View Alliance
The Foundation



We are a group of individuals united with one main goal, the growth of our nations. Here, we value government roles earned by merit.


At the Foundation, members have a say in government decisions, ranging from community events to gov. programs. We offer a low tax environment where members are encouraged to trade with each other first, fostering our economy's growth. We are friendly to all, and everyone is welcome.


We embrace the values of equality, and offer a justice system to ensure that those who seek to harm others will be prevented from doing so. Everyone is equal under the law.



If you wish to apply, make sure to Join our discord server and make a join ticket in addition to applying in game. Discord is mandatory for our alliance. Join us and let's build your nation up together. You are expected to log in regularly.



If you're from a foreign alliance and wish to make an embassy, just join our discord server and make an embassy ticket. If there is a raid you have an issue with, it would be appreciated if you mention it in an embassy first so peace can be achieved faster.


We reserve the right to counter wars on both members and applicants, regardless of activity.

Displaying All Nations

Total Nations: 10