The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was is a nation led by Oscuro Dittatore Funny Valentine on the continent of Europe. The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was's government is a Theocratic Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was is the JoJEuro. At 1,734 days old, The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was is an ancient nation. The Castle that Never Was of The World that Never Was has a population of 3,530,745 and a land area of 140,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 25.13. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
RIP Church of Atom
4 magnificent years spent in a very nice community, so much history, and so much ass kicking was done. We will never forget, the only phrase that was sung when the radioactive dust was settling upon the wastelands of Orbis... "Praise to be Atom."
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War .
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War .
Awards of Italia-JoJo:
-Knight of the Convent
-(briefly) Chief of Economy of the Convent
-Ticketman of the Church Of Atom
-Deacon of Internal Affairs of the Church Of Atom (according to #bulletin_board)
-Advisor of Internal Affairs of the Church Of Atom
-Acolyte of Internal Affairs of the Convent of Atom
-Queen Bee of the Hive
-Enlightened of the Event Horizon (probably)
Achievements of Italia-JoJo:
600M damage overall in GW17
Over 200M net damage with only 4 wars during GW24 aka "High Tiers don't get to have fun"
1.7B damage during the Second Atomic Crusade, ranked #8 total damage in CoA
All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence. Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!
...and as such, the Church vanished back where it started.
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | The World that Never Was |
Leader Name: | Funny Valentine |
Currency: |
![]() JoJEuro |
National Animal: |
![]() Elfilis |
History: | History starts with the fall of an Empire. Different nations leave and go on forming their own things and nations. A guy, named Valentine, decides that it's not good enough, and wants to conquer a lot of land. He settles on the northen part of Italy, a small european country, and through lots and lots of fighting, he overcomes everything, and decides to join another group of people, ready to take on the whole world if needed. Everyone calls him "Dittatore", however, due to his lack of a heart during the Double Revolution, he now goes as "Mercenario Valentine", and he wants to take revenge on the ones who destroyed the Empire. And so he studies literature, and decides to threaten his enemies via the ancient sayings in "The Art Of War". And also gets overtaken by darkness. The flag description: The Original Tricolor represents the blood of the first wars, the intense snows and the green of prosperity. The Double Fascist represents the darkest moment of a nation. The Shaded Original represents that with a simple base, everything evolves (character development) The Negative Original (or the Corruption Flag) represents revolution, with the darkness of the negative green indicating how the war killed and destroyed land, the bigger reversed "JJBA" means how everything now remains in the tactics, the core of the nation, and the negative red looking like a dark sky, the sky of tempest, chaos and bad things. The N3G471V3 5H4D3D represents the higher character development of the nation. The Dark Original represents the change, from the happier Convent to the more technical Church. The blue "JJBA" represents winter. The Frozen Flag is indeed, very cold. The Dark Hour Flag indicates the loss of a heart, the one carrying the peace of the Monarca. The Last Light Flag is the complete elimination of light within Valentine. A flag black like darkness, white to represent purity within the void, and dark red, to indicate the missing spot in the heart of the Monarca. The Neo-Organization Flag indicates the end of sanity of the Dittatore. The start of some sort of government... perhaps? Thirteen members of darkness, led by Dict. Osc. Funny Valentine. Constitutionem Italiae-JoJo: Art. 1: Tutte le persone hanno diritti e doveri, e se qualcuno osa infrangerli, sarà giustiziato. Art. 2: Opporsi alla volontà dello stato è un grave reato e se qualcuno osa opporsi, sarà giustiziato. Art. 3: Chiunque si ribella alla religione Atomo-Caotica verrà giustiziato. Art. 4: Ogni cittadino deve servire almeno 5 anni di lavoro forzato. Art. 5: Chi manca di rispetto ai rappresentanti atomici verrà immediatamente esiliato nelle "Miniere di Fuoco". -Art. 5.1: Tutti i cittadini devono mancare di rispetto a NimNev. