Achievement Showcase
. Smokers is a nation led by . Kim Pockyman on the continent of Africa. . Smokers's government is a Theocratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, . Smokers favors left wing policies. The official currency of . Smokers is the Dollar. At 2,252 days old, . Smokers is an ancient nation. . Smokers has a population of 22,480,679 and a land area of 228,550.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 98.36. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
FIRST TO OVER (almost 4 million) TANKS LOST
Kim was always a bit of an outsider. Growing up in a small town, she found it hard to fit in and turned to books and movies to pass the time. Little did she know, this would lead her down a strange path.
When she was eighteen, Kim decided to join Arkham Asylum as an intern. She was fascinated by the dark and mysterious history of the asylum and wanted to learn more about it. She was nervous about her decision, but her curiosity outweighed her fear.
Kim arrived at the asylum and was immediately met with a chill in the air. The walls were cold and unwelcoming, and the inmates were unhinged and wild. She was assigned to work with Doctor Arkham, the head of the asylum.
Kim quickly learned that Doctor Arkham was a brilliant and compassionate man who was devoted to helping the inmates. She was amazed by his dedication and commitment to helping those who were in need. She began to work with him and assist in his treatments.
As Kim worked with Doctor Arkham, she began to understand the inmates and their struggles. She was amazed at how strong their will to survive was, despite their conditions. She began to develop an empathy for them and a deep respect for the work that Doctor Arkham was doing.
As Kim continued to work with Doctor Arkham, she began to develop a deep respect for the asylum and its inmates. She was inspired to make a difference in the lives of those who lived there, and she soon found herself becoming a part of the asylum's family.
Kim had found her place in the world. She had found a place where she belonged and was accepted. She was happy to have made a difference in the lives of those at Arkham Asylum.
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