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The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania is a nation led by Grand Duke Stephen Michael I on the continent of North America. The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania is the Gold Standard. At 1,498 days old, The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania is an ancient nation. The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania has a population of 15,517,263 and a land area of 273,469.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 56.74. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

We and our government work for the liberty, prosperity, and security of our people

The Grand Duchy of Yanceysylvania operates under a two class system:

The first class are the citizens; who must continuously serve the state in one of the branches of armed forces or The Civil Services Corp, and receive many benefits in exchange. These include government provided healthcare, education, lodging, meals, and basic amenities; as well as the privilege and obligation of full participation in legislation. Citizens who serve in the armed forces also have the privilege and obligation to carry arms, but ammunition is a controlled item. Citizens always retain a right to self defense. Citizens are obligated to serve and protect their fellow citizens and subjects' lives and property in any emergency situation they encounter. Qualifying service typically involves a two year period of full time service, followed by ongoing reserve status with regular training for the armed forces, and at least part time government employment for civil servants. Citizenship can be secured for life after reaching retirement conditions from a citizens branch of service, but service beyond these requirements is encouraged and rewarded.

The second class are the subjects who are not beholden to any service to the state but are subject to its laws. Anyone living in The Grand Duchy who is not a citizen or registered foreign agent is a subject; be they foreign national, native born, or stateless. Subjects must be registered as residents with their local governments in order to vote. Any subject, regardless of origin or ability, can become a citizen by pledging themselves to service to the state and meeting the obligations of their chosen branch. The nation's youth are entitled to a state sponsored education, and will be provided basic needs on a humanitarian basis with no obligation to citizenship upon reaching adulthood. Adult subjects are mostly "on their own", as they can elect for government service to receive benefits if they desire. Subjects do not have the right to bear arms, but hunting permits can be acquired with strict ammunition controls. 

The governance of the Grand Duchy consists of four levels ascending from local, township, county, and finally federal. Jurisdictional boundaries are determined with a periodic system based on self-determination, population distribution, and terrain. The Grand Duke acts as a head of state and as commander in chief, and has the authority to dissolve any body of government and call for elections to replace it. There are also counts for each county that serve the same role at those jurisdictions, and whom serve at the Grand Duke's discretion. Noble appointments are typically associated with exceptional merit and the highest awards of a service branch, or a superior tenure in an office of government, and are not hereditary. 

All levels of government consist of bicameral legislatures; an upper house (senate) which is representative of only the citizenry, and a lower house that represents all citizens and subjects. Most legislation for a jurisdiction needs a majority approval from both houses, but matters concerning defense are solely the dominion of senates. The local government jurisdictions function as direct democracies that meet monthly to decide local matters, and to provide training and information. Citizen participation in these meetings is mandatory, and typically coincide with reserve training periods.

Each level of government's senate elects from itself a leader and vice leader for its jurisdiction. Both represent that jurisdiction's citizens to the next level of government's senate. The leader appoints various ministers to serve at his discretion subject to upper house confirmation, and acts as the jurisdiction's authority in crises. A vice leader serves as an executive officer and successor to the leader. Lower houses elect a proportionally determined number of representatives to the next level of government's lower house. All elected officials can only serve one contiguous term in a particular office. Appointed officials have no term limits. 

