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Republica De Guarany

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Democratica Republica De Guarany is a nation led by Presidente Raimundo Lecaros on the continent of South America. Democratica Republica De Guarany's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Democratica Republica De Guarany favors moderate policies. The official currency of Democratica Republica De Guarany is the Peso Guaraniense. At 2,523 days old, Democratica Republica De Guarany is an ancient nation. Democratica Republica De Guarany has a population of 1,974,113 and a land area of 21,112.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 93.51. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Revisa más información en el Factbook / More information in the Factbook. 

Regla de oro: Cada país que ataque a República Democrática De Guarany estarán infringiendo la ley de los derechos de paz del país, eso como concecuencia se aplica una denuncia por parte del gobierno guaraniense, entrarán automáticamente en una condena obligatoria de 90 días, en ese período en el que no serán bienvenidos al país, no podrán pedirle nada a este gobernante, si el mismo país vuelve a atacar se le renovarán automáticamente los 90 días alargando la condena obligatoria, los países que están con la condena obligatoria se registran en la actividad de la nación.

Golden rule: Each country that attacks the Democratic Republic of Guarany will be violating the law of the rights of peace of the country, which as a consequence a complaint is applied by the Guarany government, they will automatically enter into a mandatory sentence of 90 days, in which period in which they will not be welcome to the country, they will not be able to ask this ruler for anything, if the same country attacks again the 90 days will be automatically renewed, lengthening the mandatory sentence, the countries that are with the mandatory sentence register in the activity of the nation.

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