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The Grant of Miracle is a nation led by Ancient Light Eternity on the continent of Africa. The Grant of Miracle's government is a Theocracy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Grant of Miracle favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Grant of Miracle is the Originite. At 1,783 days old, The Grant of Miracle is an ancient nation. The Grant of Miracle has a population of 2,458,016 and a land area of 211,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 11.62. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Global War

Ten-Day War (E404), Duck Hunt (E404), Guns N Roses (E404), Armenia's Revenge (CATA), Rick's Last Roll (CATA), Vein Has A Smoll PP War (CATA), Bifröst Blitz (CATA), Darkest Hour (CATA), Dodge This (SIN), Blue Balled (SIN), Darkest Hour Deux (SIN), Espresso (SIN)


Artic's First Time (E404), Oblivious (E404), Catatonic (CATA), Breaking The News (SIN), Matrix Assimilations (SIN)

Alliance History 

Error404 (E404 ♰)  : 17/06/2020 - 23/07/2021

Cataclysm (CATA ♰) : 23/07/2021 - 15/07/2023

Singularity (SIN) : 15/07/2023 - current


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Miracle
Leader Name: Eternity
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: A Noob country , now stronk
1st War Victory 02/06/2020 against Ben Saphiro
City 10 build in 21/06/2020
1st Project Build in 21/06/2020
1st War Defeat 22/06/2020 against Freedomland
1st Missile Eaten 30/08/2020 by Imperium of Man_
1st Nuclear Eaten 15/11/2020 by United States 1961
City 20 build in 24/05/2021
Miracle is 500 days old in 23/09/2021
City 30 build in 07/07/2022
Miracle is 1000 days old in 05/02/2023
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 340,375.41 sq. km
Terrain: The country terrain is rich in minerals and recources. Miracle is very mountainous, Mt. Pixel Burn is the highest mountain in the country. It is the pride of Miracle.
Highest Peak: Mt.Pixel Burn, 99,999 meters
Lowest Valley: Farmer Basin, -9,999 meters
Climate: Cold As Fvck
People & Society
Population: 2,458,016 people
Demonym: Miracle
Demonym Plural: Miracles
Ethnic Groups: Seraphim - 50.0%
Archangels - 25.0%
Angels - 25.0%
Languages: Dominions - 50.0%
Virtues - 25.0%
Powers - 25.0%
Religions: Grant - 50.0%
Gold - 25.0%
Glory - 25.0%
Life Expectancy: 9999 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: This nation has an open economy. People are free to trade and do whatever they want with their businesses. The Gov doesn't regulate any economic activities.
Average Yearly Income: $188.25
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $7,601,991,520.00
GDP per Capita: $3,092.73
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,454,006,670.00
Industries: Pixel Hugging
History: The armed forces established for war
5.000.000 soldiers killed in 05/12/2020
10.000.000 soldiers killed in 12/7/2022
100.000 tanks killed in 24/11/2020
500.000 tanks killed in 25/12/2022
10.000 planes killed in 26/11/2020
100.000 infra destroyed in 10/12/2020
1000 ships killed in 27/05/2021
500.000 infra destroyed in 28/12/2023
20.000.000 soldiers killed in 03/01/2024
1.000.000 tanks killed in 10/01/2024
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/21/2024 12:09 pm