View Alliance
Shark Tank



For Any FA reach out to Arc or Lys but Arc will be faster

Any attack on members of HS or prospective members of HS will be retaliated in full force by HS. This extends to the spy-operations. if we cannot hit the offending nation, we will find someone in the offending nation's alliance we can hit.

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Shark Tank (ST)
Leader: Kenneth Lay
Councillor: ChrisNorcras , Uncle Dusty , Nancho
Shark: MrsDusty
Founded: 02/17/2025 (38 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: The FAP's White Cream
Members: 5
Alliance Rank: #70 of 491 (14.26%)
Score: 39,035.25
Avg Score: 7,807.05
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 179
Total Infrastructure: 482,500.00
Total Land: 869,135.00
Total GDP: $111,942,977,855
Total GNI: $206,576,113
Total Soldiers: 585,000
Total Tanks: 111,250
Total Aircraft: 13,125
Total Ships: 660
Total Spies: 290
Total Missiles: 54
Total Nuclear Weapons: 4
Wars Won: 651
Wars Lost: 462
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
Extension House StarkN/A