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Art. 6: La Costituzione è un testo sacro, e non dev'essere rovinato. Art. 7: L'omicidio è legale, se si vuole essere giustiziati. Art. 8: Le corti d'Italia-JoJo sono posti sacri, non devono essere rovinate. Art. 9: Lo studio linguistico è altamente incoraggiato. Art. 10: Gloria al Dittatore Valentine. Art. 11: Il fascismo nella nostra nazione è strettamente proibito. Art. 12: La bandiera dell'Italia-JoJo non può essere modificata via referendum, ma soltanto nel singolo caso della volontà del Dittatore. Art. 13: La cultura e la scienza sono altamente incoraggiate dal Dittatore. -Art. 13.1: La carica di Stratega viene consegnata soltanto coloro con una laurea in Scienze Matematiche. -Art. 13.2: Per partecipare all'assemblea organizzativa della Nazione, bisogna aver un diploma in Scienze Informatiche. -Art. 13.3: Per diventare un giudice pubblico, bisogna avere una laurea in Legislatura e Archeologia. Art. 14: I patti dell'Italia-JoJo devono essere rispettati anche dagli altri cittadini. Art. 15: La Costituzione può essere liberamente modificata dal Dittatore quando necessario. Art. 16: Quando degli ambasciatori entrano nella nostra nazione, bisogna rispettarli. -Art. 16.1: Eccetto quelli da Concord. Art. 17: Le Riforme Dittatoristiche devono essere sempre mantenute al passo coi tempi. Art. 18: La guerra sarà considerata come forma di conquista rispetto ai "liberi". Art. 19: La Dittatura rimarrà la forma di governo dello Stato per gli anni futuri, e per gli anni a seguire. Art. 20: L'Oscurità che sovrasta Italia-JoJo è considerata un essere superiore a tutti i cittadini. Art. 21: La pratica di credere in una forza sovrastante quella dell'Oscurità (eccetto quella proveniente dalla religione di stato, l'Atomo-Caotica) è proibita, e verrà ripagata con l'omicidio dei praticanti. Art. 22: Chiunque oserá fare una battuta squallida nelle vicinanze del Dittatore verrá immediatamente giustiziato. Art. 23: L'Organizzazione dei Tredici dev'essere rispettata da tutti i cittadini. Art. 24: La ricerca della verità è qualcosa che verrà portata a termine da Italia-JoJo sotto qualsiasi tipo di circostanze, la situazione del Paese in sè è completamente irrilevante. Art. 25: Fotti con Valentine e vieni brutalmente assasinato. Art. 26: Sebbene Italia-JoJo ora è chiamata "The World that Never Was", ogni documento ufficiale viene trascritto con il nome di "Italia-JoJo". Art. 27: Italia-Jojo è ufficialmente una Dittatura Teocratica, governata dai principi del CVOES, dettata dal Sommo. Art. 28: L'animale statale sarà per ora e probabilmente per sempre Fecto Elfilis. Art. 29: La 20esima città sarà per sempre chiamata "Elfilis' Two Planets' Roche Limit". Art. 30: Valentine è fortissimo. Non è una cosa seria, mi sembra abbastanza un dato di fatto. Art. 31: I Duelli di Intrattenimento diventano ufficialmente sponsorizzati dal Dittatore. Pronti ad entrare in azione? Il pendolo dell'anima ora oscilla! Riforma Dittatoristica (24.3.21) -Attuate modifiche alla Costituzione -La guerra non è più proibita -I costi dei beni di sussistenza vengono abbassati del 20%. Riforma Dittatoristica (28.4.21) -Attuate modifiche alla Costituzione -Ampliata "Diplomazia" Riforma Monarchica (8.6.21) -Attuate modifiche alla Costituzione Riforma Dittatoristica (3.8.21) -Attuate modifiche alla Costituzione -L'Oscurità viene nominata la "forza superiore". Riforma Dittatoristica (18.9.21) -L'arsenale verrà ripristinato, e verrà aggiunta un'arma termonucleare per ogni bomba atomica lanciata. Ve la siete cercata, pagliacci di HollyWood! Riforma Dittatoristica (22.4.22) -Ampliata