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Republic of Aurlandia

Republic of Aurlandia is a nation led by General Secretary Nate Clarke on the continent of North America. Republic of Aurlandia's government is a Communist Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, Republic of Aurlandia favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Aurlandia is the Dollar. At 39 days old, Republic of Aurlandia is an established nation. Republic of Aurlandia has a population of 372,377 and a land area of 3,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 99.30. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)03/15/2025 03:32 pm ReolandRepublic of AurlandiaReoland$4,065,870.000.0028.
2)03/15/2025 03:32 pm Republic of NovaRepublic of AurlandiaRepublic of Nova$2,671,181.000.0093.001.0094.000.0090.
3)03/14/2025 12:26 am Greater GuamRepublic of AurlandiaGreater Guam$4,277,
4)03/14/2025 12:25 am SagevioaRepublic of AurlandiaSagevioa$3,981,867.000.00120.001.000.00331.
5)03/14/2025 12:25 am Central Appilachian BeltRepublic of AurlandiaCentral Appilachian Belt$2,588,
6)03/12/2025 12:55 am Republic of AurlandiaMost Polite NationRepublic of Aurlandia$1,588,593.001,165.00430.00320.0075.0045.00449.00225.00254.00241.00140.000.00
7)03/10/2025 12:18 am Republic of AurlandiaUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics BankRepublic of Aurlandia$25,000,
8)03/10/2025 12:16 am League of Asian NationsRepublic of AurlandiaLeague of Asian Nations$3,569,346.
9)03/10/2025 12:16 am Reino de HisRepublic of AurlandiaReino de His$2,878,342.000.0018.0019.000.0015.00112.000.0016.0015.0035.008.00
10)03/10/2025 12:15 am British Hong KongRepublic of AurlandiaBritish Hong Kong$8,624,340.000.00158.0046.0082.004.00106.000.00219.00142.00234.00107.00
11)03/10/2025 12:14 am TandamRepublic of AurlandiaTandam$2,891,515.000.000.00162.000.000.0087.
12)03/09/2025 01:23 am Republic of AurlandiaUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics BankRepublic of Aurlandia$10,000,
13)03/09/2025 01:18 am EisenlandtRepublic of AurlandiaEisenlandt$3,811,347.00183.0052.0015.006.0021.0021.000.0012.0012.0095.0027.00
14)03/08/2025 01:08 am Republic of AurlandiaUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics BankRepublic of Aurlandia$4,500,
15)03/08/2025 01:04 am Republic of AurlandiaUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics BankRepublic of Aurlandia$40,000,

Showing 0-15 of 42 Records