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The Elites



The Elites


King: Jean-Michel Augustin

Minister of the Economy (Head EA): Aleksandr Yavorskyi

Assistant Minister of the Economy (Low EA): Azathoth

Minister of Foreign Relations (Head FA): The Condesce

Minister of State Affairs (Head IA): Trashste

Minister of War (Head MA): Azathoth


Our Values

1 - Camaraderie: In The Elites, we believe in a strong foundation of mutual respect and trust in one another, to always maintain the broad understanding that we are here to benefit each other and work towards the common good of the alliance.

2 - Honor: We believe that in order to maintain a reputable name for the alliance and it's members, we must maintain a good sense of honor. We shall do good by those who have not harmed us, but we shall greatly oppose those who wish to wrong us.

3 - Humility: We believe that even in the government of our alliance, that we must have a sense of humility. The ability to acknowledge being wrong or when we have made a mistake as well as the understanding that we are not perfect nor explicitly superior to the normal members of our alliance.

4 - Kindness: We believe that in order to maintain a position of moral high ground, one must choose to perform good deeds when confronted with a choice. We shall seek to be kind to those around us given that they have not taken such kindness forsaken. Those who are weaker than us shall receive the same respect as those who are stronger than us, for we are not unjust bullies like some others.

5 - Equal Opportunity: We in the government of The Elites have a strong belief in equal opportunity. This shall be seen in the way we perform economics, we believe strongly that everyone should have equal opportunities to prove themselves, to make a reputation for themselves, and to grow. While exceptions are made to help grow newer players or lower city brackets first, neglect is something we shall strive to ensure that none of our membership will know.

6 - No Tolerance for Hate: We in The Elites, as part of our position of moral high ground, shall never tolerate unjustified hate towards people on the basis of gender, sexuality, or race. 

Raid Policy

We reserve the right to provide counters on all attacks on members and applicants regardless of their perceived activity to the raider.


Tax Policy

Taxes in The Elites function off a rotational system.

For 1 month, taxes will rest at 30/30. This period will allow for an individual to grow their personal funds greatly with low levels of taxation. Investment will be lighter during this period however it will NEVER be non-existent.

The next month, for 1 month, taxes will rest at 70/70. This period will see high revenue for the alliance overall and give the Minister of Economic Affairs more funds to use for investment opportunities in the alliance. This period will likely be where members with expensive project or city goals will see increased investment.


1st Month, 30/30 | 2nd Month, 70/70

Swap and Repeat.





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