costituzione. Riforma Dittatoristica (21.5.22) -Rinominate città. La rivoluzione oscura è riuscita. Date benvenuto al Reame Oscuro del Angelo con un'Ala Valentine! (Non vi preoccupate, certe città torneranno, spero.) Riforma Finale del Capitolo 1 (9.6.22) Italia-JoJo, per ora e nel futuro si chiamerà "The World that Never Was". Riforma Teocratica (10.12.22) TWTNW diventa una Dittatura Teocratica. Lode al Sommo Caos Elfilis. Ampliata inoltre la Costituzione. National Festivals: 15th January: "It's MY Time to Shine!" (Day of The Valentopocalipse) 14th February: MY Day 4rd March: Reverse Day, The National Worker's Day 3rd April: Ditta's New Year 25th May: The Day of Revenge (independence day) 8th June: Light Day 5th July: Revolution Day 14th August: Power Day 11th-18th September: Dark Days 3rd October: Ditta's Half Year November: Pizza Month! 20th December: Santa Valent's Day Objectives: -Getting “Mass Irrigation” project (if done after C16 the famine has ended) DONE (30.1.2021) -Getting “International Trade Center” project DONE (20.1.2021) -Building Farm City 2 (C16) DONE (10.2.2021) -Getting “Nuclear Research Facility” project; DONE (and reached 50 nukes!) -Building Farm City 3 (C17) DONE (23.2.2021) -Getting to 3k Infra in every city (Will probably never be done); -Getting “Space Program” project; -Getting most of the “Space Program” related projects; -Getting “Green Technologies” project; -Building Farm City 4, 5 and 6 (C18, C19, C20) DONE C18 (30.4.2021) C19 (5.6.2021) C20 (June 2021) -Building Raw and Refined cities to get to C30; (C21 DONE, C22 DONE, C23 DONE, C24 DONE, C25 DONE, C26 DONE, C27 DONE) Current secondary objectives: -Maxing Commerce in all of the cities (after getting “International Trade Center” project); -Getting “Arable Land Agency” project; -Conquering all of Italy in the map (purely estetic). (Northern Italy has been officially conquered.) |
Geography | |
Continent: | Europe |
Land Area: | 226,112.27 sq. km |
Terrain: | Alps, the Veneto part of the Alps. |
Highest Peak: | Mt. GER, 69,420 meters |
Lowest Valley: | REG. yV, -420 meters |
Climate: | A cold land, with freezing winters and warm summers. Snows very often. Sometimes it rains gold particles, due to the high concentrations of gold in the areas. Italia-JoJo somehow is cold, but it feels warm. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 3,530,745 people |
Demonym: | Dittalian |
Demonym Plural: | Dittalian-iste |
Ethnic Groups: | Bloody Phantoms - 80.0% Aureum - 67.0% Star Dusties - 50.0% |
Languages: | Dittalian - 99.0% Japanese - 67.4% English - 39.7% |
Religions: | CVOES - 95.0% Atomism - 88.0% Atheism - 80.0% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 267 years |
Obesity: | 0% |
Alcohol Users: | 1.2% |
Tobacco Users: | 0% |
Cannabis Users: | 0% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0% |
Economy | |
Description: | Afking 'n shit. I mean, am i wrong? Second half of PnW's this way. |
Average Yearly Income: | $140.25 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $4,364,823,000.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $1,236.23 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $2,965,868,455.00 |
Industries: | Every day and every night they work, automated. The fuel used is Coal. The coal used is a "power bomb", capable of making an industry work for at least 50 days with only 1 piece of coal. Italia-JoJo's industries are 100% eco friendly, and don't cause much damage to the ambient. Maybe because it's Italia-JoJo's protective shield that protects the country? Most likely. |
Military | |
History: | 1922. An army made of people. It's name is "Diplomacy", to joke about war and what happened in GW16. "Fuck with Val= 99% Nation Failrate." VFTB Status: Mostly stopped. N° of threats= 6 Successful threats= 6/6 Efficiency= 100% Checked last time the 13th of March. The Immortals of Valentine: 180mil in damage by 2pm 4.5.21 So fucking good that it kicks ass in 2 Nat Sims and it rolled DragonKnight1998 again. |
Soldiers: | 0 |
Tanks: | 0 |
Aircraft: | 0 |
Ships: | 0 |
Missiles: | 1 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Last Updated: 12/10/2022 12:41 pm |