Kingdom of Cambodia is a nation led by King Norodom Sihanouk on the continent of Asia. Kingdom of Cambodia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Cambodia favors moderate policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Cambodia is the Riel. At 60 days old, Kingdom of Cambodia is an established nation. Kingdom of Cambodia has a population of 2,140,185 and a land area of 19,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 112.64. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 60.8851%.
Royal Cambodian Armed Forces:
Total Personnel: 135,000 troops
Ground forces: 55,000 troops
Air force: 15,000 troops
Para-military: 25,000 troops
naval marines: 15,000 crews
navy forces: 15,000 crews
Special Forces (KSF): 10,000 crews
Khmer Intelligence Agency (KIA): N/A
Vehicle total: 10,000
Main Battle Tanks (K3 hanuman): 2,800
Armored Vehicle: 3,543
MRAP: 1,387
Towed Artillery: 950
Multiple Rocker Launchers (MLRS): 1,320
Planes: 680
Attack Aircraft (FC-36 Hawkeye): 150
Transport Aircraft: 68
Air superiority: 145
Drones: 100
Tankers: 50
Helicopters: 134
Attack Helicopter(Eurocopter Tiger): 70
Transport Helicopter (Mi-26): 24
Utility Helicopter: 14
Naval Helicopter (NH-90): 25
Special mission Aircraft: 34
Bombers (FC-2 Golden Dragon): 30
Navy Ships Total: 120
Destroyers: 20
Cruiser: 20
Aircraft Carrier: 5
Heli Carrier: 6
Coast Guard (Khmer Coast Guard): 28
Corvette: 13
Frigate: 14
Submarine: 24
Submarine (diesel): 4
Submarine (ballastic): 4
Attacked Submarine (nuclear powered): 9
Submarine Launch Ballastic Missile (nuclear Powered): 4
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