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Restoration Front of Uruguargentina is a nation led by Presidente Gutierrez Santos on the continent of South America. Restoration Front of Uruguargentina's government is a Federal Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Restoration Front of Uruguargentina favors right wing policies. The official currency of Restoration Front of Uruguargentina is the Philippine Peso. At 4 days old, Restoration Front of Uruguargentina is a new nation. Restoration Front of Uruguargentina has a population of 390,319 and a land area of 5,220.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 74.77. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 68.9370%.


The Uruguargentinian Restoration Front, or simply, Urguargentina. Is a country located in the Rio de la Plata Region. It's government is an authoritarian leaning government, this is because the government considers that they're on desesperated times and some exceptions are needed. The current president is "Gutiérrez Santos", a 53 year old Uruguayan man.


Official Uruguargentinian Flag


The Country is a Federal Republic (De Jure) (Semi-dictatorial Federal Republic de facto). The head of government is called "Presidente" (President). Every 6 years, there's a general election in which different parties compete to get the most votes, the party that gets more than 50% of the votes wins.


Uruguargentina is divided into 7 provinces: Metropolitania, Costaneira, Paso de la Arena, Canelones Interior, Canelones Exterior, San José Norte and San José Sur. There's no municipalities in this country.

Each of this provinces has it's own degree of Autonomy and self governance. All the provinces have the rights to have their own laws, norms, law enforcement, etc. But they have to protect all the citizens at all costs.

Metropolitania, where the capital, Montevideo, is located, is the main province (Thia doesn't mean it has all power it just is the house of the government and main administration organizations)


Subdivision map of Uruguargentina


Uruguargentina has it's Roots in the Federal League (Liga Federal) around the the year of 1816. In this year, Jose Gervasio Artigas, who was a Federalist and leader of the Federal League, saw how Buenos Aires was trying to oppress all the other provinces to centralize everything around the city by removing their autonomy. Some provinces inside Argentina were starting to get very pissed off with this. Seeing this opportunity, Artigas decided to alliance with the Empire of Brazil, that was an enemy of the Argentinians, in exchange for that, they would get the province of Corrientes. So an Uruguayan-Brazilian invasion of Argentina started in 1817, this war is known as "La Guerra del Buenos Aires" (The Porteño War) or "La Guerra Federal" (The Federal War). Between 1818 and 1825 the war raged and it was a bloody and violent war. The Uruguayan-Brazilian alliance won in the end ending in s total annexation of Argentina by the Federal League. Some years later, in 1830, a constituon was signed by Artigas and other superiors of the League. There after the country shall be considered a Federal Republic where every province has it's rights and self governance. A new name was stablished (that being Uruguargentina) and a new flag was raised, the new country was formed. There was a series of revolutions in 1833, 1836 and 1843 in the Argentinian part of the Federation, but in the end they failed and gradually Argentina was semi-assimilated. Around the year of 1860, at the age of 96, Artigas would die. This would create a HUGE wave of revolutions causing "La Primera Gran Disolución" (The First Great Dissolution), Uruguargentina fell into chaos as each province declared independence, Only the original territory of the Federal League remained as the territory that the government had control of. A kind of ""Warlord"" era began between 1860 and 1897. After a series of wars and annexations Uruguargentina was reunified and reestablished by the central government. While the Warlord era was happening Chile took the opportunity and colonized the entirety of the Patagonia as it was almost "free land". After this Warlord period, an era known as "La Gran Depression Platina" (The Great Platinean Depression) began, spanning a total of 40 years till 1937 at the very end of the Great Depression. The inflation ramped up incredibly fast, a Peso was valued around 0.00000000065 dollars. The prices doubled every couple of weeks. In 1937 some reforms were passed in where the currency was replaced by a new currency called "New Uruguargentinan Peso". This solved the economic problem and prevented another collapse. During WW2 Uruguargentina received a lot of German, Italian, Croatian and specially Romanian immigrants. Around 256.000 people of these nationalities were received. In a period of 36 years (1945-1981) there were around 6 dictatorships each one ending with a coup d'etat. After that during the end of the 20th century the economy ramped up, Uruguargentina became a regional power Politically and militarily. Then the 2003 crisis hit, followed by the 2020s COVID pandemic. 30 years later in 2050 WW3 started. This world war ended with a HEAVY nuclear exchange resulting in the wiping of almost all of the northern hemisphere. Uruguargentina fell into the "La Segunda Gran Disolución" (The 2nd Great Dissolution), the provinces and even central government fell into total anarchy. Everyone went down into bunkers and waited the desesperating period of 59 years for the radiation to cease. The year 2109, the people's of Montevideo (the capital of the defunct federation) emerged. Then the current "Frente de Restauración Uruguargentino" (Uruguargentinanian Restoration Front) was founded, with the objective of reuniting the federation in the greatest way ever seen. This front has adopted heavy social policies leaning to a right/authoritarian government.


