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The Republic of Greenvine is a nation led by Head Of State Scratchy on the continent of South America. The Republic of Greenvine's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Republic of Greenvine favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Republic of Greenvine is the Treasures. At 2,035 days old, The Republic of Greenvine is an ancient nation. The Republic of Greenvine has a population of 13,984,996 and a land area of 95,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 146.44. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.



Former Leader Of The Immortals



Scratchy Merch Store ❤️



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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Greenvine
Leader Name: Scratchy
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Years of governmental inaction contributed to the demise of the founding Republic of Greenvine. Scratchy, the Head of State, was deposed when the government agreed to hand over the land and resources to a larger nation.

Many academics argue that the lack of a strong central government is to blame for the stagnation. Despite the fact that many members of the government remained loyal to the greater empire, Scratchy would try again with Greenvine. Scratchy, together with their closest government allies, would restructure Greenvine South. Odessa's main city is presently located on a beautiful peninsula ideal for resource extraction.

Scratchy demanded that all aspects of the country be restructured after Greenvine was re-established. The government was given more authority and various public improvement initiatives, such as the NPP (Nuclear Power Plan) and the GPL Plan, were implemented (Global Population Liberation)
Continent: South America
Land Area: 153,691.97 sq. km
Terrain: Greenvine is an extremely diverse country. Greenvine itself consists of three separate regions, each with its own unique climate, flora, and fauna. Each region has its own governmental structure and reports to the central government.

The City Of Coyoto has been historically the country's agricultural hub and breadbasket, due to its lush, temperate, and fertile lands. Due to being a land of abundant agricultural resources.

The second region, Greenvine West, is dominated by its two largest cities. Odessa in the west and the port city of Atlantica in the east. Greenvine West is currently the political center of power in the country. The capital, Coyoto, is located in the south of the city.

The region of Greenvine South is the site of the former capital of Greenvine. Greenvine South, is the country's industrial hub. McClane is an industrial city that produces most of the industrial goods of Greenvine. Greenvine South is the country's economic center.
Highest Peak: Mt. Rostand , 27,472 meters
Lowest Valley: Veil Valley, -1,138 meters
Climate: Greenvine has four distinct climates. This reflects the different regional influences that this area of the country has historically experienced. The temperate climate is most prevalent in the west of the country, known as Greenvine West. This region is known for its abundance of fruit, vegetables and other agricultural crops. The weather is also slightly warmer in the summer and colder in the winter.

The tropical climate, Greenvine South, is the most widely spread and densely populated area in the country. The vast majority of the lands are tropical and this is where the bulk of the country's tropical products, such as cotton and rubber are produced. The south is also the most likely place to experience tropical cyclones due to its relatively smaller temperature range and more stable climate.

The sub-tropical climate, Greenvine North, is located north of the tropics and is known for its lush and diverse forest. This region of the country is extremely diverse, as different parts of the country will see rainfall patterns that range from sub-tropical, tropical, temperate and alpine. The northern region is also where most people in the country reside, although this area is the least populated.
People & Society
Population: 13,984,996 people
Demonym: Vinian
Demonym Plural: Vinians
Ethnic Groups: Vinians - 100.0%
Vinians - 100.0%
Vinians - 100.0%
Languages: English - 82.0%
Spanish - 6.0%
French - 5.3%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 79 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The economic base of the country is a steel manufacturing and the technology sector. Steel production is the country's main source of income and export. The country has very few natural resources, so it must rely on imports from other countries in order to stay afloat. There are several steel mills, refineries, and engineering companies located throughout the land. Most of the population lives in the south, where the economy is based on agricultural products.
Average Yearly Income: $235.70
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $20,715,798,261.00
GDP per Capita: $1,481.29
Gross National Income (GNI): $11,513,633,365.00
Industries: Greenvine’s main export is steel. The country imports everything else: food, fuel, construction materials and raw materials for manufacturing. While there are three major regions in the country, the economy is relatively evenly distributed across the land. All four regions contribute to the production of steel, but in different ways and based on their unique resources and climate.
History: Greenvine is a nuclear armed nation backed by the military strength of the international alliance: The Immortals. While, it's true, the Immortals are not based out of Greenvine, their military, called the Immortals' Army, do assist the nation at various times. Greenvine's military history goes all the way back to the founding of the country. While the government was weak, the Immortals were still called into action. The nation has several military forces that are not directly involved in the military aspects of the government. They are mainly used for various public works projects. The largest of these is the army, which is largely used for public construction projects and for internal security. The navy, which is the second largest branch, is used for both military and economic reasons.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 19,000
Aircraft: 2,850
Ships: 112
Missiles: 47
Nuclear Weapons: 6
Last Updated: 03/09/2022 04:17 am