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New State of Singapore

Achievement Showcase


New State of Singapore is a nation led by Grand Empress Mila Hohenzollern on the continent of Asia. New State of Singapore's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, New State of Singapore favors far left wing policies. The official currency of New State of Singapore is the MiliGold. At 5 days old, New State of Singapore is a new nation. New State of Singapore has a population of 493,820 and a land area of 4,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 109.74. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 82.9122%.

Current Leaders

Grand Empress - Mila Otto Hohenzollern

State Operator - J.U.D.I.

Grand Governer - Johann Smidth

CEO of Natural Atomics - Melati Salma Nirmalamad

CEO of Red Sun Energy - Ling Zhou Haroen

CEO of New Metal Works - Annelise Dagobellern

For further information refer to factbook (unfinished)

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: New State of Singapore
Leader Name: Mila Hohenzollern
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Current Leaders

Grand Empress - Mila Hohenzollern (born. 17.7.1863 - lost. 19.9.1896 - found. 4.2.2195) - daughter of Grand Emperor Wilhelm Otto III. Before dissaperance, she was princess with destined throne of Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Guangzhou. During XI-th coalition against German Imperial Federation she was mostly locked in these area due to naval blockade of indian ocean. During this time she disapeared in unknown circumstances. After XIII-th coalition Germany was destroyed in year 1927. She was officialy dead, but in year 2195 she was found again in New State of Singapore, the technocratic regency, one of many remnants of german hegemony in the past. With help of current leader, main country operating A.I. and two dominating companies she got back her destined city. Currently working towards manifesting destinity on south-east Asia.

State Operator - J.U.D.I. (created. 9.11.2072) - remnant of Chinese Workers State. Was created as A.I. for making logistics in country more efficient. Has three developed personalities. First one is friendly A.I. that works towards improving life in the city. Second is cold efficient A.I. that works towards making all of country logistics work as efficient as possible without damaging itself. Third one is mad A.I. that is fiscated towards making everything more efficient to extend where it damages its own procesing units to work at highest rate. Lost its purpose after violent civil war lead by itself when it calculated that more efficient would be running country by itself.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 7,242.03 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 493,820 people
Demonym Plural:
Ethnic Groups: - 0.0%
Languages: - 0.0%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 0 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Average Yearly Income: $131.92
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $783,951,161.00
GDP per Capita: $1,587.52
Gross National Income (GNI): $402,481,120.00
Soldiers: 44,860
Tanks: 3,295
Aircraft: 217
Ships: 37
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 03/12/2025 05:33 pm