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New Polar Order




"I am Polar, see my scars and behold my commitment."

-AlmightyGrub, Imperator Emeritus of the New Polar Order 

Polaris is a premier blue alliance in Politics & War (more often called ‘Orbis’). As an alliance, Polaris has been involved in every major world conflict from the beginning of Orbis. The New Polar Order was founded in May 2006 by Ivan Moldavi in another game called Cyber Nations, to provide stability to the Blue Team. Since then the Polaris has worked tirelessly to make the Blue Color Bloc one of the best spheres in the game. 

Polaris was founded on February 16, 2016 in Politics & War by AlmightyGrub and EaTeMuP. Cobrastrike was the second Emperor of Polaris. 

As of 6/21/23 The New Polar order has merged with The Coal Mines (TCM)




Imperial Command:
Emperor: EaTeMuP 

Imperial Council:


Imperial Staff:
Imperator Emeritus: AlmightyGrub





Direct Extension: 
Merged with The Coal Mines





Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
Church Of Atom03/18/20202green2,829.395,658.78Active