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Just be fine by me. An uncharted island for tired old pirates. Strictly no raiding is tolerated by or against our members. No taxes of any sort. Ever. Protected by: Rose Roz Wei Terminus Est

OK, since apparently I need to spell this out, in regards to applicants, use some common sense.
If they have like 30 cities, they're probably part of Yarr and we may or may not bomb you for hitting them, or maybe Rose will bomb you, or Fark, depends on everyone's mood really.
If they have like 5 cities, please attack them until they stop ghosting us, thanks

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
New Pacific Order01/14/20203brown2,036.676,110.00Active
The Lost Empire11/01/20200aqua0.000.00Active
Empire of the Romans01/13/202456purple4,644.28260,079.84Active