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Kingdom of Germania

Kingdom of Germania is a nation led by Kaiser V3rplant on the continent of Europe. Kingdom of Germania's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Germania favors right wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Germania is the Gold Standard. At 8 days old, Kingdom of Germania is a new nation. Kingdom of Germania has a population of 501,693 and a land area of 5,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 91.22. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 72.6775%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/18/2025 12:12 am Kingdom of GermaniaWarlords of ValorKingdom of Germania$792,715.00134.0061.0036.0027.0016.0042.0027.
2)03/17/2025 12:12 am European Economic and military union BankKingdom of GermaniaClark$450.
3)03/17/2025 12:12 am ClarkKingdom of GermaniaClark$1,576,149.000.0081.000.000.00134.00514.
4)03/17/2025 12:11 am MirozakiaKingdom of GermaniaMirozakia$4,323,543.000.000.0043.0030.000.0054.000.00124.0011.0068.0040.00
5)03/17/2025 12:10 am Coral Sea IslandsKingdom of GermaniaCoral Sea Islands$368,374.000.000.00471.000.00262.000.00511.
6)03/16/2025 10:04 pm Yakuza Alliance BankKingdom of GermaniaSake$0.000.0023.0030.00179.0027.0035.0034.
7)03/16/2025 10:04 pm SakeKingdom of GermaniaSake$839,
8)03/16/2025 10:03 pm southamptonKingdom of Germaniasouthampton$0.000.001,
9)03/15/2025 01:07 pm Kingdom of GermaniaVengeful BankKingdom of Germania$1,000,
10)03/15/2025 11:06 am Kingdom of GermaniaVengeful BankKingdom of Germania$2,000,000.000.00200.
11)03/14/2025 09:52 pm Kingdom of GermaniaVengeful BankKingdom of Germania$1,500,000.003,
12)03/14/2025 09:26 pm The Freedom Arc BankKingdom of GermaniaThe Kingdom of Watersect$16,481.
13)03/14/2025 09:26 pm The Kingdom of WatersectKingdom of GermaniaThe Kingdom of Watersect$160,597.
14)03/14/2025 09:25 pm The Republic of Libertas BankKingdom of GermaniaChurro$
15)03/14/2025 09:25 pm ChurroKingdom of GermaniaChurro$1,473,931.001,354.000.00133.

Showing 0-15 of 29 Records