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Nile River Gator Sanctuary

The Nile River Gator Sanctuary is a nation led by Frog Aficionado Gatorcock on the continent of Australia. The Nile River Gator Sanctuary's government is a Theocracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Nile River Gator Sanctuary favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Nile River Gator Sanctuary is the Bus Tokens. At 2,570 days old, The Nile River Gator Sanctuary is an ancient nation. The Nile River Gator Sanctuary has a population of 9,851,514 and a land area of 156,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 62.95. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 45.8426%.

my alliance taxes 100-100 so enjoy getting scraps  

contract me for bulk trades

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Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
Event Horizon
Nile River Gator Sanctuary
Damn I love Frogs
01:12 pm
Credits 1Sell 57,488,888
(57,488,888 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:37 pm
Event Horizon
Nile River Gator Sanctuary
Damn I love Frogs
01:12 pm
Credits 1Sell 57,488,888
(57,488,888 ea)
Accepted Accepted
02:36 pm

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