The national level leader and vice leader (President and Prime Minister of The Senate of The Grand Duchy) act as the head of the government on behalf of, and at the discretion of the Grand Duke. A jurisdiction's judges are nominated by that area's legal bar, appointed by the jurisdiction's leader, and confirmed by both legislative houses. Members of The Supreme Court of The Grand Duchy follow the same procedure, but must also be confirmed by The Grand Duke.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Yanceysylvania
Leader Name: Stephen Michael I
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
Wampus Cat
History: The Grand Duchy was founded in what was formerly North Alabama, the area that is now the Lesser Duchy of Yanceysylvania. Grand Duke Stephen Michael I had the Grand Duchy join the Syndicate from nearly the beginning of the nations existence. For many years, the state sponsored conquest, looting, and piracy as a means of resource collection, citizen enrichment, and national defense. This period of constant warfare saw the Grand Duchy's control and influence gradually increase in the region, and in the early 2080s, a large scale consolidation of territorial gains was undertaken along with a reorganization of the economy. This restructuring culminated during the war with HOGG in 2084 with a sharp increase in government control and infrastructure development over previously only occupied areas. The conclusion of that war saw the Grand Duchy at peace for the first time in it's existence as state sponsored looting gave way to state owned enterprise.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 440,104.60 sq. km
Terrain: The core of the Grand Duchy, the Lesser Duchy of Yanceysylvania, consists of broad plateaus, hills, and mountains with many steep limestone cliffs that cradle the Middle Tennessee River Valley; which holds a series of artificial lakes created by hydroelectric dams. The Grand Duchy controls the entirety of the Tennessee and Cumberland river watersheds; as well as the Alabama, Tombigbee, and Black Warrior riverines, and Mobile and Pensacola Bays. The former contains the old mountains and foothills of the Appalachians to the East, giving way to rolling terrains going westward. The Southern riverines see folded rock formations at the headwaters, giving way to plains towards the coast. A mix of agricultural lands and increasingly wild forests surround the urban centers of the Grand Duchy.
Highest Peak: Mount Mitchell, 1,856 meters
Lowest Valley: Mobile Bay, 0 meters
Climate: Temperate and almost subtropical. Winters are mild and wet. Summers are hot and humid, becoming dryer as they head into the autumn. Higher elevations to the North East tend to be significantly cooler and see substantial snowfall; while the coast is generally a more stable warm than the interior.
People & Society
Population: 15,517,263 people
Demonym: Sylvanian
Demonym Plural: Sylvanians
Ethnic Groups: Not recorded by official state census - 100.0%
Languages: English - 95.0%
Spanish - 32.0%
Sindarin - 24.0%
Religions: Christianity - 74.0%
Druidism - 48.0%
Statolatry - 12.0%
Life Expectancy: 78 years
Obesity: 17%
Alcohol Users: 82%
Tobacco Users: 8%
Cannabis Users: 54%
Hard Drug Users: 7%
Description: By government policy, most private sector companies are at least partially employee owned, but compete in a free market. Technology and arms development are important private sector industries; as well as genetics research, banking, forestry, and automobile manufacturing. Clean rail and river tug transportation has largely supplanted the remnants of transportation by long haul trucks, and a large merchant fleet bears the Grand Duchy's flag. Lead is a major import. Food, munitions, and coal are the primary exports.
Average Yearly Income: $173.93
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $25,329,006,530.00
GDP per Capita: $1,632.31
Gross National Income (GNI): $14,323,430,375.00
Industries: Technology and arms development are important private sector industries; as well as genetics research, banking, forestry, and automobile manufacturing. Increasingly clean rail and river tug transportation is rapidly supplanting the remnants of transport by long haul trucks, and a large merchant fleet bears the Grand Duchy's flag. The government owns a large munitions manufacturing company. The Grand Duchy also owns large swaths of agricultural land that hold government owned farms, and a coal mining consortium.
History: Martial forces are centered around the Royal Fleet; with all ground forces being comprised of the Royal Marine Corp, the Royal Fighter Corp specializing in small, agile fighter-bomber combat, the Coast Guard focused on defending territorial waters, and The Civil Services Corp that consists of uniformed, non-combatant, support personnel for all martial branches and government bureaucracy. As technology has improved, the fleet as a whole has taken a spacefaring posture, now called The Royal Star Fleet, and orbital based attacks are the norm. Each branch is headed by a flag officer who are respectfully Admiral Meyers, General Stone, Admiral Maybury, Admiral Whitacre, and General Burcham. These branch chiefs, along with an Admiral of The Fleet (AoF Ventress) acting as their superior, report to the minister of defense and the Grand Duke, who is commander in chief. As continuing state service is a requirement for citizenship; each branch nominally consist of mostly citizen reservist who are called upon for active service as needed on a voluntary basis until volunteers are depleted; at which time mobilization orders are issued.

Each government jurisdiction has it's own military units and commanders corresponding with the level of government. For example, local governments have marine companies, towns have battalions, and counties have brigades. Most jurisdictions will have units from multiple branches, and an combined operations officer as the commander of all the units in the jurisdiction. This officer reports to the jurisdiction's elected leader, while unit commanders report both to the combined operations officer and the commander of the next higher unit in their branch.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 29,250
Aircraft: 2,925
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/11/2023 01:37 pm