Conservative Union |
The Conservative Union is an alliance that brings together states that value free market capitalism, the rule of law, democracy and the catholic tradition. Our alliance is a defensive military alliance, so don't expect other members to help you in a war of aggression (an attack will be requested if a member does not pay a debt they have incurred within a certain time). A $5 million cash deposit is required within two weeks after joining the alliance. The Conservative Union also offers loans at 1% interest to its members. No fees will be charged other than the 5 million deposit for those who join and the interest if a loan is taken out. To join, simply apply. |
Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.
Alliance Name | Date | Members | Color | Average Score | Score | Status | Organization of United Pact | 10/24/2024 | 3 | 1,111.63 | 3,334.89 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | 10/24/2024 | 8 | 402.08 | 3,216.61 |