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Metamorphosis is a nation led by Kaf Kafka on the continent of Asia. Metamorphosis's government is a Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Metamorphosis favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Metamorphosis is the Euro. At 69 days old, Metamorphosis is an established nation. Metamorphosis has a population of 3,271,528 and a land area of 28,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 115.19. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

Gregor Samsa, ein Mann, der hart arbeitet, einen Job den er hasst, um seine Familie zu unterstützen, wacht eines Morgens im Körper eines riesigen Ungeziefers auf. Die Veränderung ist überraschend für Gregor, aber weniger beunruhigend als die Unmöglichkeit, für seine Familie zu sorgen. Er kämpft kurz mit seiner Physiologie, aber kämpft auf vielen weiteren Seiten mit seiner Menschlichkeit und darum, die Fetzen davon zu bewahren, die noch übrig sind.

Im Verlauf des Romans erkundet Kafka Themen wie Menschlichkeit, Entfremdung, Familie und Verantwortung. Er geht darauf ein, was es bedeutet, menschlich zu sein, als menschlich wahrgenommen zu werden und dann durch kein eigenes Verschulden diese Wahrnehmungen genommen zu bekommen.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Metamorphosis
Leader Name: Kafka
Nation ID: 611224
Founded: 04/08/2024 (69 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 4 hours ago
Discord Username:1q84_
Unique ID: 4a1b20d5dd173d4bfa761119c
International Relations
Alliance: The Remnant Alliance Flag
Imperial Raider
Alliance Seniority:69 days
Color Trade Bloc: BBC-BigBlueCrows(Aqua)
Commendations: 7
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 1,362
Population: 3,271,528
Infrastructure: 27,000.00
Land Area: 28,400 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 115.19 people/sq. mi
GDP: $4,368,765,025.00
GDP per Capita: $1,335.39
GNI: $3,001,791,025.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Euro
Government Type: Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Shinto sect Omoto-kyo cult Shinto sect Omoto-kyo cult
National Animal: National Animal ImageSheep
Approval Rating: 100% (140.12)
Pollution Index: 932 points
Radiation Index: 465.72 R (Global: 568.39 R)
Nation Rank: #2,891 of 13,056 Nations (22.14%)
Nation Score: More Information 2,744.06
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 15,742.30
Infrastructure Lost: 2,328.00
Money Looted: $206,625,140.77
Wars Won: 51
Wars Lost: 1

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

16 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
06/15 01:49 am - metamorphosis founded a new city, 05 Fattoria Poggio di Sotto Brunello di Montalcino.
06/14 12:13 pm - metamorphosis declared war on Emirose for the reason of "inactive dm for peace ".
06/12 09:26 am - metamorphosis declared war on Union of Orion for the reason of "inactive dm for peace".
06/10 09:37 pm - Kafka built a new project: International Trade Center
06/08 09:35 am - metamorphosis declared war on Mongolia for the reason of "Luke... I am your father.".
06/08 09:34 am - metamorphosis declared war on Tundong for the reason of "Hasta la vista, baby!".
06/05 04:13 am - metamorphosis had war declared by 7th Cavalry for the reason of "Hasta la vista, baby!".
06/02 12:14 pm - metamorphosis declared war on Aurarca for the reason of "inactive, dm for peace".
06/02 12:14 pm - metamorphosis declared war on Collywobbles for the reason of "inactive riad dm for peace".
06/01 11:05 am - metamorphosis founded a new city, Domaine du Pegau 2000.
06/01 10:59 am - metamorphosis declared war on Anna for the reason of "hi inactive raid dm for peace".
05/31 12:09 pm - Kafka built a new project: Center for Civil Engineering
05/29 03:45 am - Potato God of United Potato has publicly commended the nation of metamorphosis.
05/28 09:05 pm - metamorphosis declared war on New Pacific Order for the reason of "inactive raid dm for pece".
05/28 09:04 pm - metamorphosis declared war on Notiskuan for the reason of "inactive raid dm for pece".
05/25 01:20 pm - metamorphosis declared war on Collywobbles for the reason of "hiiiii".
05/24 10:21 pm - metamorphosis has publicly commended the nation of United Potato led by Potato God.
05/24 09:45 pm - Potato God of United Potato has publicly denounced the nation of metamorphosis.
05/24 12:44 am - metamorphosis has publicly commended the nation of Hirogladen led by Hiroglider.
05/24 12:25 am - metamorphosis declared war on Lebron James for the reason of "hi inactive raid".
05/24 12:25 am - metamorphosis declared war on Lenver Empire for the reason of "hi inactive raid ".
05/24 12:24 am - metamorphosis declared war on Hirogladen for the reason of "Arrgh!".
05/21 03:55 am - metamorphosis has publicly commended the nation of the masterminds federation led by Bravo1.
05/21 03:44 am - metamorphosis has publicly commended the nation of Faze led by Efferus pryor.
05/21 01:26 am - Efferus pryor of Faze has publicly commended the nation of metamorphosis.
05/20 10:41 am - metamorphosis founded a new city, 1Q84.
05/20 10:10 am - metamorphosis declared war on the masterminds federation for the reason of "meow :3".
05/20 10:10 am - metamorphosis declared war on Syndication of Fraktal for the reason of "meow :3".
05/20 10:10 am - metamorphosis declared war on Aurorian States of Jason for the reason of "meow :3".
05/20 10:09 am - metamorphosis declared war on Valere country for the reason of "meow :3".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
5 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
International Trade Center
International Trade Center is a national project that allows your maximum commerce rate in cities to reach 115%.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.