View Alliance
The Key




  The Key is one of the best options for an alliance in all of P&W. Our objective is to praise, and worship our Lord Jamal, and bring the peace that is Jamalism to all the world of Orbis. 


                           The Key: Eddie 

  Minister of Defense (MA): Frank

  Head of Internal Affairs (IA): Searching for

  Head of Foreign Affairs(FA): Searching for

  Head of Economic Affairs(EA): Pete Phosphate II 

  Head of Propaganda Department(PD): Searching for 



                                  Low IA: Searching for

                                  Low FA: Searching for

                                  Low EA: Searching for

                                  Low PD: Searching for

                                  Low MA: Searching for 

                               IN TRAINING GOV:



      (DISREGARD BELOW INFORMATION FOR THE TIME BEING; Instead, apply in game, and we will give an overlook of your nation, and a small interview.)


      To join our alliance, you need to: Join our discord and start a ticket, Complete the requirements in 10 days or less, and get your join bonus after 60 days!




PIAT With: The Convenience Store. 

NAP With: The Block. 

If you want to start a treaty, contact us in the discord, or direct message: Eddie of "The Pacific Union" in game.


Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Key (TK)
The Key: Scatman John
Head of Economic Affairs: Pete phosphate II
Minister of Defense: Frank
Founded: 04/29/2022 (1,014 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Aqua Antarctica
Members: 3
Alliance Rank: #112 of 506 (22.13%)
Score: 11,562.44
Avg Score: 3,854.15
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 1 (33.33%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 55
Total Infrastructure: 101,377.42
Total Land: 149,100.00
Total Population: 10,808,851
Total GDP: $13,608,506,739
Total Soldiers: 600,000
Total Tanks: 50,000
Total Aircraft: 3,000
Total Ships: 763
Total Spies: 96
Total Missiles: 14
Total Nuclear Weapons: 9
Wars Won: 57
Wars Lost: 50
Queen Rusalochka1,044.30
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
Extension Antarctica AllianceN/A
PIAT North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationN/A