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Military Junta of Jormungand is a nation led by Arms Dealer Hwan on the continent of Australia. Military Junta of Jormungand's government is a Dictatorship with very anarchist social policies. Economically, Military Junta of Jormungand favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Military Junta of Jormungand is the 5.56×45mm NATO. At 1,661 days old, Military Junta of Jormungand is an ancient nation. Military Junta of Jormungand has a population of 19,667,192 and a land area of 350,300.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 56.14. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

“I hate humans. I find the thought that i'm from the same species to be depressing.”

Jormungand's vast coil 
World serpent's ancient embrace
Fear and awe entwined

Goober Gang observer status nation
Jormungand? More like BOREmungand!




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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)02/26/2025 09:12 am JormungandEvent Horizon BankJormungand$1,000,000,
2)02/18/2025 04:44 pm Event Horizon BankJormungandGotham City$13,000,000.003,638.,500.
3)02/18/2025 08:57 am Event Horizon BankJormungandGotham City$
4)02/17/2025 02:03 pm Singularity BankJormungandEucalypt$18,712.
5)02/17/2025 02:03 pm EucalyptJormungandEucalypt$207,133.005,
6)02/17/2025 12:02 pm Singularity BankJormungandMahan Bharat$12,
7)02/17/2025 12:02 pm Mahan BharatJormungandMahan Bharat$135,
8)02/17/2025 10:01 am Singularity BankJormungandKickass$52,288.0022.
9)02/17/2025 10:01 am KickassJormungandKickass$96,250.006,353.000.005.0091.
10)02/16/2025 09:20 am Singularity BankJormungandHoly Kingdom of Chad$2,367.
11)02/16/2025 09:20 am Holy Kingdom of ChadJormungandHoly Kingdom of Chad$231,000.0013,614.000.00124.00243.000.000.0038.001,312.001,654.001,527.00496.00
12)02/16/2025 04:02 am Singularity BankJormungandLandalux$419,295.00313.000.005.0017.
13)02/16/2025 04:02 am LandaluxJormungandLandalux$1,076,329.0017,550.000.0048.00274.000.000.0015.001,372.001,572.00891.00129.00
14)02/16/2025 04:02 am Singularity BankJormungandCyberia$58,415.0043.
15)02/16/2025 04:02 am CyberiaJormungandCyberia$318,136.0015,516.0081.0036.00505.0038.0088.0046.00907.00937.00890.001,164.00

Showing 0-15 of 1,160 Records