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Derby Gangsters


Derby Gangsters🏇


Derby Gangsters🏇 is an
eclectic group of dangerously-fine
mercenaries. All the mercenaries
tend to their own self-interests
of bounty hunting, raiding
villages and towns for loot, and
protecting others when they are
hired to do so.


What to Expect while at Derby?

♧ Profit Raiding 💸

♧ 0% Taxes 💰 

♧ Rebuilds and War Supplies Provided ⛽️ 🪖

♧ "The more you ask, the more you learn."

♧ Opportunities to participate in nano-conflicts

♧ Experience even more warfare by countering for our allies!

♧ Safe and reliable banking provided through Derby Holdings💰.

♧ Discord is NOT required.


Try it out for a week to see if you like it.

---> Please Click the 🌎 Apply button above!


Our team here at Derby consists of active players that focus on profit raiding, counter-suppport and understanding the political atmosphere in this chaotic world we know as, Orbis. 🌎

💥 💥


¿Need a Mercenary?

Start-a-Ticket on our discord 🎟, or contact Nashdar in-game. You may also view our estimated pricings HERE.

Derby Gangsters🏇 is a branch of

The Derby Tracks 🎲 


Our discord is available to the public:

♧ The Derby Tracks 🎲 💸 ,Derby News 🔔, and Derby Gangsters 🏇Discord Invitation ♧

Basic Information
Alliance Name: Derby Gangsters (DG🏇)
CEO of Derby Holdings💰: Nashdar
Derby Advisory 🐴 : Bail
Derby Spokesman: Donald JJJ Trump
Derby Coordinator: Ahmad Lmansour Dahbi
Derby Gangster 🏇: Constantine III , Sh4dow , Zaiden , Rithish , Agatha Degurechaff , Indiax , Landsat Rein Richlan , Ascent , Hayam Wuruk , Ergracil , Anubis , Yawakai , Yarra , Zayne , Triple , Primus Cognitia , Hoolio , Visage , Conrado , Scottsdale , Islam , Donald the 3 , The don
Founded: 01/04/2025 (46 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Veinscalmir own brown
Members: 27
Alliance Rank: #72 of 498 (14.46%)
Score: 33,610.76
Avg Score: 1,244.84
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 4 (14.81%)
Gray Nations: 12 (44.44%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 200
Total Infrastructure: 270,068.87
Total Land: 348,243.00
Total GDP: $38,184,740,027
Total GNI: $37,073,615
Total Soldiers: 2,189,130
Total Tanks: 125,719
Total Aircraft: 8,564
Total Ships: 1,296
Total Spies: 408
Total Missiles: 25
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 1,269
Wars Lost: 294
Lord Froogguy673.82
Drocheslav Reicher795.27
Guy McLeader217.65
Marcus Hall25.75
Derby News 🔔 We are Hiring News Reporters! 💸

Are you looking to make some quick cash? ✍️

Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
MDoAP The Derby GangstersN/A
MDP The ExiledLink
ODoAP Chiss AscendancyN/A
ODP Atlantic African AllianceN/A
ODP Black SheepN/A
PIAT The houseN/A