3,481
Total Missiles: 642
Total Nuclear Weapons: 242
Wars Won: 4,586
Wars Lost: 1,528
Aurelian Domitus2,104.83
Xystus VI1,965.82
Brock Murphy452.90
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Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDoAP The Republic of LibertasLink
MDoAP SpectreN/A
MDP Global Alliance & Treaty OrganizationN/A
MDP CamelotN/A
MDP World Task ForceN/A
MDP House StarkN/A
NAP Ariel and Kfir BibasN/A
ODoAP SamuraiN/A
ODoAP EclipseN/A
ODoAP United UmmahLink
PIAT Heung Shing CorporationLink
Protectorate Vought InternationalN/A