View Alliance
The Remnant




Greetings, both new and old players to our alliance page. If you're curious about The Remnant or what our alliance has to offer, please continue reading. We are all about loyalty and having a great time. You have the freedom to do anything you want to improve the way you play and to have fun. The Remnant conducts raid wars against alliances be prepared to fight at anytime, we are a raiding alliance and would prefer that you be a raider. However, if you would rather farm, that is ok too. Just don't cry when you get attacked. You've been warned: if you're a man enough, come have some fun. If not, join the others as they just sit and farm. 

Family, Money, and Pride 
These three words— family, Money, and pride — are the foundation upon which we are built. One For all and all for one that is family and for money If we want money, we'll take it. We're raiders who steal and plunder from others; there's no shame in being an outsider and not wanting to be simply another farmer.

We provide all of our members with a completely offshored safekeeping system that is available around-the-clock. 

Raiding: All of our member are free to raid the nations of their choice. If you want a our member to stop raiding you or your alliance, negotiate with said member directly.
Warning: To applicants We fight without care and for pleasure and profit, Win or lose we will have a great time doing it, so stay away if you are afraid of war and love your pixels. 


If after reading our description you decide to join this cool alliance, you can follow these 3 simple steps to join!

1, Leave your current alliance if your in one and press the join now button under these 3 steps.

2, join the discord

3, open an application ticket in the discord in #apply-here [if joining with discord], otherwise PM  Kai Atreides that you want to apply, or use the handy "apply in game" button, then type in the big empty section that you wish to join.



 We reserve the right to counter for any and all of our members and applicants regardless of inactivity by going to war with any Remnant nation you wish your own nation being zeroed by our counters.

3f952630fd245eb3fb0ad0add519d992265adb1bx912.pngImperial Command
The Last Emperor Kai Atreides
Head of the Imperial Council 

Chief of staff: Vacant

The Imperial Council
 Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gerthen
Minister of Economic Affairs: Vacant
Lord Commander: Faze
Minister of Interior:  Has El-Khan 
Minister of Education:

Imperial Field Command
Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff: Vacant
Ministry of Economic Affairs staff: Vacant
 Assault Leader: 
Minister of Internal Security: Vacant
Ministry of Education Staff: Vacant

Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Remnant (TKS)
♚/ The Last Emperor: L_Kazami
⚙️/ Minister of Interior: Has El-Khan
📞/ Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gerthen
⚔️/ Assault Group Leader: Efferus pryor
Founded: 03/24/2024 (124 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Aqua Antarctica
Members: 19
Alliance Rank: #66 of 522 (12.64%)
Score: 39,175.98
Avg Score: 2,061.89
Discord Server: Click Here
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 3 (13.64%)
Beige Nations: 1 (5.26%)
Gray Nations: 2 (10.53%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 232
Total Infrastructure: 385,668.17
Total Land: 466,944.64
Total Population: 45,326,029
Total GDP: $47,932,060,870
Total Soldiers: 2,678,099
Total Tanks: 157,443
Total Aircraft: 12,191
Total Ships: 1,642
Total Spies: 560
Total Missiles: 75
Total Nuclear Weapons: 17
Wars Won: 1,141
Wars Lost: 176
Alex Kizer1,311.28
Maximus Valerion909.73
John Baker309.58
george of orange653.33
Glorious leadr sammi482.01
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text
NAP Raccoon AsylumN/A
ODoAP SamuraiN/A
Protectorate CamelotLink