Basic Information
Nation Name: Uruguargentina
Leader Name: Gutierrez Santos
Nation ID: 677304
Founded: 03/08/2025 (4 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 2 hours ago
Unique ID: 866f6ac4fef263203b88584b9
International Relations
Alliance: None
Color Trade Bloc: Bigger Blacker Knight
Commendations: 2
Denouncements: 1
Nation Page Visits: 192
Population: 390,319
Infrastructure: 4,356.20
Land Area: 5,220 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 74.77 people/sq. mi
GDP: $502,690,241.00
GDP per Capita: $1,287.89
GNI: $290,443,640.00
Economic Policies: Right
Currency: Currency Image Philippine Peso
Government Type: Federal Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Authoritarian
State Religion: Nukism Nukism
National Animal: National Animal ImageDog
Approval Rating: 69% (68.94)
Pollution Index: 366 points
Radiation Index: 100.57 R (Global: 194.58 R)
OBL Team: Uruguargentina Dogs
Nation Rank: #5,342 of 11,492 Nations (46.48%)
Nation Score: More Information 475.26
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 94.63
Infrastructure Lost: 14.00
Money Looted: $6,011,719.74
Wars Won: 2
Wars Lost: 0

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

4 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/13 09:58 am - Uruguargentina has publicly denounced the nation of UwU Empire led by OwO.
03/13 06:12 am - OwO of UwU Empire has publicly denounced the nation of Uruguargentina.
03/11 10:43 pm - Uruguargentina has publicly commended the nation of INPERIO ARGENTINA led by Mk1.
03/11 09:27 pm - Uruguargentina placed an embargo on National Sovereign Union.
03/11 08:05 pm - Uruguargentina declared war on Holland- for the reason of "Your leader's fashion sense is an international crisis".
03/11 07:38 pm - Uruguargentina has publicly denounced the nation of National Sovereign Union led by The Commissioner.
03/11 06:42 pm - Uruguargentina had war declared by National Sovereign Union for the reason of "By order of The 2nd Commissioner, prepare for extermination!".
03/11 02:54 pm - Uruguargentina declared war on INPERIO ARGENTINA for the reason of "Mate is Uruguayan".
03/11 01:30 pm - Uruguargentina founded a new city, San José de Mayo.
03/10 12:20 am - Uruguargentina founded a new city, Canelones.
03/10 12:18 am - Uruguargentina left the alliance Movimento Referencista.
03/10 12:14 am - Uruguargentina has publicly commended the nation of Palm Islands led by Jay Stephenson.
03/10 12:13 am - Uruguargentina has publicly denounced the nation of Palm Islands led by Jay Stephenson.
03/10 12:12 am - Gutierrez Santos built a new project: Activity Center
03/09 09:28 pm - Uruguargentina applied to join the alliance Movimento Referencista.
03/09 06:14 pm - Marlboro man of Rebel states has publicly commended the nation of Uruguargentina.
03/09 03:11 am - Uruguargentina has publicly commended the nation of Palm Islands led by Jay Stephenson.
03/09 03:09 am - Uruguargentina declared war on Palm Islands for the reason of "One of your citizens gave me a bad look".
03/09 01:57 am - Sith Emperor of Hoth Empire has publicly commended the nation of Uruguargentina.
03/09 01:04 am - Uruguargentina changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Black.
03/09 12:37 am - Uruguargentina founded a new city, Ciudad de la Costa.
03/09 12:33 am - Uruguargentina declared war on Obsidian Empire for the reason of "A citizen of your country touched a grass that was on my territory ".
03/08 11:22 pm - Uruguargentinian Republic has changed its nation name to Uruguargentina.
03/08 11:05 pm - Uruguargentinian Republic was created!

Peace has arrived !

Dawn of the "Ministerio de Comunicación Publica"

(Ministry of Public Communication)

Uruguargentina at war!

National Sovereign Union has declared war on the Federal Republic

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1 National Project
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.