Cult of Canyon |
Let the camels flow.
![]() Cult of Canyon (COC) is a raiding alliance dedicated to spreading the word of our lord and savior, Canyon. We generously provide military experience to blaspheming pixelhuggers in the search for profit. Need we say more? Praise Canyon and all for which He stands. To apply, join Cult of Canyon's Discord, go to #applications, and click the Apply button. You may yet be saved, regardless of background: noob, pixel farmer, or experienced raider.
Canyon - Our Most Holy and Only True God NotSad - Sacred Troll
Just remember that if you would like peace, you aren't getting it without a fair and just tribute to our lord and savior Canyon. We reserve the right to counter for any member or applicant, regardless of perceived activity.
Delivered by the magnificent Canyon himself and censored appropriately
A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.
Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.
Alliance Name | Date | Members | Color | Average Score | Score | Status |
This alliance has an alliance-member only market. |